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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. Awesome, I'm getting 1 of 20 physical discs!

    Hopefully, this time around, shipping won't mutilate the nice jewel box. My copy of Audix' ODM arrived with the case almost broken in two. :(

    Thankfully, Jewelboxing offers free samples, so I picked one up as a replacement. I'd feel bad about doing it again, so here's hoping it gets careful handling.

    Yeah, shipping has a bad habit of being very unkind to CD cases. My copy of Tweek's album arrived with a big crack down the center. :/

  2. It kinda depends. I'll just fly through some tracks I do, while others take much longer. I did my section of the Global Empire collab (about 2 minutes worth of music, plus the solo) in two afternoons, with another session devoted to final mixing and mastering.

    Aqueous Transgression was spread out over about a month of work, but again, in short chunks of time (as dannthr alluded to, would be a common complaint of most mixers here.) More recently, I moved very quickly through the track I did for Blind's project (like three or four days), but that's pretty uncommon for me to finish a piece that quickly.

  3. i think the cubbies have the NL. they're the best in their league and the only team that i think can legitimately challenge are the brewers and the cubs own em. i don't just say this because my oakland a's gifted them an unnaturally talented rich harden but i think the team needed him less than the brewers needed sabathia and quite frankly, he's been just as unittable.

    A week ago I would have agreed, but with both Zambrano and Harden going down and out indefinitely, plus the recent 6 straight home losses and their bats going to sleep, the NL is up for grabs. Obviously, they'll make the playoffs but they're looking very beatable. It's all about whose pitching staff gets hottest at the right time.

  4. I would care more if the Twins actually had a chance of going somewhere this season. ;_;


    Huge White Sox and baseball fan here. I played baseball all high school, *narcissism* actually hit for the cycle in the sectional championship game in our high school's first ever sectional win. *end narcissism* Tampa is a great feel-good story compared to the crazy high budget markets like Boston and New York; I hope they hold on to that division lead. Was kinda hoping Milwaukee would pick up some games on the Cubs in their most recent nosedive, but it's looking like they'll hold on to that division spot.

    Quentin going down kinda hurts, though...:|

    PS: standings need updated in first post

  5. The usual recommendations for budget orchestral libraries ($200 and less) are GPO and EWQL silver. I've heard different perspectives, but it seems that the consensus is usually about 75/25% in favor of EWQL. I personally recommend EWQL because I like the louder more bombastic type of sound that it brings, although it can handle most everything pretty convincingly. Can't speak to GPO from personal experience.

  6. Thank ya guys. :)

    Happy birthday both of you, go eat some cupcakes.

    Actually, my sister and girlfriend (two different people, don't make that joke) made me two giant plates of chocolate chip cookies unbeknowst to each other. Now I've got like 70 cookies to eat over the next few days. :oops:

  7. Playing devil's advocate here.

    Doesn't recruiting votes go against the ideas of OurStage, to let the best song win? This strikes me as turning a legitimate competition into a popularity contest.

    Even if you said "Go to OurStage and vote for whatever music YOU think is the best" this is a community obviously highly biased in favor of OCR.

    I'm sure all contestants do it, and I'm not proposing a solution, just, as I said, playing devil's advocate.

    Heh, you're a couple months late, man. This discussion has gone down many times before. :)

    Hope to get some votes in this weekend for ya'll. It'll be interesting to see who wins Club/Dance.

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