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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. I played SimCity 2000 a few times. Only for the disasters, though. MAN was it awesome to unleash an alien on a really big city. And just like Vinnie, I cheated like a mofo at it just to get satisfaction (mostly because I didn't understand how to actually play the game). Regardless, this took me back and I decided to go listen to the source tunes again. Wonderful trip down memory lane there.

    I have to echo the TOO SHORT criticism. You really could have gone on for at least another minute or two with what you had without overstaying your welcome, because the groove you mustered up with this makes me salivate for more. The guitar and bass riffs are so tasty, shaft-style. Love the stereo you used on the guitar hard-panning. You processed them very very well, just like the rest of the mix. Nice use of percussion too. This is one of those mixes that keeps my attention just because of how it is layered.

    Kickass song, dudes. Keep it up, I can't wait to hear more.

  2. The arrangement sounds like a less-goofy Danny Elfman, and I'm DIGGING IT LIKE CRAZY. I've listened to the original source quite a few times since Rob Hubbard is one of the main highlights of having a C64 music player on the iPhone, and this does wonders to represent a different imagination of it. I can still feel the pressure that the original source tune evoked. The sounds you used are absolutely top notch, and while the mix is a bit repetitive at one point or another, so is the source, so you kinda stayed true to the feeling of it. Lopping this on my "Best of - Orchestral" playlist.

  3. I shower regularly I'll have you know, and my face fuzz doesn't trap the stink of Potato Bread and Kosher Salt like your's does.

    1) It's 12-Grain Bread.

    B) It's Sea Salt.

    III) Just because you shower doesn't mean you don't smell like poo. Oh sweet candy canes, if that were true, we'd have 50% less con funk from the get-go.

    Oh, and just cause I'm spiteful, here's:

    Episode 27: Double Decker Shortbus

    Also, uploading fixed Episode 26. Link and RSS will remain the same, so if you want the fixed version just try redownloading in 30 minutes or so (iTunes will update accordingly)

  4. Guys, I think the reading of My Immortal is getting stale. We get the joke, she sucks at spelling. I can't even get through this latest podcast. It's just too much. Can't you go back to the good ol' days where you guys would throw fukung images back and forth at each other?

    You'll be happy to know the next OCAD has ZERO MY IMMORTAL READING. Unfortunately it also has zero fukung images. We probably can't do any more images until our regular site is up and running, but the My Immortal final chapters are outside the podcast proper through the end.

    Episode 27 should be up tonight, I'm hoping.

  5. Oh hey, I just noticed this! My bad for taking a week to see this and respond. If you have any questions about OCAD stuff in the future, please post them in our OCAD thread, located here:


    Anyways, for the OCAD Special Chapters 1-16 we basically used the entire Chrono Symphonic project as the backing tracks, with one or two other mixes in at the end because the project didn't stretch as long as the audio did. The project was played in-order, and you can get all the tracks from the project site (which has torrents and direct downloads):


    When we get all the My Immortal chapters done (they've been sprinkled through specials, regular OCAD episodes, and Nerdy Show), there will be a massive re-edit of all the chapters together. I'm thinking we'll use an all OC ReMix backing track for that, from various projects and regular posted mixes. There will be even more musical awesomeness in that version.

    Thanks for listening!

  6. I owe Gario for all the feedback and critiquing he's done for me in the WIP forums. He's one of the people who's helped me grow to where I am today. If it were a lesser man, I would pass this up. But...it's Gario. Plus, this is an easy jam-out, probably. WE WILL BE QUITE EVEN AFTER THIS, GARIO! :nicework: I shall look into this this weekend, inbetween every single OTHER WIP I have in my bag.

  7. I couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic group of people. And I'm definitely glad it didn't end up being a one-man project like I'd intended over two years ago. :tomatoface:

    Thanks, guys.

    And for you people waiting for the release...it's going to be the BEST MUSIC YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Name anything from Beethoven to the Beatles. They do not compare. This album will prevent suicides. This album will cure cancer. This album will do some other things I'm not at liberty to discuss.


    ...but I want it...NOW! And talk to OCAD about a listening party if that's the kinda kink you're looking for. We do have a registered room in ETG :wink:

  8. Alright people! Here's all what's been going down:

    * Our website is still down, but the following temporary site has been created to host direct links to episodes until the full site is back up. Sorry, no show notes on the temp site, but at least it's an alternative to people having to scan this thread and/or subscribe to iTunes.


    iTunes will still be updated as new shows come out. Speaking of...

    * Episode 26 will PROBABLY be out tonight. Due to major delays and technical difficulties, it has taken quite a while to edit. A good chunk of stuff was missing so lots of small and large edits all over had to take place. Hopefully, it will be worth it. DrumUltimA was the guest for that episode.

    * Episode 27 will be coming out shortly as well. Featuring a reappearance by Fishy as "payment" for inspiring the idea for the My Immortal readings, as well as the first appearance of Darkesword. If you want to retain any notion that Darkesword is a brooding, mean, bastard of a man who bans little people for fun, you probably shouldn't listen: his voice takes nearly all of his malice away. So much fun though.

    * SGC isn't far away, and we are getting all our wonderful ideas in order. We may be sharing the panel with both djpretzel and Liontamer, though as to who will be coming we are not sure yet. If they do come, the panel is going to switch to being much more OCR-related.

    Brushfire: can you update the OP with our temporary site link please? and Fishy, can you please send me your side of Episode 27's audio so I can start working on it? Thanks!

  9. My hotel is booked Sunday through Wednesday (I check out Wednesday). I'm about to book my flights. Needless to say, this is my ideal way to celebrate my (early) 25th birthday. I'm so excited to see everyone who's heading out for this.

    Edit: and there we go. I'm getting to Las Vegas late Friday night, and will meet up with the hotel crew in the afternoon on Sunday!

  10. Song posted on project forums. I thought you'd be in IRC stevo, but you never turned up, so I posted awfully late.

    I saw you posted it, I will be checking it shortly. Sorry, been quite occupied this week!

    Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Did I pass?

    Catch me on AIM and we'll talk. Short answer is: you probably passed.


    How close is this project to done? Almost all of the songs are WIP'd but it's not that specific on how far along the WIPs are.. Are there a lot of very substantial ones? December 1st... It would be nice if this could come out before the end of winter. :-)

    Some are quite far along, some need substantial work, and there are a few are "special cases" due to the people and factors involved. However, there is no way this is coming out before next Summer. By design, the songs are to be finished by December 1st so that the project artists can use the songs as inspiration for the large amount of project art we're trying to get. This is also to compensate for those inevitable project setbacks, however small or big they will be. The release date has been picked for a very special occasion: July 5th, 2011 (read the project info in the OP). That's the 15th anniversary of NiGHTS: Into Dreams game release in Japan, and this is exactly how I want to celebrate that day.

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