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Eternal Testament

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Everything posted by Eternal Testament

  1. Akuma is damn near finished. I need help cleaning up all the pops, clicks, crackles and farts. There aren't too many but they're noticeable. Not having any knowledge of sound engineering, this task is proving vexing. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreiciate it. Thnx.
  2. Whilst I'm not familliar with the source material I am familliar with the software it was created on. Hooray for M2K!! This track is a prime example of what M2k is capable of and Bloomers skill has done it proud. I love the altered 'Trancer' riff.
  3. Shael, my latest WIP should be snugly nestled in your inbox by now. Oh yeah, BUMP.
  4. Ok, I've done as much as I can think of with Akuma's theme. I've re-jigged the intro to make it just a wee bit stronger. I've changed a few samples here and there. As for the production quality side of things, I'm not sure what to do with it. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreiciated.
  5. Akuma's theme is a nightmare to get right. I'm not really a musician in the traditional sense. I know very little musical terminology, I can't play a single instrument, I can't read sheet music (very well), I don't use the best software or equipment and I suck at inventing melodies. But I'm reasonably good at at hearing a melody and being able to re-compose it in my sequencer. For weeks I tried to play by ear and pick out the chords and melodies for Akuma's theme. In the end I had to find a midi and take my cues from there. What I found suprised me, but that's music for you. Shael, I've emailed you my latest effort. I'm sick to death of trying to find a damn host.
  6. I'd like to hear what you've done so far. I've done an orchestral version of Akuma's theme (not really suitable for this collaboration) but it's one of about three Akuma remixes in existence, your's included. I'm currently working on a new nastier version that might be better suited. I'll get a WIP up sometime before Christmas hopefully.
  7. Akuma's theme "Beyond Human" is up (or at least will be)at www.mixstreet.net/eternaltestament Have listen, lemme know what you think.
  8. I have a version of Akuma's theme if you want it. I'll get it hosted in a few days so you can hear it then.
  9. Hello. I'm a n00b as you might have guessed. My name is Eternal Testament and I ask that you don't call me ET or make any phone home jokes. With that out of the way, um....Hi all.
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