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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Mission Complete. Cake? I got pie.
  2. Make the connection! Make it happen! Send him samples.
  3. Don't forget the MWW project. Gonna be released soon from what I've read.
  4. I think you are correct about Klubba. I'm thinking of Krusha from DK64. But Klubba was that one krock that you had to pay to get to secret place. Kudgel was the exact same thing but gray and he was the boss. He jumped around and TNT crates fell down. Shooooot. It's all coming back to me now. I think I gotta buy DKC 1&2 on the VC when I get home.
  5. I agree. Why else would Funky Flights exist? To export DK's special bananas.
  6. Wasn't it Krusha?
  7. Yeah but I had no moneez to buy it. Besides got quite a few games to reserve.
  8. Haha the other I got offered the best deal for a Wii at my school. $280 4 games 2 remotes and nunchuks. Pretty damn good deal eh? Funny thing though. He says, "Yeah man 280, I stole that shit from my neighbor, I hate that nigguh." Good stuff. I would have taken it if I didn't have a Wii.
  9. Yeah the music was dope. It was the night version of Jungle Japes. Then they changed it up a bit.
  10. He looked like one of the gorillas from Congo. And Meta Knights FS was fucking awesome! Reminded me of Akuma's special. Ike's FS was pretty dope as well.
  11. If you're knocked off the battlefield can you still use the cape to help you get back?
  12. Handsome Tom and Stuttering Craig were there?! FUCK!
  13. LMAO! That would be an epic Final Smash.
  14. Yours is pretty good too. Where did ya find it? I've never seen that one on the web before.
  15. Nah, this just makes you look like an idiot. This is what I was avoiding. I don't care. I'm for getting the damn game. Thats all I care about. And those sons of bitches didn't honor my fucking receipt! $40 dollars gone.
  16. Eh, this whole WD talk is retarded now. I'm going to jump on the short bust out of this conversation. No point on going any further. I'm over it.
  17. It appears that Kirby's dash attack is different/better.
  18. I went to a tournament a few months back and people were WD all around me but that made no differnce. I still beat them and made it to the semi finals. After that I got destroyed by 1 of the top 4. =/ Still quite an experience. The top 4 players didn't WD either.
  19. It sounds fantastic. I wonder if he'll ever do SM64 soundtrack with an orchestra. The songs on there were pretty damn good.
  20. I was able to wavedash and did it damn well but I never used it in battle. I knew people who did and I destroyed them. Wavedashing is over rated.
  21. 9 more days until I see them at VEGOOSE. Anybody else going?
  22. Don't be an Act Zero.
  23. YES! Shit yeah! I knew they were gonna bring Meowth back. All I need is Onix and Hitmonlee back. "SAIYAKKK!! DAYDAYDAYDAY!"
  24. Mother of god.....
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