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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. dj redlight - Final Doom 'Quick Fix' OCRemix best remix
  2. I've been trying to figure out forever where the heck all of this info is. care to point me in the right direction?
  3. Okay, that's actually a pretty good way to look at it. I may pick up a DSi for myself if they start making some awesome exclusives for it, but not until then. (I just realized that my PSP is be able to play GBA games while the DSi won't )
  4. I dunno about you guys but I avoid FPSes and RPGes and MMORPGs and Rhythm and RTSes and Action and Adventure and Puzzle games like the plague (did I miss anything)
  5. whoops where did my "needs more steampunk" post go
  6. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_aren.27t_the_ReMixes_categorized_by_genre.2C_i.e._techno.2C_jazz.2C_orchestral.2C_etc..3F
  7. ugh I seriously don't understand why they didn't just make it a DS 2 and be done with it I don't like this "oh let's gradually upgrade our console's hardware for 10 years" bullshit. I only want to buy one damned thing that plays all of the games that are supposed to be for it. I don't want to buy a thing and have them stop supporting the first version because they thought it was a good idea to upgrade the hardware half-way through the system's life span. I'm not even talking about the GBA backward-compat
  8. Bongo Bill totally called it a month and a half ago I haven't bought a DS game since Megaman ZX, but I'm totally going to buy the shit out of this
  9. are you freaking serious we were just talking about how awesome it would be to have a train complete with steampunk in the next Zelda game in remod a few weeks ago
  10. Joe Clausell vs. Nina Simone - Feelin' Good remix you are obligated to watch this
  11. I say just follow the thread as it's going
  12. or go nowhere at all since we're cutting this shit out right now
  13. heh you're not the only one spelling it that way. don't take it hard also I get what you mean, but at least he wasn't a duplicate of Cloud though, right?
  14. Was Zack really so badass in FF7? We only got to see glimpses of him, after all.
  15. how does this make it not a "1.5" version It's mostly the same thing that plays mostly the same games but has some extra stuff
  16. hey fuck you my main computer is being borrowed right now
  17. 30 GB hard drive also since I have the original media I had no qualms about making room
  18. Also I think something to note here is that people probably wouldn't be nearly so pissed if this was a completely new "DS 2" instead of a DS 1.5.2
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