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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. #1 Do (or did) you know about OCR's resources and guidelines, like the guides, the remixing forum, the #ocrwip irc channel, the checklist, the submission standards, the remixing tab, the tutorials category...?

    Sure do, haven't really used any of them though.

    #2 What's the main thing you want from the wip board, what kind of feedback? Criticism, advice, suggestions, general opinion, help, encouragement... something else?

    Really the main reason I post stuff on the WIP forum is to share what I'm currently working on and see people enjoy it. I'm my own worst critic when producing, and I tend to end up fixing most of the critiques people (rightfully) have as I work my way through the track.

    #3 What motivates you to review (if you do)? Game, remixer, genre, thread popularity... or...?

    Game and source tune, definitely. Glancing through the WIP forums from time to time, I try to comment on those sources that I'm familiar with. If I'm not familiar with the source, I usually don't bother unless it's a remixer that I like.

    #4 Do you have an idea for improving the WIP board (see list), an observation you'd like to share, or something else to say about the WIP board and its use and quality?

    I know when I posted my first WIP thread about two years ago, I didn't really know what I was doing. I thought I did, but now looking back I wonder what I was thinking. My first mix was rejected and I was pretty frustrated, thinking that my mix was well above par. In retrospect, their comments were very helpful but I just didn't make the connection between what was wrong and how to fix it, especially productionally. All you can do is just keep practicing and learn by doing.

    #5 Is there anything in particular that bothers you about the WIP board?

    See #3, not enough remixes from games I've actually played and sources I'm familiar with. :<

  2. Sure, but then you have the issue of people not updating their profiles with progress reports, and others would still have to check every individual profile to see what was being worked on. At that rate you may as well just put it as part of your signature if you want others to know what you've got in the works.

    Right, you wouldn't have to use it; just if you want to. I wouldn't clutter up my sig with that info, but if there was a script for WIP's in progress in my profile, I would certainly use it. There's several remixers that I would be curious to know what is in their sequencer now; it's not a biggie at all to just do a quick check of their profile.

  3. You know people are mostly doing this kind of thing on their own time at their own whim, right? It's not like this is a company where set members are assigned tracks to produce. A list like that would make no sense.

    Actually, I like Duokun's idea. It'd be pretty cool to have profiles that we could edit with the remixes we're working on (just the names, no WIP links or anything) and percentage of completion. DJP's got enough work to do, though. :)

  4. Interesting to hear you include FL in the list of DAWs that seem to lean toward recorded audio. It wasn't that long ago that FL was (wrongly) considered weak in that department.

    Back in the day I also used Noteworthy Composer, and now use FL. Moving from staff based to piano roll based composition was a little bit of a transition, but it didn't take long. When I first started, I would often create the midi in Noteworthy, and then import in FL. As I grew more confident, I started creating my tracks entirely in FL and now wouldn't have it any other way. Your comment about FL "defaulting" to step sequencer is, frankly, not an issue at all. Right-clicking, then hitting Piano Roll becomes second nature very quickly and is certainly not something that would rationalize dropping the sequencer entirely.

    In short, it doesn't get much easier in working with MIDI than FL. :)

  5. Something I do a lot is go back through my old projects for those tracks that I got burned out on and hit them with a fresh perspective. "Day's End" was finished that way; it sat for months with just the opening piano finished. It is true that it's better to "force" yourself to put something down, because when you come back to it later it's much easier to find something in that that you like and get the inspiration to continue.

  6. I'm doing half the soundtrack for Goldeneye:Source, a Half-life 2 mod recreating the multiplayer aspect of Goldeneye. I'll be making a forum post about it some time, but for now you can check out a few of the remixes I've done.

    Runway: (this is a very "conservative" remix, as my goal was to essentially mirror the original)


    "Rocking the Cradle" - Antenna Cradle


    "Shadows in the Temple" - (an "original" remix of the multiplayer themes)


    I've also have nearly completed versions of Control, Silo, Dam, and another "original" remix that I'll post when completed. Hope this is what you're looking for. :)

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