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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Her FS isn't that bad. Could have been better, but not bad. I wonder what Luigi's FS would be? Luigi Finale?
  2. Oh yeah I see. Steve was uncredited. Although I could see how he helped. Just some of the various and subtle sounds and just basically the style almost. Other than that it was Harry Gregson-Williams
  3. I would like to see his original costume in Brawl, but I'm already used to his new look. So its all good. I really don't care but it would just be a plus if they had his original costume.
  4. To be honest, I'm just a little disappointed. It doesn't have the Soldier/Army theme on it. WTF?! It was awesome. The promo CD had it.
  5. Lucky E for All bastards. How much to go to the event?!
  6. They did? How do ya know? And the delay is fucking gay! Fuck you Nintendo! FUCK j00z! Better put Isaac in it because of this damn delay.
  7. I won't be going this year. =/ No moneez. Used all my money on my ticket to VEGOOSE. Gonna see Daft Punk "One More Time".
  8. I couldn't find it at all yesterday. Shit out of luck. Although I just reserved it for an in store pick at Borders right now. So its cool. All I can say is that promo CD wasn't enough! I can't wait until the score destroys my ears with an onslaught of bad assness.
  9. Que que?! What are chu talking about?
  10. Mother of god on earth and in heaven at the exact same time. This is a big "In yo face!" to all those who doubted it.
  11. XBox Live Gamertag Hum4n After All Wii code 4291 3452 3939 6043
  12. Kirby Cook Mmmmmm Cook all the enemies, nom nom nom nom nom.
  13. I'm gonna go tomorrow and see what can be done. If I am able to get my money back I'm going to GameStop and reserving it there. I know they won't go out of business. I paid $40. So uh yeah I better get my money back. I don't want no shitty store credit either.
  14. I preordered Brawl months ago. Then a few weeks ago the local game store(Game Square)that I preordered it from went out of business! >_< No phone call! BULLSHIT OF ALL BULLSHITS! My money gone. Now I have to go to the other store, which was bought out so it is no longer Game Square, with my receipt and see what justice can be done.
  15. The music is fantastic. I never noticed it earlier because I was just too excited. That better be the main song of Shadow Moses Island. I would absolutely "shoot" my leg if it was.
  16. Haha. "Her loss."
  17. Was this shown here? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130157439814 Knights of Columbus!
  18. LMFAO!!11!
  19. Back then I was just like "Stupid bitch died, oh well I want to play more hurry up."
  20. Perhaps the best update yet. This or if they show Isaac. Please.
  21. No RX-78-2 Gundam?!
  22. I thought they would have stopped doing that.
  23. The only complaint I had for this game was the fucking doors! 10-15 second waits! C'mon! Especially when the Phazon Metroids were attacking me and I didn't want to fight. Shit! Frikkin' door lag.
  24. I haven't even beaten the first one on hard. I think it was the blasted Omega Pirate. Didn't even try Prime 2. Simply because I didn't beat Prime 1 on hard.
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