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Everything posted by Kitsuta

  1. Master quest wasnt that much more challenging. If you want the games to be harder you could always just make challenges up for yourself. Like limited health or a time limit to defeat it. My roommates always give me a hard time for trying to beat Zelda games with only three hearts. I was playing Wind Waker recently, and the Heart Container from beating the Boko Baba boss (whatever its name is) happened to spawn exactly where Link moved to to talk to the little Kokori thing. I hadn't saved recently, so I bit my lower lip and beat the game with four hearts. They still make fun of me for it. "Yeah, Steven's alright at Zelda, I guess, but he had to have FOUR hearts to do it." For some reason, that reminds me of the time I discovered the Chris Houlihan room. It's a boring story, but I'm going to write it anyway. See, I was very young.. couldn't have been older than 6. I was playing LttP on my SNES in the veeeery early morning(maybe around 6am), trying to beat the snot out of Ganon. I was having a grand old time, until I fell into that hole surrounding the ring. I found myself in a room full of Rupees with a little message thing that said "My name is Chris Houlihan. This is my top secret room. Keep it between us, OK?" So I got the rupees and left, only to find that I was outside my house. I never found that room again. When I tried to tell my elder sisters, they said that I was making it up and must have fallen asleep while playing. I was SURE I hadn't dreamt it, but since I couldn't find the room again, I took their word as law. For literally a decade, they would keep teasing me about it. About once a year they would find some way to reference it to discredit something I said or just to joke around. I always rolled my eyes, but I never knew how I could have hallucinated that, and it was embarrassing. So a couple of months ago my brother in law found out about the room in his Game Informer. I got the last laugh.
  2. This happened way too often at the Best Buy I worked at as well. I'm pretty sure the managers are(or were) running the warehouse guys all the hell around the store doing something other than what they were supposed to, but we've often gotten receiving(for Geek Squad) in the afternoon. Then there was that one time we got a Tennessee's shipments(and they got ours). It took about a week to get it back - the store is only a few hours from ours.
  3. Ignoring people who mud fling at you is possible. We promise! Seriously though, some people have seen you needlessly troll in that thread and elsewhere, think "he's just an idiot troll" and treat you as such regardless of what you say. I'm not like that - I actually responded to your previous post with the link to the article. But some are and you immediately use that to call everyone in that thread a fanboy. Then the people who didn't think you were trolling get annoyed, and on and on... Did you uh.. not pay attention to the video? The game said that it was going to load itself onto the HDD. That's actually really quick for loading onto the HDD, which I thought was a one-time load.
  4. I can't view it. What does it say?
  5. Then only use the sword beams when locked on, and every time you swing a beam goes out at the enemy you're locked onto. Problem solved. But to be effective, wouldn't the lock on have to be from far away? That might cause problems.
  6. Wouldn't it be kind of difficult, considering you have multiple moves? And the 3D environment? It's not like an enemy is either in the path of your sword beam or it's not. What if your sword beam grazed the enemy? What is the enemy was low sitting?
  7. Didn't they show some airplanes? That looked like gameplay. That's totally different. This is 30 seconds long Oh right. Carry on then.
  8. Didn't they show some airplanes? That looked like gameplay.
  9. Yes. Please no more Zelda timeline.
  10. Not really, no. If you count the LoZ official manga as canonical, then the origin of the Majora's Mask has already been revealed. I can't remember it so well, but it would probably not be associated with Midna or this game.
  11. I dunno about you, but I like to watch some good, interesting or funny commercials two times in a row. I get your point. I just don't like the "any publicity is good publicity" idea. It's not very good for people who don't already know about this stuff. On the other hand, you could probably make a very good argument for the PS3 being the anti-gaming-newbie machine. So they probably got what they wanted.
  12. I talked to a friend of mine about this today. He works for Eurocom as a game tester - he said that when he showed this commercial to someone, he drew a small crowd of people. Most were creeped out about it. When he tried to play it again, most of the ones who had seen it fully(as opposed to the people who came in late) left in disgust.
  13. Try them out and tell us what you think!
  14. Ditto. They've been hyping this thing up way too much. If it isn't practically perfect I will be disappointed. I expect to see at least one perfect score in a respectable review.
  15. I saw that on TV. I don't get it at all. Yeah, I saw this while watching a South Park episode about the Wii.
  16. There's a color difference between the 20GB and the 60GB model: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/specs.html Dammit. I really want the black one, even do its gona be a magnet for finger prints and dust. Gonna have to settle i guess. When i get my PS3, might aswell dish out the extra $$ and get the better one. Why do people think black as so sexy anyway? I mean I like the look of the black PS3 too, but why the craze over the color? I mean Apple showed that there is a craze too, with the whole $150 premium on the black Macbook over the white Macbook. More of a personal taste in my opinion. My Ps3 can match my black PSP. While my white Wii can match my white DS Lite. Uh, unless I'm mistaken I'm pretty sure both models are black, the only difference being that the 60GB version has silver trim, while the 20GB doesn't. And of course it's much, much shinier.
  17. What? I thought they were going to play a game on it after doing an overview of the console itself. Oh well. It's pretty, anyhow.
  18. I just watched all the trailers. I really want this game.
  19. I read about it in my NP magazine today. It looks awesome and I'm definitely going to pick it up. As for the songs - they are all covers. As long as the cover band is good, doing this can improve a lot of the songs and adds a nice, uniform feeling to the game. Oh yeah, they also said that songs were picked to match the stories - something I actually didn't expect. So they didn't just pull a bunch of random pop songs out of a hat.
  20. The PS3 doesn't turn off properly, right? You have to use the button in the back? I'm sure it'll use less wattage in standby mode, but still. It's pretty much the same as the PS2, I believe. You can cut the power completely, or have it so you just push a button to turn it on. It's nothing like a stand-by mode, unless you consider powering one LED being in stand-by mode... Ahh. Didn't know how that worked. It has a proper reset button, doesn't it? I hate how easy it is to just reset the PS2 instead of actually turning it off. I regularly find the PS2 on after my family members play it.
  21. The PS3 doesn't turn off properly, right? You have to use the button in the back? I'm sure it'll use less wattage in standby mode, but still.
  22. Aw, lose. The stalk market is better. I keep forgetting to buy the stupid turnips though.
  23. I did that, but I guess mine was a dud. I shook it when it grew fully and nothing came out. The chances are low, so you'd have to plant a lot. Can't you use the golden shovel to plant always profitable money trees?
  24. Why can't you just do the stalk market? If you have a few friends and a few hundred thousand bells, you can buy all the turnips you can hold and sell them when they are above what you bought. That would be a lot of profit, wouldn't it?
  25. What is your shirt made out of, chain mail? Adamantium. Sounds like it might chafe.
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