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Hum4n After All

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Everything posted by Hum4n After All

  1. Groudon is just like Moltres. Except bigger and doesn't move.
  2. The white man launcher!!1! Yeah it is from Kirby's Air Ride. Fun item.
  3. Does it really matter if it's walk or run? As long as you can move thats cool.
  4. Oh man good times with the Super Scope. Hopefully they include the Hammer Bros. hammer throwing hammer? o_O And the axe at the end of every encounter with Koopa in SMB. That would be interesting.
  5. Yeah seriously. I don't understand why some people are crying about the plot line being confusing and getting lost in it. It's a blasted Disney movie for the Emperor's sake. Want a way more confusing movie. Watch The Prestige. Now that was confusing as fuck. I got it though. Damn good movie too.
  6. It was a good movie. ILM work was fantastic. I enjoyed it more than SM3.
  7. Snake lawl. Snake:"How did I uh jump twice?! I uh...double jumped!"
  8. I came here to do that. Mission complete.
  9. xD I think the first 6 seconds of this clip would explain what I went through. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cTvvrckr6Y
  10. I agree with you on the Charger. But it was not the Charger I was talking about it. It was the new Challenger thats coming out. The Challenger is what the Charger should have looked like. Stupid 4 door Charger. And you better believe the new Camaro will be way better than the mustang. Shoot anything is better than a mustang.
  11. Haha! Shittier than the mustang. Oh man that is so stupid I'm not even going there. That's all that matters. Shit...tha's fucked. xD I only speak the truth djp.
  12. Why would you want a mustang in the first place? mustangs suck so bad. ford blows. I won't even capitalize them. Just save your money on a better car. Perhaps the new Camaro or the new Challenger. Or just buy an old real muscle car. Not the pathetic pancy ass mustang.
  13. An unbelievably bad ass orchestration of The Song of Time. *Shoots self in leg*
  14. "This time, they fucked with the wrong mexican." Awesome. Yeah yeah. I read everybody's post. Yes, Planet Terror was the shizz. Death Proof was slow at first but then, (this is where I back DP up) that beautiful, gorgeous, 1969 Chevrolet Nova comes in...FUCK! I nearly shot myself in the leg. That's what Death Proof was about baby. The frikkin' cars man! I couldn't care less about the bitches talkin' and whatnot. I just wanted to see the cars. That's why in a way I liked DP better than PT. DP ruined it for me a bit when I saw that shitty ass mustang. I hate ford and it's gay ass mustang that I don't even capitalize it. Then the 1970 Dodge Challenger. Oohoho. Oh but I was waiting for the main event. The 1969 Dodge Charger. FTW!!1! So glad they put real cars in a movie. I'm sick of this foreign/jap car shit. So stupid. American muscle man. Thats where it's all at. So yeah DP. Too much talkin boring at first. The cars coming in made up for the talking.
  15. I don't know about Snake being in Brawl for the money. I mean Hideo Kojima begged for Snake to be in Melee. But couldn't because the game was already at a certain point in which he could not be put in. So now Snake gets his break in Brawl. Since Melee is the number 1 selling game for GC, what if Snake did make it in Melee? Still would be a hit.
  16. Time to spread some more good news. New season of Futurama starts next year. Hooray! "B-E-N-D-E-R BENDER!" xD
  17. I miss playing Gundam Battle Assault. Loved that game. Ima start playing it again thanks to this thread. Since Gundam is on mind. I think Federation Vs. Zeon and Zeonic Front were the best Gundam games ever. I had high hopes for Gundam Crossfire. "Hope is the fist step on the road to disappointment". But, bad and horrible reviews radiated off of it. =/ So uh keep trying Bandai!
  18. Yes! Excellent! I love it! Love the finished version, well duh of course. Glad it came out to be longer than 1 minute. Keep up teh good work zircon.
  19. Haha. Yeah that was them. Those two goofs. Ahhh I miss that show.
  20. Yeah. This Eggman shit has got to go. We need Dr. Robotnik. And perhaps those 2 robot henchmen he had. Can't quite remember what they were. But I do remember one had a drill nose and drills on his arms. As for the other characters hmmmm..? Shadow should get lost finding himself and Silver should back to planet fuck yourself. And uh I think that's it. XD
  21. Yeah I was thinking that. Because at VGL I saw and he had long hair and facial kinda gruff looking. And what made it better is that he had a bandana on. Did sorta look like him.
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