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Everything posted by ShinnyMetal

  1. definitely 1. Amaterasu 2. Alucard 3. Arthur I'm trying to figure out WHY Alucard and Arthur weren't there before!!!
  2. going well, i don't venture on the forums often

  3. >.> o hai....just uhm. yeah passing through (gotta get working on my track <.<) *whistle whistle* aaayup...
  4. Done: http://tindeck.com/listen/ubgu I added DCPM kick in it n such like Xenon said I should (thanks!). I decided to do just a straight cover for now than try to arrange it(which would prolly sound better for 8bit(I'm not that good yet))
  5. isnt done yet but I wanna know if I going in the right kinda direction. I decided to cover one of my songs and try and do demix it. well here's the song Done: http://tindeck.com/listen/ubgu I added DCPM kick in it n such like Xenon said I should (thanks!). I decided to do just a straight cover for now than try to arrange it(which would prolly sound better for 8bit(I'm not that good yet)) here's the original for reference (which I cant make it at this speed) http://tindeck.com/listen/cnoj so uhm yeah. <3
  6. It's sampled. it's called The Trumpet I believe. Will Roget helped me out with the trumpet since he had a good sound. I think it's like 156 euro or something like that.
  7. http://tindeck.com/listen/lqjx big update. Sounds sooooooooo much better guys. Still no bass but I didn't have time for that before leaving for magfest. Acoustic guitar, some perc. And some vocals really round this out!!! I think I've done ennio more justice than before (he still could rock my socks though)
  8. Yeah I love how the guitar sounds during the big notes at the beginning but I've grown less and less fond of it after that. And bass and percussion are definitely coming eventually. the guitar is Crappy guitar through a crappy amp so yeah haha. gotta at least use a GOOD amp
  9. lots of work to do still (I need to work on the guitar at the beginning) Going fro something very raw sounds withs grit. if that makes sense. I donno. bleh I'm sorry Ennio Morricone http://tindeck.com/listen/lqjx big update. Sounds sooooooooo much better guys. Still no bass but I didn't have time for that before leaving for magfest. Acoustic guitar, some perc. And some vocals really round this out!!!
  10. I'm still not sure what to think of this. I'll definitely play it, looks fun. though from this trailer everything seems kinda choppy animation wise...like...a lot. I don't care if it's an action game or stealth game, I'm not snake and raiden doesn't have to be sneaky at all so I'm ok with it as long as the game doesn't blow. I am kinda disappoint that they changed the timeline. I was interested in how raiden went from zero to HOLYSHITCYBORGNINJA. but whatever I guess.
  11. Sorry guys. I moved out and don't really have a source to the internet. So I don't think I can head the project for the time being. I like the project but I just dint get to do many internety thongs anymore. I'm sorry. I get brief moments where I can check shit but I haven't gotten enough time to actually get on here until now. I really want to continue working on this project but until I get my own computer I can't really work on this. I feel like a dick for taking so long to say this but I was trying my hardest to not have to give up on working on this for awhile but, alas, here we are. So if ya wanna take the lead on this tuber z, you should. I can help later but for now I am pretty much unable to do this (along with music half the time too) So yeah. I'm sorry guys :\
  12. By traditional I mean like what you'd see on a 8bit or 16bit game screen. I honestly don't have any samples but i have an aptitude for pixels, I'm a bit slower than people who do the normally would be but I think 11 days is ample time. I can only do the more traditional way though as far as I know
  13. What style of pixel art are you looking for? Soming more traditional or more like this: http://media.smashingmagazine.com/images/pixel-art/pixel-art-9.jpg ?
  14. haha ok, I'll see if I can (I'm not great at drums) and also UPDATE: http://tindeck.com/listen/dznf
  15. I originally had this in mind to be a VG track of sorts, not sure on that now, but I like where it is going nonetheless. I'm having a hard time trying to think of how to properly transition into the more "8bit" section but I like the feel. well uhm here: UPDATE: http://tindeck.com/listen/dznf
  16. Well I work at GS and I nabbed a Zelda DS lite for normal price (with a discount of course but still) when the person came and traded it in I almost had a panic attack lol. There's a place called vintage stock that's pretty neat but they don't specialize in games but they have quite a bit.
  17. even though I liked megaman legends a lot I kind myself not caring. mostly I have numbed myself to disappointment from japanese publishers/developers long ago. the only thing that made me upset in recent years was nintendo's idea to exclude N.A. from an awesome OoT collectors edition. And Zero doesn't feel like MM at all to me. Zero actually feelings just about like zero from MMX4, which is great!
  18. I'm super stoked for phoenix Wright man. So much and on the megaman thing, I personally don't care. Zero was a DREAM COME TRUE FOR ME. I know he was in Tatsunoko vs capcom but he's much better in MvC3. Megaman was always just kinda ok to me. X would be awesome for me. Imma try out some ghost rider maybe and man....Strider is back? so win
  19. http://gplus.to/ShinnyMetal
  20. Hey guys! I took out the idea of having an overarching "theme" because it just seemed to be kind of a stretch and especially since I took it from the 4th game. though I think it was a good idea, it doesn't work in the context. I'm going to start talking to a lot of people try to get more interest in this, though, I am very pleased with the 1000+ views this has garnered so that's good news, right? Also I want to point of that OLRemix's monthly competition, OLRmegeddon, is using "Breath of Fire" as this months theme. You can read all the details here: OLRmegeddon L - July 2011 So it's a great way to just dick around and get familiar with your track! definitely take a look gais! OLRemix is a great site and needs more attention anyway because I love what it stands for! So do it for the lulz! BIG BIG BIG BIG NEWS And also! I'm going to make Sep. 10th the first WIP date! It's time to have one and it is kind of far out to leave wiggle room for more people to join and not feel overwhelmed! GET TO IT!
  21. Yeah, I would also suggest FLstudio. even though I use Reason as my primary DAW I also know reason can be a bit confusing to use at first, it's a bit different from normal and you have to think of it like a physical machine when knowing how to route it. FLStudio was my first daw and I wish I still had it but I could only afford one. (actually I started off on Fruit Loops 3 (or 2...), there was no studio yet haha)
  22. I think it looks amazing! having a new way of thinking about the way you synthesize creates new things you could never think of! I think this would really be the best if it had the capability of being stand alone and also being a vst of sorts. but on it's own it seems awesome. I love that he takes ONE monophonic oscillator and makes a whole song by the way he uses the automation and it sounds like 10 different sounds. This is something people should really check out because there's nothing like it. it's very intuitive.
  23. I still think it's totally worth it. and man, this is a great tutorial you whipped up here and it makes me very very very happy that you did and thanks for all the work you did to do so :DDD I might use a few already made samples just because things like strings and chours would be tough to do but as long as they aren't obviously used from another game (like S. Metroid choirs, Zelda LttP strings, etc.) I feel like I should give you a few bucks or something lol
  24. wow, thanks Yoozer, that all helps a lot. A tad bit more work than I was expecting but well worth it I think. And I guess I should have specified SNES, I forget to include the genesis when I think about 16bit music. <3
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