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Everything posted by BlackDragonSoul

  1. Mario bros. on nes was my first one
  2. listening to my brother play Dark Cloud 2
  3. Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead or Alive
  4. listening to the weather channel
  5. yes, i too have been listening to his work of art and surely do miss his work. i love listening to the one with him and pixietricks and i also enjoy his work for Final Fantasy VII - Cosmo Canyon.
  6. i agree with blackpanther. paintballin is a lot of fun. never had to rent a filed cause we already had the gear and stuff so we did it around the house. it was so much fun. never did laser tag but i rather go with paintball
  7. i remember playing this game and always get beaten by my brother but was always fun. and the music to it was awesome all right. be good to hear some mixes from it but i'll wait and see
  8. listening to happy birthday song to me lol
  9. Powerman 5000 - Drop the Bombshell then When Worlds Collide then after that Show Me What You've Got only songs i like of theirs so far
  10. i use to take a lot of black and white photos in school. i did love taken pictures and i hope i can get back into it once i get myself a camera
  11. Bon Jovi - livin' on a prayer after that Powerman 5000 - show me what you've got
  12. underground club music on the tv
  13. listening to my bro playing dynasty warriors strike force
  14. no sir this one is different
  15. still learning gimp...think it going take me a while to get things figured out
  16. been messing around with gimp since i have no internet at home. so here is a sig i made and i have another one i made that i am using as my sig
  17. something on tv... not sure what it is lol
  18. Blackmore's Night - Fires at Midnight, Ocean Gypsy, Shadow of the Moon, The Circle, & Under a Violet Moon
  19. oo ok. that is cool coop. i knew you would be a busy guy so no rush :)

  20. listening to the computer's fan
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