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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Jared Banta
  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Occupation
    Film Composer


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    Pro Tools
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Bass
    Electric Bass

Jaroban's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hi all, long time no post, Just wanted to share this with you all since I thought you might get a kick out of it. In light of the recent Star Wars acquisition by Disney, my friend and composer extraordinaire George Shaw made a Disney/Star Wars mash-up called "Star Wars: The Musical" that is pretty damn well-done and funny. You can check it out at the website: http://www.starwarsmusical.com Hope you likey
  2. Jaroban

    Hello, my name is Kedric Jones with PikaParody Studios. We are in the process of making an ongoing animated PoKeMoN series for Machinima.com. Would you permit us to use the remix "My Greatest Rival?" We would like to use the last 30 seconds of the song for our closing credits on every video. We will give you credit at the end of the video with the name of the song, your name (please give me the name you want to go by), and and a website (if you provide one). Is this okay?

    Also, if we choose to sell DVDs in the far future of the entire show (of if the show plays on live TV) . . . would you be okay with us using the entire song for the full credits? We would certainly give you credit.

    Please email me at pikaparody@gmail.com




  3. How dare you, sir? How dare you joke about Pokémon?
  4. Hey, don't cry for me, Argentinas. Having people abhor it makes me almost as happy as having people love it
  5. I thought it would be appropriate to post these in the review thread, so everyone knows just what they're getting themselves into: [Rough translation: "My Greatest Rival started out epic as hell, and then a singing trout came in and f***d everything up."] [And why would you listen to the intro carefully if it makes you want to hurl?] [Guilty!] I've been compiling these on my blog because I draw strength from their ire ^^ If you see more, let me know.
  6. Yes! It's out! Great job everybody.
  7. Standard doublings Flute->Piccolo Oboe->English Horn Clarinet->Bass Clarinet etc. It's not that weird, it's a little brass-heavy but I did that so I can get some work in writing for all the brass instruments. Basic orchestration dictates that you need 2 horns to balance with 1 trumpet or 1 trombone at forte. 2 oboes are very capable of blending with 2 flutes. Typical orchestra a due will have 2 of each type of woodwind. Often 2nd oboe will play an English horn part so maybe that will take care of your balance issues.
  8. It's a 4-hour session and I've meted out 20 minutes of finished material, so 5 minutes/hour or about 12 minutes/minute. I've been assured it is doable so long as the material submitted isn't too difficult, which I noted on the auction page. I chose the instruments to go with my own scores that I'm having performed at the session. It was recommended me as a good set of instruments to at least get your feet wet writing for all the instruments, while keeping costs down not hiring a complete 65-piece orchestra.
  9. Hey guys & gals! I wanted to extend this offer to you all. I booked a session with a 54-piece orchestra and I don't need all of the studio time that I booked, so I'm trying to sell off the extra produced minutes to make it more affordable for everybody. I know there are some aspiring orchestrators around here, and here's your chance to get one of your compositions or remixes recorded live for a very reasonable price. Please check out the eBay listing if you are interested for more details: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230551555128 And direct any questions at me through the auction page. Oh and move quick, because I need the scores and parts by Friday night. Thank you! -J
  10. Yeaahh great theme! If you need some inspiration, go listen to this [/shameless but relevant plug]
  11. Are you guys looking for any help with a game script? I just had a really weird/awesome dream that had some interesting ideas in it...
  12. You wasted your time. Everyone knows bassists can't read music.
  13. This is shit.. it always sucks to lose someone at a such a young age. Perhaps a tribute/collab is in order? I feel like we should do something
  14. Hey guys! I did the soundtrack/score for a silly student zombie film earlier this year, and with Halloween just around the corner, we just put the music up for free streaming online. I thought I'd share the link with you guys just in case anyone wanted to check it out. The stream is available from the movie's myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/zombiebloodchaos It's pretty eclectic, so you can browse around until you find something you like. Hope you guys enjoy it! J EDIT: Oh yeah I should mention there's some adult content so beware; listener discretion is advised
  15. Ah yes, of course you are right. Carry on then
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