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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. HOW is this user not banned from Newgrounds yet? ALL of his plagiarized mtaerial is still there.

    Time to send another PM to that newgrounds admin, then? Or should we go over there en masse and just register and all post our songs so the plagiarism will be much more obvious from now on (on their part)?

  2. 1) don't pretend to be something or someone you're not

    2) don't pretend to be multiple something's or someone's you're not

    3) don't be surprised to be found out if you do either of the above

    So he's claiming he's bLiNd, whilst claiming to have done multiple songs by multiple different artists INCLUDING bLiNd, and that he's the lead programmer of the site (at the wrong address), as well as possibly the lead programmer for some chrono trigger revival/remake/fan game project of some sort?

    He's probably doing it to get chicks. On the internet. :lmassoff:

  3. someone needs to make a collection of all of the remixinator songs.

    Ask the artists to release a .zip of it. Or, alternatively, invent a time machine.

    Props to all involved, I was talking to Amy about this last night. Seems as if Duck Hunt HD and ReMixinator has similar origin times, and for the amount of varied work involved, it shows how much we dedicate ourselves to these stupid jokes :nicework: Plus you've shown me a scary future which is probably going to happen one day, and not be a joke.

    Now, if you'll excuse me.

    Ice Cap + Solo Piano + Max It Out....

    Edit: No need to ask the artists. I totally forgot I spent an hour or so yesterday getting every track, I'm uploading a ZIP later.

  4. Indeed, it is there... which is strange because I know that webpage well and it wasn't there when I checked earlier. ALAS they do not have the track I require :banghead:

    Time to start training your ear to identify the notes without the assistance of MIDI. :nicework:

  5. The best part? In the following weeks, months, and years, you'll see youtube and newgrounds XPLODZ with people who made remixes with the Remixinator. It'll probably crash the internet.

    And then, the calm, peaceful silence of nothingness.


    Are people going to come to this site five years from now and see a bunch of mixes by ukeke3000? That's what this program will do. It opens up the higher parts of the community to the idiot n00b masses. Being a "posted remixer" now means nothing.

    *two thumbs up* Total Glitch Schala Trance Male Vocal mix by Ukeke3000!

  6. Look, here's a preview of a WIP of "datass" from the upcoming DQ Project... I didn't want to release it yet because its full power has not yet been realized... Don't you guys want to see this come to fruitioN!>>>~?~?~?



    Thank you for this. New background FTW! But will I ever get any work done? No, I'll just spend all day staring at the desktop background. Drool-moistened shirts FTL.

  7. Even though I see absolutely no point in doing projects like this, it is nice to see a site that isn't selling their creative soul to a machine like the Remixinator. Kudos to you all for doing this.

    Hopefully DHHDR doesn't end up as another wagglefest on the Wii...wait a minute, I'm having an epiphany: What better way to strangle that lousy dog for laughing every time I missed the ducks?! WII WAGGLE!

  8. Dude, i love it, very creative, but the fade out just seems sloppy to me. :-(

    Those guitars are terrible. They sound like someone used a crappy fender and then just mouse clicked a simple beat into addictive drums or something. Production is all wrong. There's no side-chaining. You didn't remix the low end off of the reverb. It's also completely out of tune and off-time.

    And don't get me STARTED on the fade-out...

    <3 you

  9. Okay, so I've been playing around with the ASS a little bit and I've noticed that no matter what I end up putting into the ASS, I'm just not satisfied by the end of it. It could be from the limited size of input that ASS currently accepts, or maybe that I'm not doing it right. Maxing out the ASS on any configuration results in an overwhelming sense of...blegh.

    I'm calling out the ASS of being less than desirable quality, and will not be touching the ASS again until you fix the issues. Also, please add NiGHTS ASS as soon as possible. Everyone will love NiGHTS ASS. Maybe even Mario ASS, too. Hmm....Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ASS?'

    Edit: I think I just broke the ASS...

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