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Everything posted by BlackDragonSoul

  1. Nightwish - Dead to the World
  2. Soul Calibur V - End Theme Song (The Breeze at Dawn)
  3. listening to the tv NCIS is on
  4. not right spot to post this but not sure where else. what program would ya'll use to make remixes and so on? i am thinking about giving it a shot and either see how bad i will be or so lol
  5. Blackmill - The Drift Foggy - Come...(Into my Dream) Nightwish - Last of the Wilds
  6. Lady Gaga - Just Dance Remix
  7. Will.I.Am - Scream and Shout
  8. Groove Coverage - Moonlight Shadow
  9. Groove Coverage - God is a Girl
  10. DragonForce - Fury of the Storm
  11. Ozzy Osbourne - see you on the other side
  12. i agree with that Ozzy Osbourne - No more tearshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tISi44dox8Y
  13. Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQT33yRtnUI
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