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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. the only thing that comes to mind is this and that's not even close
  2. btw optifine 1.8.1 RC1 is out it uses the old fog engine so yeah
  3. it's not japanese so I'd say it's okay to use the word 'arrangement'
  4. aerodynamic really reminds me of something, but it's definitely not final fantasy and it's driving me crazy
  5. why in the hell would you have different uploads for the same freaking song blocked in different countries idfgi
  6. heh I queued up all of the Final Fantasy music from I to X to see if I could find it, and half-way through III, I've already hit two Swan Lake tracks
  7. lol no see those pumpkins? those are jack-o-lanterns
  8. yes, TWEWY gets my recommendation for best DS game. you don't even need shoulder buttons to beat it!
  9. that's what I read your OP as anyway I just felt like responding one-sidedly to a nine month old post
  10. how many good mashups have you ever heard that literally just mashed two songs together without any kind of editing whatsoever
  11. the great majority of it was I mean she was in 60th place with less than a hundred votes when this thread was made and then rocketed up to #1 in ~12 hours
  12. well really the only thing that kept me from finishing 358/2 was MY DAMNED DSi SHOULDER BUTTONS DYING. AGAIN. FUCK, Nintendo, is it really that hard to make shoulder buttons that last more than 6 months?
  13. Mirby, you might as well put it in your sig at this point, I think also I think I probably ought to finish 358/2 and BBS
  14. that's not trolling that's him hating fallout 1 and 2
  15. I stand corrected I'll aim for over their heads next time
  16. that's because they're completely freaking broken in multi that's not how they're supposed to act
  17. ladies singer? I'm a ladies singer! n.b.: I am not a lady That said, I really like the way this one sounds. I haven't been outright impressed with your previous works, but this is pretty crisp.
  18. nah, I loved it the first time I played it but then I tried playing it again last year and hated it
  19. either that or you have a really capacity for enjoying shitty games (this is me)
  20. if you have a 64 bit os, make sure you install the 64 bit version of java
  21. yeah, you're pretty much completely wrong on that account, swanky
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