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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. I actually had dinner with Brushfire last night to discuss some important things. Besides talking about what a "finger assist" is and why he should stop creepily rubbing his foot on my leg, we discussed how OCAD releases might be rough over the next few weeks. This falls entirely on me because things are getting hectic for the upcoming move, and considering that the editing is my responsibility, that means episodes might not be released EXACTLY weeks apart.

    Hopefully I can finish editing the current podcast tonight, but I also have 270 pages of HOA docs I have to read before Friday :sleepdepriv:

    BUT IT'S OKAY! Because all five of our listeners are awesome.

  2. http://www.amazon.com/Avatar-Two-Disc-Blu-ray-DVD-Combo/product-reviews/B002VPE1B6/ref=cm_cr_pr_link_1?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=0&filterBy=addOneStar

    Looks like the 1-stars are piling up on Amazon right now. Basically divided into three categories of negative reviews: some people are commenting on Fox's attempt to "Triple Dip" on the movie (movie-only release, followed later by special edition with extras, followed then by the 3d release), some people commenting on the apparently-rampant DRM issues (seems like there's a lot of blu-ray players that refuse to play the disc, even with updated firmware), and then a small category of people negatively reviewing the movie.

    According to an article on softpedia, it looks like the DRM issue has boosted the amount of piracy for the movie, similar to how the DRM issues with Spore helped boost that to being one of the most pirated games of that year.

    Edit: Something doesn't sit right with me about a movie-only release that still comes with two discs. So it comes with the blu-ray plus the dvd....so freaking what? Fox was either really sly or REALLY lucky to have bundled a working version of the dvd with a blu-ray that has massive DRM issues. It also seems deceptive to buy any movie that comes on more than one disc that has ABSOLUTELY NO ADDITIONAL FEATURES.

  3. That is indeed a step in the right direction. It's all feasible, there's no difficulties technology-wise. Even so, building and maintaining such an app would be a lot work. Enough work that I couldn't possibly offer to do it for free; the app would have to be priced to recoup the time & money* invested in it. I don't know how the hcs64 folks would feel about that. It may be simpler (even though less user friendly) to have users go the iPhone Explorer route. *shrug* There's a lot to think about.

    *it costs $100/year to host an app on the app store

    Oh, totally understandable. Just tossing ideas around.

  4. Oh I've done more than a bit of iPhone programming. Developing an NSF or other soundchip player wouldn't be difficult, existing player code could be ported - it's more a problem of user experience.

    You illustrate in your earlier post the reason a SIDplayer works out on the iPhone: Because it doesn't sync to your computer, it syncs to a central repository (HVSC) over the web. The C64 scene is very sophisticated with this; there's nothing similar for NSFs/SPCs/etc.

    There's no easy/official way to sync data to the iPhone outside of iTunes, which won't let you sync NSFs. Users would have to leverage something like iPhone Explorer to place their NSFs on their phone.

    In summary: It's doable, but it wouldn't have the cleanest of implementations.

    there's a huge listing of NSFs over at hcs64, completely organized. In fact, that's the site I used to make my own chiptunes-dedicated hard drive. The site probably has more that 150GBs of organized chiptunes formats.

    Example: http://nsf.hcs64.com/

    The root source is vgm.hcs64.com. Obviously, we would need some mirror and not using that actual site (don't want to leech bandwidth), but having something like that online, organized, do you think it could be feasible, analoq? I'm assuming that is a step in the right direction towards the organization the C64 scene has.

    Honestly, if there's any way I can contribute to helping get one out there, since I myself don't know the programming, I'm willing to go for it. I keep looking at how well foobar uses its plugins to support additional sound formats and thinking that'd be an avenue to look at for porting.

  5. Heh, the problem is this, though: we can complain about the lack of support and apps til the cows come home (I can't believe I used that phrase), but unless we're planning on doing any of this coding ourselves, we're still just banking on other people doing it for us. So does anyone know, or know anyone who knows, what they're doing with looking into this kind of coding?

    [waits for nothing but silence]


  6. nsf - definitely fits onto 2gb

    spc - not so sure. I'll check my folder size later tonight. I bought my last mp3 player SPECIFICALLY to play chiptunes with rockbox (Toshiba Gigabeat F40) and it's been great. Wish it supported more filetypes though, but I'm not getting into that issue again. :3 Just thankful for anything that works.

  7. Doesn't work on an iPod touch. The firmware for the iPod touch is a whole different beast so, if anything, Rockbox would have to go the approach of making an app for either a legit or jailbroken iPod touch or iPhone.

    I talked about this some time ago on IRC, considering since there is already a prime example of a chiptunes app that works great, and even has bundled features to get the tunes on there.


    That's a C64 player that has a direct linkup to the High-Voltage archive, and you can download the whole thing as once or just each tune as you play it (iPod touch needs WiFi connection to download, obviously). However, as a concept, this definitely shows that playing those kinds of game music files can and would work. Especially with the increased processing power of the touch over the previous iPod generations, and the fact that jailbroken iPhones already have working emulators for a number of systems, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.

    Here's to hoping someone picks up the challenge cause I'd love it just as much as you would, Biznut.

    The advantages of having the files on there as opposed to the mp3's are worth it, IMO. The filesize is DEFINITELY an advantage, as well as for organizational sake (nsf and other filetypes that store multiple songs in one file). Plus you wouldn't have to worry about degradation of quality from the transfer to mp3.

  8. Hello everyone!

    I'm Leo, from Uruguay, yes URUGUAY.

    I ended up here after reading about OCRemixes in various places.

    I really love VG music, though I'm not any music expert (I'm more into graphic design) I enjoy listening and feeling the music in the games.

    I believe it's not just about the music, but the relation between the music and the game itself, that makes it so memorable and enjoyable.

    Usually my favourite VG OSTs come from SEGA/CAPCOM games. Starting by JSR, trough the NiGHTS, to Gyakuten Saiban.

    So that's about it, hope you liked this little introduction, and I guess you'll see me around praising the remixes I like.

    ...leox? like, from the NiGHTS forums? Did you come over here from there?! Aww, I feel partially responsible, lol. Welcome!!! You're gonna like it here too.

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