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Sole Signal

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  • Real Name
    formerly Audix
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. I first submitted a few tracks to Pump Audio about five years ago. For a while it was somewhat lucrative for me, but their usage has dried up over the years. I have around 50 library-ready tracks in various styles that are just sitting here. Are there any other new licensing options out there that you guys have found useful?
  2. Just posted a compilation album of all the main level remixes I've ever released for GoldenEye: Source: http://music.solesignalmusic.com/album/goldeneye-source-remixes Several probably have been heard before, but we never released a Beta 4 soundtrack so at least a few should be new downloads.
  3. N64 is my jam. Great list so far; I'm through the top ten so far and hope that DKR, Blast Corps, Rush, Wave Race show up a few times. I was fully expecting to have heard everything on this list but there's a few surprises so far (Shadowman, Ridge Racer)
  4. Project funded! Special thanks to all OCR for the tweets, retweets, and mentions over the past few weeks. What a community this is; thank you so much!
  5. Thanks all! On the home stretch! Only 8 hours left. Got the first sole signal t-shirt design up now.
  6. Awesome! Fully funded as of ten minutes ago and still climbing. Thank you so much to those who have backed this. I'm making plans for stretch goals and rewards depending on where this lands. Again, thank you and I'll update with plans/rewards as the Kickstarter progresses!
  7. Who let this guy on the project? Definitely my favorite game growing up, and I'm so glad to have had a chance to be a part of this album. I would have remixed all three of the sources I took anyway; thanks for letting me take those three on the project! I almost dropped "Blue Coin" altogether, but some final production tweaks and some convincing finally got it to a point I was comfortable with releasing. Fantastic project with great tracks. Just to name a few, some completely surprised me with the direction they went (Hush Hour, Perilous Pathway, Do Piranha Plants, Peach's House Party), some really expanded on the source (Through the Flames, Somebody Set Up Us the Bob-omb - those chords!), and the classic sources were done right (Sunken Secrets, So Long-eh Bowser!). I'll go through and comment on each track soon.
  8. Thanks guys, and all who pledged thus far! Just 15 days left and still looking for help to meet the project goal.
  9. Had this looping for the past 15 minutes. Great atmosphere and production. Adding to my chill playlist.
  10. New remix release! Had it uploaded and hidden on soundcloud for a long while, waiting until my album release to share it. Essentially a bonus track. It's a remix of several GoldenEye themes - Surface, Caverns, and multiplayer especially. "After Hour Martini (shaken remix)" https://soundcloud.com/solesignal/after-hour-martini-shaken Live Kickstarter for the full album, "Coming Up Aces". Support appreciated! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1069234859/sole-signal-coming-up-aces-album-release
  11. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1069234859/sole-signal-coming-up-aces-album-release I'm excited to announce my new album release, "Coming Up Aces"! It's been six years (!) since my previous release (and then, under an entirely different artist name - Audix). Check out the link above for all the good stuff: album preview, description, and a free Bonus track download. I'll make it short and sweet as most of the description is in the Kickstarter link. Thanks OCR - your support is greatly appreciated!
  12. This is great, especially the first two minutes. The percussive "roll" at 2:09 and 2:54, 3:09, etc sounds a little mechanical to me. I think the piano chords at 2:36-2:50 could be more effective if played lighter and maybe with a more interesting progression for the breakdown. Overall, though, I really liked it. Nice job!
  13. Well, for one, not wanting only 4 or 5 songs on that album, just those being the standout ones that catch your ear before the rest. As in, those tracks the artist would cycle through Pandora, the tracks you'd show people to say "Check this guy out!", the tracks that probably would sell the most as single downloads on iTunes. The rest of it still good. Less abstractly, nine times out of ten I'd buy an album from an artist I like before I'd buy even a handful of unrelated singles.
  14. I'll buy a cohesive, developed album with 4 or 5 standout tracks (the "singles") for $8-$15 in a heartbeat before I'll buy 4 or 5 singles on their own. By the album format, I'm trusting that the artist really put some time into polishing and creating his work. Of course, if it turns out the rest of the stuff is filler, good luck convincing me to pay again. So, yeah, throwing an album together from a bunch of random tracks you've done (even if "the best!" ones), is probably a bad idea. Once you have several strong albums out there, that buys you the leeway to experiment a bit. Until then, probably better to build a fanbase with a more consistent style.
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