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Eternal Testament

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Everything posted by Eternal Testament

  1. Do you think there's any point in submitting mine?
  2. Yes folks, I'm back with the very same track. However this time, there's some noticeable differences. Wether or not they are improvements, I'll leave to your judgement. I've played around with the brass, the trumpets just wern't working. I've added a nifty little choir. The whole mixdown has been redone. Oh and the guitar now has some oomph. http://media.putfile.com/Heroes-Road-Redux-WIP-v6
  3. Thanks. The brass near the end is in fact both french horns and trumpets. Both are from the Edirol Orchestral vsti set. It's not as good as the Gigastudio one, but its a hell of a lot cheaper.
  4. I've needed to do some new original material for a while now. I call this one 'Where Snow Never Falls'. It's a fusion of electronica/rock/orchestral with a gothic flavour. I've uploaded it to my Myspace page for easier access. http://www.myspace.com/eternaltestamentmusic
  5. Even today, I still get the urge to shoot every security camera I see. 10 years of Goldeneye'll do that to you.
  6. The interesting thing is that the SF3 characters have so little backstory compared with SF2/Alpha characters. I'd have to agree with Evilhead in that Oro is probably storywise the strongest character. He's certainly up there with Gill, Akuma and Alpha 3 Bison as a top tier character.
  7. It's likely that Ryu's outward style won't change that much. He'll likely have a couple of new specials and super combos. What I'd like to see is more of a marked difference between Ryu, Ken and Akuma. Individual fighting stances and distinct flourishes. Ryu would be middle-of-the-road, cautious and calculated. Ken would be be flashy and showboaty. And Akuma would be undiluted fury. There's only so much pallette swapping I can put up with.
  8. What, Robo-Columbo and The Decrepid Diaper? Good one.
  9. I consider myself a coniosseur of 2D fighters, despite sucking to a profound degree at them. MvC2 is deep because of it's team based tactics. Knowing how well a team of characters works together can make a hell of a difference in chaining combos. 3S is deeper than a mineshaft imo. The multitude of subtleties in play that can be achieved is staggering. Should Capcom chose to make SF4, they should consider the fact that SF is popular with it's fans. An obvious statement, yes, but an important one. There seems to be a distinct lack of appeal for 2D fighters these days. I feel a 2.5D incarnation would satisfy both the Japanese and Western markets; 2.5D allows for super snazzy graphics (possibly Viewtiful Joe inspired) and also the the deep level of gameplay that 3S demonstrated. If they were to go full 3D they'd be better off bringing Namco on board to help out as Capcom don't really have alot experience with 3D fighters, Rival Schools notwithstanding.
  10. I'm trying to find a midi/wav/mp3 of Apocalypse/Cyber Akuma theme from MSH vs SF. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Can anyone help me out? If this thread is in the wrong place feel free to move it.
  11. To me, this track just dosen't say 'Gouki' to me. I've done enough versions of Gouki/Akuma's theme to know what I'm talking about. Your synth sounds very SNESy. Try using a dirtier sound. A bit of buzzsaw synth maybe. Your drums were nice and frantic but there was something missing from them but I can't quite figure out what. Maybe they just need to be a little heavier. I did like the little snippet of the theme towards the end, perhaps you could expand on that.
  12. Hmm. Interesting. That's cool, but I'm still not forking out for it.
  13. The Armored Core series. Building your mech, designing your emblem and tweaking it till it was just right was fun. But the combat was just a little to awkward.
  14. It appears Guitar Rig 2 still requires an actual guitar. For us pickless wonders it seems Slayer 2 is the best we're gonna get. Also, Whipsmack, does your Slayer interface look like this...?
  15. Slayer 2 is a helluva lot better than Slayer 1 and it's around $80.
  16. Aready done. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6965 Whilst it's an Oblivion mix by name, I used all the Morrowind theme.
  17. Audacity for freeware, or Cool Edit if you're willing to fork out.
  18. I was using Slayer FX 2 vsti for the guitar, It'll never be as fluid as a real guitar but it's got a decent selection of amps and cabinets. You can get alot of different sounds out of it. Mind you it took me ages to get the lead sounding just right.
  19. I'm disheartened that no-one commented on my last two updates. So I've made another new thread in an attempt to attract some attention. I've made a few changes here and there, nothing that noticeable really, exept the guitar solo, I didn't like the last one so I re-did it substantially. Link:Oblivion - The Heroes Road REDUX v4 I'd really like some feedback on this one. I know some of you may have heard the original, but I believe this is so much better.
  20. I thought I'd start a new thread for this. I've rearranged the horns, playing with their character alittle. I reduced the volume of the bassy strings and also played with the velocities of almost everything. I left out the compression to allow for dynamic range. Added a wee guitar solo. I do hope you like it. Link: Heroes-Road-REDUX-v3
  21. $89.99 works out at about 65-70 euros (I don't have a euro key on my keyboard)
  22. Anyone who uses FL can spot the default samples a mile off. As for guitar samples try Slayer 2 http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/Slayer2win/ They have a demo version for download, or if your willing to spend the money can buy the full vsti program. While it's not quite the best out there, it's very good value for money.
  23. The synth guitar kind of works but it does sound very midi-ish. That sustained note in the middle dosen't sound good. Perhaps you could play with the volume to give that note some variety. Overall it sounds very midi intensive. And I suspect it was made using alot of default FL samples (although I can't be sure as I'm not that familliar with FL).
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