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Everything posted by norg

  1. i was kinda surprised by it too and it grew on me. figures. (:
  2. well crap. that sucks hardcore. ): sorry about that. i don't think we knew there was a gap when it got split into segments. at some point we'll have to find a way to have an mp3/flac available of the entire thing without gaps.
  3. .... i don't hear the windows ding at 1:42. and i know we didn't put one in there. o.O
  4. conversely, i would pick mackie over most things. at least based on my very successful history using their gear. if i were in a position where i had to choose between both devices, i would look for detailed technical reviews of both to make my decision rather than asking on a forum lacking said technical reviews.
  5. i'd never even heard of the machine until this thread. it sure looks like an amiga style machine although according to some articles there are some definite differences. good find on the track up there! hahaha larry said chicken dinner. now i'm hungry.
  6. it sure sounds like something from the commodore 64 (maybe amiga). sounds very european style to me. i'm sad to say that i don't recognize the music from any of the games i've ever heard. do you remember which system it was played on? might help narrow it down.
  7. coming up with the original outline was a huge challenge. especially since the goal was to create something that would be enjoyable to listen to as opposed to "because we can." well, 39 minutes of it will be available to listen to when the project is released. we decided we're not going to go back to the original plan and finish it. all our plates got insanely full after this. the reasoning was mostly because we were dared to do it. since we don't like to litter, leaving gauntlets on the ground seemed environmentally unfriendly. the original idea was to make a "concept album" style piece out of it. one long piece with movements. the final version is separated into 4 movements for the sake of easier navigation. in a word, no. (longer answer) again, we were kinda challenged to do it. so we created the outline. then we were told we needed to trim it down so we did. what we had at the trimmed down point was something -we- enjoyed listening to. over and over and over again. once it got to that point, it didn't matter anymore. if other people enjoy it, that's fantastic. if they don't, that's ok too. my personal rule in arranging is that it has to be something that i enjoy creating and would listen to. if it doesn't meet those criteria, why bother? and someday i might have to adjust that tone but for now i've been very lucky that at least 2-3 people enjoy it and that's a very tasty icing on the cake. (:
  8. the original outline was 74 minutes. we trimmed it down.
  9. so noted. submitted. (:
  10. i ended up using this music as part of a FFV boss medley from a few years ago in DoD. probably not what you're looking for (and i never got around to submitting it to OCR because i lost all the source files in a crash) but here it is just in case: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/08-06-Boss_vs_Hero/02-norg-Final%20Fantasy%205-Boss%20Key-DoD.mp3
  11. yes. prauge all over your chin. <3
  12. i think it had to do with getting a real good deal on the facility. i'm hoping he doesn't do it two years in a row though... -= george =-
  13. not for the people who stay through and travel back on the 5th. and there are more than you think.
  14. the 1st, 3rd, and 5th are all still during magfest where a great many of us are going to be. can you push it out a weekend into january? or have one day of a second round the following weekend? -= george =-
  15. i did re-read the dates in the first post and i still see them as exactly the same, even after ctrl-f5 refreshing. o.O if you see something different let me know. -= george =-
  16. thanks snappleman for posting this since i couldn't get to the site from where i was at (stupid hospital where i was visiting someone blocks anything related to "games". seriously.) anyway yeah, we're pretty jazzed that the project got completed and we hope everyone who can pick up a copy enjoys it. we're pretty sure there won't be any left after magfest so anyone not going who wants a copy, hook up with someone who is and see if you can make arrangements. if we -do- have any leftover, we'll do some shipping of them. -= george =-
  17. i like how there's still no response to the fact that a ton of people are all going to be at the convention. i might be interested in giving it a shot and i've actually been in a ton of stuff (hi contra iv!) but not if all the auditions are during magfest. -= george =-
  18. yeah, i think that was him. was hanging out with a few other guys and he was from jersey or something..
  19. the oneups were fantastic. i stopped at the booth and purchased volumes 1 and 2 and had them notarized. i met someone outside the concert room before the minibosses in an OCR shirt named Curtis. funtiemz.
  20. norg


    for whatever it's worth, there is absolutely zero animosity between vgmix and ocremix. the only animosity that might exist is between maybe a few people but those people do not represent the whole of either community. i need to find the pictures of virt and djp french kissing a couple magfests ago or whenever it was. just in case anyone had any doubts. (: there is a ton of crossover between both communities. i think each specific site serves a slightly different purpose and offers differing services when all is said and done, but ultimately both serve the overall same goal of good remixing. have at thee. -= george= -
  21. norg


    sorry, how could i have been so foolish as to actually disagree with your insanity. that'll teach me. you sure told me.
  22. norg


    this is why we don't feed the trolls. see, the reason for taking vgmix2 down was because it got hacked. to pieces. and the person who did it was poised and ready to do it again. and again. and again. the -instant- it came back up. there is zero point in bringing vgmix2 back up because it will result in the same thing. as such, the alternative IS nothing at all. either a placeholder until vgmix3 is completed, or absolutely nothing because vgmix2 could no longer be used. it was, for all intents and purposes, broken beyond repair. your trolling is pointless and irritating. and hilarious in that you keep trying to come off as hilariously superior to everyone else destroying your arguments. give it a rest. you're being as much a douchedrinker here as you are on irc. also, darkesword said it best in many less words than i did. if you're finding that i'm too verbose and the number of words hurts your colon, read his post and please come up with a better analogy than windows vs mac. because fail. monobrow, you raised a good point a couple posts ago. however, if it was only a matter of something being full of holes that we could at least patch, that would be one thing. it was riddled enough with holes that the ship was sinking and there was no bailing to be done so we are, in effect, in the skiff and rowing to shore until a new ship can be built. the old ship sank. in epic fashion. your last post, unfortunately, doesn't really hold any water because if DJP decided to code ocremix3, he'd still have a perfectly working and safe original ocremix to keep people going and happy. this was not something we had for vgmix. at all. prot would just bring us down again the instant vgmix2 came up again. he still tries to and succeeds at messing around with everything we do to the fullest of his very ample capability. -= george =-
  23. norg


    that very well sums it up, really. vgmix2 was a great effort of code done by one person who was no longer able to keep maintaining and updating it, who worked on it for quite a long time, and as a result of learning some things along the way, it was riddled with holes and security gaps that we are much more aware of now than we were then. i guess the one silver lining to prot's involvement has been that his incessant toying with trying to hack us to pieces has taught us quite a lot about site back-end security. for whatever it's worth, he keeps trying too.. *shakes head* -= george =-
  24. norg


    for what it's worth, the idea of vgmix3 has not died at all. vgmixX is a placeholder for the time being until vgmix3 can get going again. the major roadblock has been in regards to programmers who are willing to -consistently- donate their time to work on it. every time a little momentum started to get going, suddenly whoever the primary coder happened to be either disappeared, had conflicts, lost interest, moved, quit, what have you. and then it was back to square one. yeah, i said "can get going again." momentum -has- stopped for the time being while virt gets his bearings in a new location and a new job. once things settle down for him again, i'm fairly certain that he'll get back to cracking the whip, either pushing the folks who are involved currently to get moving at it again or finding other folks who are willing to help with the back end. there is always the small possibility that the entire project will die and the jamspace placeholder will remain permanent. however, i don't really see that happening. virt's too determined to see his dream come to reality the way that he wants to see it. the features are ridiculously fantastic and i'm dying myself for it to see the light of day. if only i was a programmer. anyway, yeah the momentum is dead at the moment but the project is not and it will come back once more. it'll be worth waiting for. -= george =-
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