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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Spurred by the thread that involved seeing what frequencies one can hear (I couldn't hear anything above 15 kHz), I decided to snoop around and see what some common documentation of decibel exposure correlating to hearing loss existed.



    Maybe I'm not used to looking at this kind of thing so the thresholds are somewhat foreign, but it doesn't sit right with me. Normal conversation at 60 db with no potential hearing loss while stating a busy urban street is at 90 db, which can cause hearing damage at 8 hours exposure? Yes, they may just be examples, but I'd like to get people's input on how they feel common activities (outside of something obvious like full-blast headphones) potentially causing hearing loss.

  2. If you release a Portrait of a Plumber EP, will the team go back, finish the album, and give it a full official release?

    I believe their general sentiment is just to get something out and be done with it. When projects go on for a while, the general idea is to just get it done. I'd highly doubt there'd be any further release from the project after that.

    Whatever comes out, whenever it comes out, I can't wait to hear it, folks.

  3. OA, you should post that picture of your wife with the streaking black eyeshadow with no white foundation.

    I thought I did post the picture of his wife with black eyeliner, no black lipstick, and no white foundation. Hard to confirm cause I can't see my images right now. Regardless, this is one game I encourage everyone to do with their nerdy friends: find bad fanfic and see who can hold up their composure and avoid getting a hangover! (Note: I failed. Miserably. Almost all of us did.)

  4. Can't believe I went through this whole thing...

    So here's the first installment of our reading of My Immortal. This is chapters 1-16, and you can read along if you want to (but I have no idea why you would want to). Chapters 17-21 are read in OCAD 24, which will be coming out next. In the mean-time, please was almost an hour and a half of your life listening to us get drunk to bad fan fiction. Chrono Symphonic was used as 99% of the backing music.

    Read Chapters 1-22 here


  5. Here's where things sit:

    I'm editing the first 16 chapters of our adventures into the fanfic reading/drinking game. The backing music will all be OCReMixes.

    I'm also editing Episode 24, which includes up through chapter 21.

    Episode 25's recording will either be done without me or be postponed past this upcoming weekend as I will not have internet from Thursday through Monday, hopefully getting hooked up Monday afternoon.

    So there will probably be a progressive release of current materials: the 16 chapters being released sometime this week and Episode 24 being released either this coming weekend or early next week.

  6. Everyone be working hard on their stuff, yes? Got a bit less than 3 weeks before WIP2 is due, and then full throttle to final WAVs! WIP2 is expecting significant progress, with clear structure and good production values.

    If you're one of the few who signed up after WIP1 was due, consider this WIP1.5 deadline. You need to get in something by June 1st if you have yet to get anything in.

    I'll be very very very very busy during the next 2-3 weeks so if you need something, send me a message as soon as you can since there will probably be some delay before I get the chance to respond.

    The work we have so far is, for the majority, quite incredible. Looking forward to seeing how things have improved and progressed, and then wrapping this in December.

  7. Yeah, I don't think we'll have enough answers in time to get down to the $20 mark. I agree that we should just say that we'll do ~$24 per person and then however many show up (however many tickets end up being free) will get accounted for at the gate or whatever.

    There's a good chance I'm moving to Arlington, VA, or in the area somewhere

    Hold on. Reverse engines. Full stop.

    You're likely moving WHERE?

  8. This is why I'm glad I caught you this morning, Seb. What you're doing now is living the dream that many musicians have: you're making your own music, while in a band that is touring a gorgeous country. Oh, and you're running your own business, which deserves merit in itself!

    Congratulations on all your current and future successes, and I hope we still get to steal you away for MAGFest in January.


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