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Everything posted by BlackDragonSoul

  1. i play as a male when i am given a choice. sometimes i will play as a female so i can stare at her ass or boobs
  2. DigiE - Castlevania II - Castle of Tears OverCoat - Cave Story - H20
  3. hmm, the pink/red does look cute. so go with that one :)

  4. bahamut lagoon be good

  5. stuff from newgrounds audio portal
  6. nice i think. kamelot - soul society
  7. Kamelot - The Hunting my little brother playing Chaos Legion
  8. was wondering all mighty coop if you can make me an animated sig. mostly a dragon theme but i give you free range. and your sigs rock

  9. even though i have not beaten the game. i would too like to see remixes done for it. it has a good soundtrack so i agree with you all.
  10. listening to something on tv not sure what it is
  11. listening to my little brother playing Devil Kings
  12. Disturbed - The Game Kamelot - The Haunting Firewind - Breaking the Silence
  13. Kamelot - When the Lights are Down Kamelot - The Haunting
  14. Castlevania II - Castle of Tears by DigiE
  15. Merry Christmas to all
  16. made only one, was doing another one but it was messed up.
  17. happy b-day and gratz to ya
  18. i send my prayers to ya and u be in my thoughts. get better
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