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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Bloverfield should have been over 45 mins into the movie. 2 Abram tanks. A missle artillery. BULLSHIT! Then a Stealth bomber air strike. FUCK YOU J.J. ABRAMS!
  2. Of course they did. I have the Las Vegas local paper with the interview of Guy-Manuel confirming it.
  3. Rainbow Ride? Okay.
  4. I expect a big ass super special awesome update at the end of the week.
  5. Haha yeah. I wonder what it's going to be?
  6. It's time for Daft Punk to take it easy and start on that new project.
  7. Damn. That's insane I should have ordered more than one from insound then.
  8. Any other new on Blizzard's and Activision's merge? Is there a thread on that already?
  9. Ya know I still haven't beaten this game. I let my sister borrow my Wii along with Galaxy. All I needed was 11 more purple coin challenge stars. So what happens after you get them all? I remember um uh shit! I forgot that one chick's name, but uh yeah she said a new world would appear or something like that. Correct?
  10. Well one is the one you posted the other is like my sig and the last one is just a list of last years tour dates and this years with the ALIVE on the top.
  11. Yeah! My CD came in today. I got the posters! Frikkin dope.
  12. Any news from Japan?
  13. Hopefully I get it. Most likely I won't.
  14. Celebrate and dance so free
  15. Man the Pokemon still look like ass.
  16. Okay my fellow Americans, we're almost there. 3 more days for Daft in Japan.
  17. No. Bring back Hyrule Castle and Saffron City.
  18. I see no differences at all. Does anybody notice anything?
  19. Man that sucks. His remixes are awesome. Dang. The fallen shall be forever remembered. God speed.
  20. ALIVE 2007 wins the big explosive bass award for me. DJ/club status. Damn.
  21. insound fucked my shit up. The bank says it was charged 3 times for my order. The site shows the price of one and the qty. is 1. This too happened to my friend. He just called em up fixed the problem and that was that. Anybody else ordering from insound check and make sure you weren't charged multiple times. Also... 2 more weeks.
  22. Super Mario Galaxy needs the Dire Dire Docks theme. Although there is one that sounds like it.
  23. The site works now. BUY NOW!
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