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Eternal Testament

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Everything posted by Eternal Testament

  1. My original Heroes Road WIP begged for real guitar. I figured what with my new gear and all, I'd completely reprogram the track in Cubase. Whilst it's not quite the real guitar we're after, it is still significantly better than the samples I was using before. The track is essetially unmastered at the moment. I've added a sprinkle of reverb for condiment, but it still pretty rough. UPDATED: Added some more bells and whistles of the figurative kind, as well as playing with the strings, and horns, and just generally messing with the levels. It's starting to thump in all the right places now. Link Updated:Heroes-Road-Redux
  2. Ok, I've highlighted the link (sort of).
  3. I won't forgive your imagination. I applaud it. That's exactly what I hope to achieve with my music, stirring the imagination. Thanks As for not quite being epic, I'm still experimenting with my new stuff (I got cubase and some swanky vsts as early Xmas presents) and I'm still trying to get to grips with the software.
  4. Link: Knightmare For those of you who aren't familliar with Knightmare, it was an award winning british childrens show, in which contestants would traverse dungeons, solve puzzles and fight monsters, all with a huge helmet covering their eyes so that their companions watching would have to guide them. I stumbed across a site dedicated to it. It even has a page featuring remixes of the title theme. So I present to you my arrangement of the Knightmare theme.
  5. I'll be honest with you, listening to my track again, I dunno how Shael let it through. It's muddy, it's too quiet in places, and there's even a few clicks in the strings that the filter missed. I've still had no luck with reviews.
  6. Has anyone stumbed across any external reviews of BotA? If you have, could you point me in thier direction? It'd be interesting to hear what non-OCR folk have to say about the project.
  7. UPDATED V2.1 Akuma-Stage---Power-Made-Flesh-v21
  8. It's known as Music 2000 in the UK, and it was released on PC. It's not so crap that it doesn't allow me to import my own samples. I use plenty that I've pilfered from the internet. Besides, it's my lack of mastering skills, not my software that's the main problem. I know full well that with a bit of nifty mastering you can make any old junk sound like gold, regardless of what it was composed on.
  9. Hell YEAH!! Seriously, I pray for Cubase but until then M2K is all I got.
  10. Ok. I use M2K/MG2 as my sequencer. I have no exteral hardware (midi controller etc.) I compose the track in M2K there then split the track into it's component parts (drums, synth etc.) and export each to .wav (44/16). I then edit and master each bit separately in cool edit (to be honest I have little idea of what I'm doing). I only discovered compression yesterday so until now I haven't used it. My aim is to achieve a good volume without sacrificing too much dynamic range. Akuma-Stage - Power Made Flesh - Version 2 This track is what I'm currently working on. However this was mastered as one solid wav, so I expect that's part of the problem. Mastering has always been my weakest point so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. My stuff is VERY basic. I'm only able to output in 16/44. This is why my track for the SSF2 remix project sounded shite compared to everyone elses.
  12. First of all I use a very simple setup. My software is basic; it outputs in .wav at 16bit stereo 44.1. The problem I'm having is that the resulting wav is a bit muddy. Now, I've been trying for ages to sort that out by EQ using Cool Edit. But I just can't get it right. Check out my latest submission in the WIP's forum and you'll see what I mean. I need some serious help.
  13. A while ago I posted a track called Power Made Flesh; an arrangement of SSF2 Akuma Stage. Unfortunately, while making some minor changes my comp crashed. The file was corrupted beyond repair. I was dishearted and quite pissed off, but consoled at the fact that the track survived in mp3 format on Putfile. Yesterday I discovered, to my astonishment, that an earlier edit of the track had been lurking in my folder under a different name. It was far from finished and there were plenty of miss-notes, but I persevered and reconstructed the entire track. I even took the liberty of adding and altering a few bits here and there. Akuma Stage was back from the dead! The result is this: Akuma-Stage - Power Made Flesh Version 2 Enjoy! UPDATE - The whole tack has been split, with each component EQed separately. It sounds alot better now. V 2.1 Akuma-Stage---Power-Made-Flesh-v21
  14. I'm liking the album art. The beaten character portraits are a nice touch (although you could get away with using the higher res SF3 Akuma sprite rather than the one currently used). Good stuff dude.
  15. I discovered 'Murder Instinct' on lastfm.com, along with the rest of BotA. Apparently I have 17 fans. I'm rather chuffed.
  16. Try http://putfile.com. It works for me. I look forward to seeing your mix in WIPs forum. It's best to post it there first before subitting it to the judges. It allows you to get feedback on your work. (Isn't there a hosting thread here somewhere?)
  17. Thing is, I need wavs. But thanks for the info anyway.
  18. Orchestral mainly. Ethnic stuff. Shakuhachi and koto stuff would be nice. Some sitar samples, maybe some Celtic sounds too. Oh and I need a decent set of choir samples, along with some snice Enya style vocals. Can you help me out?
  19. I might be accused of laziness for this but could someone point be in the direction of a nice large archive of free wav samples. (I did search the forums beforehand but got nothin')
  20. Don't be provocative. Provocative = "everybody stfu" Calm down kiddies. As Aetherius said this a thread for feedback not for flaming. So, can we just get back to the adulation of zircon's track?
  21. And they were terrible. That's why I replaced the music in those games too. Agreed. The boss themes (Shin Akuma, God Rugal) ruled though.
  22. Feel free to use my track. Of course, credit where credit is due and all that. I suspect what will bug me is that my track will be heard the least. After all, how many people can get a double perfect on Bison and get to fight Akuma?
  23. The project is a tribute to SUPER Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Hence the inclusion of my Akuma remix. Images are images and don't have much baring.
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