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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. that might work except halc is supposed to be short for halcyon so it's not much of a pun at all
  2. so would it be appropriate to ask what kinds of good games there are on the wii or should I just attempt to read the entire thread cause other than Muramasa (which is the only wii game that I've seen that I really want) and the requisite Mario and Metroid games I have no idea what's on it and I find it difficult to justify purchasing a console for two or three games don't tell me twilight princess because I have that on 'cube already and I thought it was awful and don't tell me brawl because the chance of me playing any game online is none to non-existent
  3. what that sounds like to me
  4. the philosophy of ocr is that they are all "best of"
  5. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3715 quoth darkesword regarding signatures: so yes, you are well within the limit
  6. trying to play princess crown again since I now know just enough japanese to not completely blunder through the menus
  7. haha I remember someone coming here thinking that was here
  8. youtube playlist with some of the songs: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=B303C9A57F867B3C&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&v=MfSsqxkWoBk SPC link at Zophar's Domain: http://www.zophar.net/music/spc/spanky-s-quest.html
  9. more like OCR: we F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
  10. That was claimed only once and by completely incredible forum poster that I don't know and without any real citation. You would have done better to just make the claim yourself. If Inafune said so himself, that's fine, but I've never seen this quote and hearsay does not count as evidence. Reaverbot eyes are circumstantial evidence at best. All they really prove is that capcom can put references in their games. I need to be up in three hours what the hell am I doing? I don't even personally disbelieve that they're on the same timeline. regarding the elders, I already said I'll take another look at the ingame info
  11. in link 1 I see mega man mega man x mega man zero mega man zx WAH SUDDENLY IT'S THE REIGN OF THE ELDERS who the fuck are the elders and how are they even remotely connected to anything in link 2 I see OMG REAVERBOT EYES IN THE WALL IN MEGAMAN ZERO did I not just finish saying in link 3 I see HOLY SHIT GUYS LET'S ARGUE ABOUT MEGAMAN CONTINUITY notes: I have a feeling most of the knowledge I'm missing is somewhere in X5-8 since I only played part of 5 and nothing afterward because they were terrible. However, I have played all of Zero and ZX and Legends. But I still don't see how anything that existed in X wouldn't have existed in Zero and ZX and suddenly pop up again because nothing's going on I guess I'll try to find info on those (or play them). Also I never did find a copy of misadventures of tron maybe I'll look for a digital copy now. so yeah, not impressed with your links, but I will do my own research
  12. not budging until I see something more than OMG THAT'S A REAVERBOT EYE IN THE WALL IN MEGAMAN ZERO
  13. hey man, Coop's minisonic comics were pretty good
  14. dayum, boy by the way, I'd suggest edit your thread title whenever you post a new video you can do it by double clicking the title when you're viewing the forum
  15. why would you play mgs if you couldn't understand the story ...wait I played Crisis Core in jap without a full understanding of it
  16. tain't no fact, missy perhaps classic through ZX, but there's nothing to substantiate that legends is on the timeline at all
  17. or he could use one of these
  18. except no one will be throwing alienware PCs out of tall buildings
  19. as long as the controller uses the standard usb gamepad drivers I don't see why it wouldn't
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