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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Hell yeah man. I need to order ALIVE from www.insound.com So I can get that 3 piece poster set while supplies last!
  2. PS Analog sucked! Sure it was good but I went through 6 of them. They were always breaking for no reason. Chords falling out, rumble system failing. As for the 360 controller. Hate it. I hate it when it fucks up on me when I'm playing online. Hitting the trigger and nothing happening. Controller is a good design but it has so many problems. Same with my piece of shit XBOX. Damn you Microsoft.
  3. Sweet Sweet Galaxy/Rocky Road. >.< The falling never stops for me. Fantastic game!!
  4. So this game is definitely recommended then?
  5. True. The most noticeable are the flashes when the characters hit each other. I noticed that right away since the first trailer. Still hoping for Onix and Hitmonlee to come back.
  6. Yes. Link's original taunt. So much better than that gay sigh and hair thing he did in Melee.
  7. So have I! The bass dynamics are insane! It's like bass on bass on bass. I play it as loud as I can on my radio at home. It rocks the house. Too bad the actual physical release has been delayed to December 4th for us Americans.
  8. I've checked various torrent sites and they do not have it. They were the 2006 Coachella show. I've downloaded one and could tell right away it wasn't it. Simply because I have the Coachella show. And because Burnin' was not on there. Also because the torrent said it was the Deluxe Edition. If it was it would of had the Encore song in it. Which it didn't. So maybe there are some other torrent sites that have it but the ones I've encountered did not.
  9. This kid is the biggest cunt ever.
  10. Hmmmm. I wonder how the Pokemon trainer dies? Like losing a life. Since he's not actually fighting. A star KO. I wonder what he will do/look like. Dissapointed/upset gestures? Hmmm interesting.
  11. Wasn't there already a SMG thread? Oh wait never mind. I was thinking of the orchestrated music thread for SMG. I'm really excited for that. They better have a sound test!
  12. HAHAHAHAHA! After reading that I imagined Ernest bashing his head into a wall.
  13. I enjoyed Dreaming On Distant Shores while going to sleep. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01234/ Also RiverofTime AmIEviL. Really good mix to listen to. The sound of the rain is soothing. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00150/ And PearlSong. Wonderful piano work. And the theme is great. Really dreamlike. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00952/ Recently I've been enjoying Transformers the Score before I go to sleep. Before that I always listened to This Binary Universe by BT. That album is really good to go to sleep. Mainly the first track(All That Makes Us Human Continues) and track 5.(See You On The Other Side) I really suggest track 5. Well uh thats all I got on me right now. Can't really think much since I'm in class at the moment.
  14. Oh I see. I understand why Rayquaza would be cheesed off. He doesn't like any foreign beings coming onto whatever planet he is protecting.
  15. This whole sampling deal that came up is retarded. I have no idea why people are all like "Oh I was a little let down when I heard about the samples." or "I'm kind of disappointed in Daft Punk knowing they used samples." Stupid. In the Discovery liner notes it shows that they used samples from the songs. Its not like they were hiding it. I don't understand why people are bugged out from this when its old news! It was there 6 years ago. And nobody did anything then. Until a video on YouTube comes along and shows you. From Wikipedia According to an interview with Remix Magazine Online, Thomas Bangalter states: “ This album has a lot to do with our childhood and the memories of the state we were in at that stage of our lives. It's about our personal relationship to that time. It's less of a tribute to the music from 1975 to 1985 as an era, and more about focusing on the time when we were zero to ten years old. When you're a child you don't judge or analyze music. You just like it because you like it. You're not concerned with whether it's cool or not. Sometimes you might relate to just one thing in a song, such as the guitar sound. This album takes a playful, fun, and colorful look at music. It's about the idea of looking at something with an open mind and not asking too many questions. It's about the true, simple, and honest relationship you have with music when you're open to your own feelings. ” A significant amount of sampling is present on this album. The sampled tracks reinforce Thomas Bangalter's statement about Discovery's theme. Rather than simply creating new music out of the samples, Daft Punk actually worked with them by writing and adding instrumental performance. The use and clearance for the samples of "I Love You More", "Cola Bottle Baby", "Can You Imagine" and "Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed" are documented in the Discovery liner notes. Several websites list many other samples present on the album, but Bangalter has stated that half of the samples listed are not true. He also stated the sampling they do is legitimately done, not something they try to hide.
  16. No not really just the crowd was really good and into it.
  17. Whoa, my eyes are tripping on me.
  18. Hmm that would make sense.
  19. It's a Daft Punk fan thingy.
  20. DAFT PUNK was unfuckickingbelievable!
  21. That Jet Hammer looks awesome. EDIT: I enjoyed this as well. Todays comic.
  22. C'mon Isaac! We need Isaac!
  23. I knew it.
  24. I would have to agree with you Taucer. I can't wait to unlock the sound test on Brawl. Well that is if you have to unlock it, which is most likely you will have to do since that's what had to be done in the past 2 games.
  25. Hahahahaha. Stupid tart and his rants on the record feature. Why are you whining over that? Of all the things to complain about. "OH NOOOOOO! 3 minutes!!?! FUCK THIS GAME!"
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