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Posts posted by Zombie

  1. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3. This was shortly after I bought my GC. I enjoyed the first one on the 64 alot, so i thought this one would be great, however, the ground missions ruined it for me. :???:

    PN 03 - Rediculously terrible game. It looked cool, but I was wrong. I literally beat the game in like 2 hours. Why I played it to the end, I have no idea.

    Excite Truck - This is an alright game, however, I can never see myself playing it ever again. Just not much to draw me back to playing it.

  2. I love this game. I beat it on easy the other day and am now starting it on the hardest difficulty. I'd have to say that I like Killer7 alot better, but NMH is great too. The bosses (especially near the middle of the game and on) are awesome. The blood is great too.

    I took my Wii over to a friends house yesterday, and showed him this game. Of course, being as narrow minded about games as he is, he hated it. He said, "Obviously the developers of this were not taking graphics into consideration while making this" and, while I was roaming the overworld, "This looks like a crappy GTA clone". He even went as far as saying that it was ripping off star wars when he saw the beam katana. :roll: He obviously just didn't get it. :???:

  3. I was wondering if anyone's got the Fire Emblem game for Wii. I was thinking about getting it the other day, but I've got mixed feelings. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    I have yet to get it, but from what I hear it is very similar to Path of Radiance gameplay-wise. It doesn't use the motion sensitivity or IR, so it is a much more traditional experience for the Wii. It is also harder than PoR from what I have heard.

    I've been meaning to pick it up, but really am in no hurry with some of the other games out there (NMH, for example).

  4. I blame Nintendo. My GameStop store received a shipment of 2 today. And one of those was a preorder, so there was only one copy for the general public. Needless to say, it was gone by the time I started work at 5:30 today.

    No wonder Suda complained that 3rd party games don't sell. Nintendo isn't giving them enough support. Oh yeah, and the 3rd party games are crappy ports, etc.

    Only 2 copies? That just makes sad to hear that. I guess from the poor japanese release of the game they must be scared to ship many games out here. :-?

  5. I'm thinking of getting a ps3. There aren't as many good exclusives as I'd like at the moment, but with both a Wii and PS3 I should be fine. Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted look like a blast.

  6. I really enjoy gaming right now. I just beat killer7 (it may be a few years old, but it's new to me!) which was awesome, and am looking forward to NMH. I am even thinking of getting a PS3 soon (there is a few good exclusives on it right now, and the future for it looks promising). Oddly though, I am not really exited for SSBB. I dunno, I know I am going to buy it and most likely enjoy it. However, I just don't seem to be freaking out like the rest of the internet.:???:

    This thread has worried me about my future in gaming, though. I wan't to play and enjoy video games forever, but will that really happen? I wonder if I will ever lose interest. I sure hope the day never comes when that happens.

  7. Alright, WTF. No More Heroes seems to not be "officially" out from everywhere I looked. Amazon said Jan. 31, and WalMart doesn't have it (go figure). Grr...:-?

    I did beat Killer 7 yesterday though, which was amazing (and exremely wierd). I am now ready for more suda51 goodness.:-)

    Edit - ebgames.com has it in stock, ready to ship within 24 hours.

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