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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. on cue get your homophones straight
  2. Yeah, I asked one of you guys on youtube about non-HD LCD screens the other day (I have no idea which one of you runs the channel). I was kinda bullheaded and got one anyway. I probably won't ever play any light-gun games (not my cup of tea, sorry), so light-gun compatibility doesn't concern me. The two criteria I was mostly looking for was minimal lag, and smallest footprint; the reason for wanting minimal lag is obvious, but for the footprint I'm pretty strapped for space and don't have a good place to put even a small CRT. I'm probably pretty lucky with the one that I managed to pick up (it was a Sharp Aquos LC13S1US, specifically): there isn't any easily discernible lag on it, and I couldn't ask for a better footprint; while non-HD streams may never look as sharp on an LCD as a CRT, for 60 bucks, I'd have to say I'm pretty happy with it.
  3. y'all's picky mo'fukkas n.b.: I have never eaten a McRib
  4. if they ever made pet tachikomas I would totally buy one
  5. if there's any game that'll get me to break my cardinal rule of 'no MMOs', it'll be this one
  6. at least if you're not running any bitcoin mining operations
  7. motherfucking Eziooooooo I guess I'm getting this game now
  8. your sig is making me want to replay TWEWY so bad right now

  9. ohok the only version of BASIC I ever learned was PBASIC anyway
  10. I would have written "Goodbye world!" myself but then again that could be taken as suicidal
  11. idk it looks pretty eye-catching to me (pretend that I didn't edit my post and Meteo is being unsarcastic)
  12. how's that if he's not actually asking for anything
  13. has anyone obnoxiously pointed out that the mustang started the "pony car" automobile class yet
  14. no, that's just called skepticism
  15. I still say Shadowolf was a better name
  16. okay, I'll admit to skipping to the end to see if there was anything there
  17. I took all morning to make/optimize this gif just to say that I've been listening to it (the song) all day
  18. lol some games even call 25-year-olds "old"
  19. yeah, definitely go for it, dude
  20. well the most annoying part was that you couldn't just link a youtube since all embeds were automatic
  21. difference in what they thought by the word 'accessible'
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