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Eternal Testament

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Everything posted by Eternal Testament

  1. I've just heard it. It's freakin' awesome! Bring on the torrent!
  2. Ok, my pics in. Be prepared to chuckle.
  3. just to be sure, do you want the image around 60x60 pixels?
  4. Can these portraits be photoshoped for maximum awesomeness?
  5. Here's Malco's post just to be sure I soooo excited! This is gonna be great! Final Deadline 25th April EDIT: Forgot to add, the filename would be: BotA_a_Tribute_to_Street_Fighter_2_-_Balrog_Stage_Mercenary_Boxing.mp3 EDIT 2: Changed the capital 'A' to a lowercase. Shael reminded me that the article should always be lowercase. And I thought my gammar was good. Oh well.
  6. [quote name="Malcos Erm' date=' actually it's Shael's 'Blood on the Asphalt'
  7. Track order? Maybe something like this?: .Malcos' Blood on the Asphalt .Title theme .Here comes a new challenger .Character select .Versus .Character themes .Boss themes (in the order they're traditionally fought e.g Balrog, Vega, Sagat, Bison/Akuma) .Continue .Ending themes .Credits There are no track numbers because I've got no clue how many tacks have been submitted, but this is just a general idea.
  8. Ok, Akuma Stage is in. Done. Finished. Proper version with no clipping, no crap EQ, and no more revisions.
  9. Yeah, I just realised I sent you the wrong version. I'll get the proper one in on tuesday.
  10. Does this mean I've gotta email you the file again with the id3 tags filled out, or will you do the ones you've got?
  11. Ken's ending is a bummer at the moment. I can't seem to do a thing with it. I'll keep trying but I don't think much will come of it.
  12. Y'know what? I'm gonna make an attempt at Kens ending. I've no clue how it'll sound but I'm gonna accept the challenge of an urban wedding theme. ...God help me.
  13. Cool, my Akuma theme is in there. Ah, happiness is made of hadokens.
  14. I had a epiphany! Well, not really more of a slightly good idea regarding my Akuma track. But you won't be hearing it until this project reaches some kind of conclusion.
  15. I like this. It got that urban bangra thing going. I think you ought to expand on that.
  16. In an endeavour to prevent this thread disappearing into obscurity...BUMP.
  17. How about keeping a good dynamic range, without sacrificing amplitude and of course no clipping?
  18. Just a curiosity really, but what is everyone working on with this project? It doesn't matter wether it's been accepted or not. I'm doing Akuma.
  19. What whould you recommend I do to eliminate clipping using a very basic setup: Soundblaster Live 5.1 card. Cooledit 2 Basic "came-with-the-PC" 2 speaker setup Don't ask about my sequencer, it doesn't do shit. (Unless you know anything about Music 2000) M2K exports the tracks as 44100 16bit .wav (a setting I can't change until I get the .wav into cooledit) so I only have the one wav to work with. Clipping: The bane of newbie and pro alike.
  20. It is preferable to use a PC to remix on, yes. Your sequencer can be anywhere (PC or PS2) but your post editing/mixing software is better on a PC. I use Music 2000 to compose my tracks. I get a little flack for it, but then again I'm not a professional yet. I'm still learning, besides, you can compose a track on even the most basic of sequencers but you'll need to know how to post edit the song to make it sound near professional quality.
  21. Akuma update 2: Revenge of the Updating Thing Ok, I've wittled it down to two versions. The first has limited clipping and good frequency range but limited amplitude. The second has no clipping whatseoever, good amplitude but a limited frequency range. This is probably down to the limitations of my setup, I can't get a good frequency range without sacrificing amplitude. Ah well, I'm gonna have to pick one soon. EDIT: My terminology needs work too. I meant dynamic range rather than frequency range.
  22. My most hard fought, irritating, joypad breaking, thumb blistering and bloody right humiliating boss battle was with Akuma in SSF2Turbo. Not only did I have to fight my way through the game on level 8 difficulty without losing a round, I mean that's hard enough, I then have to suffer the indignity of having my ass handed to me for 4 and half hours at the hands of that topknotted nutjob.
  23. The problem here seems to be that one allows themselves to get too caught up in the audio quality of a song file rather than just enjoying the music. I use SCMPX to encode my mp3's. How good is it compared to LAME? I couldn't tell you nor do I care. If the resulting file sounds clean and clear at 128kbps or 160kbps, then I'm happy. Just enjoy the music. It's what we're all here for.
  24. Akuma update - Good news: I've discovered the source of the clipping problems. Bad News: I'm gonna have to redo all the post production.
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