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Everything posted by norg

  1. a song mixed well requires zero EQ modification. just sayin'
  2. ahahahah you guys are so bitter. it's awesome. i was almost convinced that this was a happy place. -= george =- p.s. i will sign every single solitary message i damn well please. and i will -like- it. and you CANT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. i'm probably old enough to have carried the sperm fired out of the gun barrel that created you and no whippersnapper is going to stop me from posting how i want. YOU LOSE. GOOD DAY SIR. p.p.s.
  3. yes, because having SO MANY BIRTHDAY THREADS is a HUGE STRAIN ON THE SERVER and the amount of time it takes to ignore them is a huge burden on our psyches. seriously. almost every forum i am a part of has a birthday thread for individual users. maybe it's just me, but i find the notion that having individual threads for users who celebrate their birthdays equating to a cause for some form of burden of to be hilariously retarded. hilariously. retarded. -= george =-
  4. if it doesn't have patrick stewart playing a modified chapman stick at the beginning of this movie, i'm not going.
  5. i really, really, really hope everyone here has taken a good listen to the metroid metal library. stemage has been at this for almost 5 years now and has heavily influenced quite a number of people to participate in this hobby (read: obsession) of ours. what strikes me the most about his latest foray into arrangements is that even though the arranging and performance are both becoming more and more complex, the core sound of that which makes it metroid metal is still the same. even with changes like a new software drum kit or chunkstyle adding his awesome bass licks, it hasn't changed that great feel at all. go forth and listen. this is still yet another amazing track in a great library. -= george =-
  6. happy cake and candle day, olive nog!
  7. i haven't been to a demoparty since naid95 and naid96. i'm desperately going to miss all my old friends who are going to be there. ):
  8. i second calls for dream theater, iron maiden, and symphony x. if you want some pretty amazing metal without vocals period, check out Blotted Science. prozax forward me their name yesterday and told me to check them out and i am absolutely floored with how awesome it is.
  9. i would have to say that the most difficult boss battle i ever experienced was that of lagoth zanta in bard's tale 2. every other boss battle in every other game i've ever played pales greatly in comparison. -= george =-
  10. i would if it meant that i could essentially retire and be a philanthropist for the rest of my natural life on the money i'd make off of it. or just start another company somewhere else and support myself on the interest of what i made from that transaction. money typically wins in these situations.
  11. no, on saturday afternoon. sam was at the saturday show too.
  12. i just saw the show in seattle not too long ago. absolutely fantastic. while they did play one wing angel (there seems to be no way to avoid that), it was very interesting to hear it performed while actually there to hear it vs. on CDs i've heard. everything they performed was almost entire spot on and done really well. the pianist was off kilter the entire performance and that sorta of hurt it a bit. also, they did a song that involved a synthesized electric guitar played on the keyboard and it was horrible. but other than that, everything they did was absolutely wonderful. if play is making its way to your area, i highly recommend it. -= george =-
  13. hmm. i might have to add that to my upcoming list.
  14. the only shantae mix that i'm aware of is one that Tackle did for DoD some time ago. http://dod.vgmix.com/past/janfeb06/02%20-%20Tackle%20-%20Shantae%20-%20Shantae%27s%20Shagtastic%20Showdown.mp3 other than that, i agree; it's a great soundtrack deserving of a project. eventually. (:
  15. holy cats, there are a bunch of us from right around here. giggidy.
  16. washington state here. in bellevue, 15 minutes east by car from downtown seattle. born and rasied here, no plan to leave.
  17. oh dear. where's that picture of little kittens with the square beasts behind them... -= george =-
  18. for most of the naysayers who are less than pleased with the final product, i suspect that there is something that is contributing to that feel: overload. unless i made a mistake somewhere in winamp, it shows that the mp3s add up to 3 hours, 20 minutes, and 27 seconds. that's a metric assload of music. difficult to feel objective or sometimes even excited about a music pack that lasts longer without repeat than two full length movies (or one extended lord of the rings movie (or what most george w. bush presidential speeches feel like (oh snap, i went political))). it's very easily understandable why there are some folks who aren't as excited about it. especially considering there are a wide variety of musical tastes catered to in the pack and not everyone likes all of those musical tastes (for example, i don't have robot ears). it's one of those things where, once the dust settles, people will have their favorites which will get added to their playlists and the rest will be left alone to others who will completely shun the first groups people of selected songs and add the rest to their play lists and so forth and so on. variety is the spice of life. this pack is an entire spice rack. and not everyone likes curry (heathens. how can you not like curry?). -= george =-
  19. i changed the locks. last time you left beer bottles and miniature statuettes of liberty all over the place. took me a week to clean up the mess. -= george =-
  20. deal. i'll get the oven mitts. -= george =-
  21. the fact that you don't know puts a kabosh on your knowledge of the scene, not his argument. SICK BURN! OH SNAP! this whole thing needs a sneeze guard. fanboy splatter is getting all over my jello salad. -= george =-
  22. hullo. i'm visiting from vgmix having been alerted to rexy's dragon quest project. i spent about a decade tracking starting with modedit in 1991 (four massive channels bulging with 8khz crystal clear samples), moved on to scream tracker, then impulse tracker, took a few years off, now i'm tampering with cubase, VSTis, and live instruments (guitar, bass, chapman stick, keyboard/synth, drumkit from hell superior, etc). i blame my renewed interest in remixing vgmusic on dwelling of duels entirely. good stuff that. nice to meet ya'll. -= george =-
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