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Everything posted by Kitsuta

  1. Is... is that... Kenshin? Awesome. Absolutely awesome. Why don't we get games like this over here? I mean, with all the anime they dump on TV and release on DVD nowadays, why not just bring the game over? Most of those shows are localized and distrbuted anyways. It's just more money for them to make. Hoshit! Houshin Engi is on there! The fact that I recognize the vast majority of the characters on there means one of two things: 1) I watch WAY too much fuggin' anime. AND/OR 2) They need to bring that game to the States.
  2. *bows* Is that an in-store only deal, or is it also available through their website? Online deal, although you can do in-store pickup with it (you pay instore I think, but place an order online). Follow the instructions that I posted earlier (or find the thread on cheapassgamer.com ) You pay online. And yeah, I did in store pickup because I used to work at a Best Buy near my house, so I got to visit my old coworkers. x3 But their online system is retarded about actually applying the discount, so you may have to do it over the phone. If you get a representative with a brain, they'll price-modify the item for you manually. Oh yeah, and thanks Bahamut! The Damned: This was mentioned in the Wii thread, but with something that has a more inventive control scheme, I for one am open to a lot more games than I would be for a more traditional platform/handheld. I think experienced gamers, as most of us are, get picky about what games to buy as they get more and more bored with the actual act of gaming(button mashing). Or Nintendo might just be doing everything they can to push their DS. It'd help with their Wii sales, too.
  3. I just got back from the store. I bought three DS games whoo! Metroid Prime: Hunters Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Thanks to whoever it was who linked to that 3 DS games for the price of 2 thing. I saved $35 whoot! Too bad the selection at Best Buy is far from comprehensive. Anyway, can't wait to play these, especially Metroid. But first, homework.
  4. That's a pretty sour customer service chick. She should be glad that you were trading defective products in four times over without throwing things at the managers of the store. Seriously, I bet a pallet of DSes were dropped on their way to the store or something similarly retarded. No way that store would just happen to get so many bad DSes. Well, I work there, so she was just joking Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *inhale* ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh.
  5. That one's a keeper. Yes, it is.
  6. Whoot! Congrats to Jill and big giant circles!
  7. Really, you were subconsciously/psychically buying the DSes that were bad so you could get a free Onyx DS Lite. Good luck with that one, though. haha, well the customer service chick told me to give up, but I said never haha. That's a pretty sour customer service chick. She should be glad that you were trading defective products in four times over without throwing things at the managers of the store. Seriously, I bet a pallet of DSes were dropped on their way to the store or something similarly retarded. No way that store would just happen to get so many bad DSes.
  8. Really, you were subconsciously/psychically buying the DSes that were bad so you could get a free Onyx DS Lite. Good luck with that one, though.
  9. Nah, I disagree. While it may be a good idea for a game, any kind of serious image editing program would be impractical. The DS's stylus capabilities are extremely limited: compared to a tablet or a mouse, the DS is like fingerpainting. Making a face for Blanca in Animal Crossing: Wild World is a good example of just how poorly suited to art the DS is. It's great for games, though.
  10. Whoa, that's disgusting. o___o In slightly related news, I got New Super Mario Bros. today. I got to World 2 within 2 hours, and I LOVE this game. Moohaha!
  11. Hey Geoffrey! You know how much I like your stuff. This is no different. I loved this song when you played it at Magfest and I love it now. I do have a few tiny, tiny suggestions though(also not unusual!). The beginning part of the song is beautiful. That irish whistle is incredibly done, and it is well complimented by the other instruments. But right when the whistle drops off -- and I'm pretty sure it's not JUST my prejudice for the instrument -- the song experiences somewhat of a disconnect. The only way you can tell it is the same song is that the leading instrument plays the same tune. However, the instruments themselves and the melody are so radically different from what precedes them that it almost sounds like you started the song over. This then abruptly changes into almost inaudible guitar that it's hard to tell the song didn't end! I know it's a short song, but that's a lot of changes in a few seconds, that it's almost like it's two different songs that are only barely connected by the leading tune. I guess what I'm trying to say in so many words(and it is a lot!) is that the song could do with some more unity. I love the variation of instruments, but in the middle you do kinda go overboard. My only other, slightly related problem is the second part with the violin. The first part was, by the way, beautiful. But when it again drops off somewhat suddenly, and then comes back with a repetition of the same tune, it sounds like you decided to play the same part over again. It's a little strange! Okay, sorry about the needlessly long and rambly critique. It's a great song. Now put more irish whistle in it!
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