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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. When this started out I was a little skeptical, as that snare is silly weak, but it was one of those "gotcha" moments as the song gradually evolved into something a lot more badass. There is some good variation on the theme to keep it interesting in several spots, but it seemed like this was really being driven by the percussion, and though the song itself is short, there is a reasonable amount of interest based on such a tiny source track for this to be passable for me. I think a little more variation could have helped, but between the effects, the percussion, and the overall presentation, this is above the bar for me. Yes
  2. sounds like early on the high hats are still a little piercing, but the rest of the track feels a lot better to me. There are a lot of really nice details tucked into this one, and some very cool syncopated synth parts that are tastefully panned. My only real complaint is that the ending is a bit weaksauce, but this track is all about the journey, not the destination. Nice work, good resub Yes
  3. The arrangement of this is pretty good (especially the really well done math-metal section), but the production isn't quite cutting it. The drums sound pretty weak, and a lot of the track sounds overcompressed. When the clean guitars come in over the prog section, they sound pasted on top of the track. The guitar rhythm tone is also a little weak and overly heavy on the high-mids. It's especially noticeable in the prog section, where while played really tightly, it just sounds kindof thin. Performances all around are solid, with some very nice guitar playing, but you'll need to beef up your drums without resorting to too much compression. This is a close call, but the production issues need to be addressed. No, please resubmit
  4. Definitely starting to get the basics of arrangement down, Alex. There are a lot of cool details here, and though the samples aren't really awesome, and the overall length is a bit long, this is a huge step up. Where this could be improved is a little bit harder-hitting drums (specifically the snare), and an overall length trimming. Also, some more cool hooks, like the excellent percussion breakdown would really kick up the excitement level on this. The soundscape is decently filled out, and the transitions work pretty well, but in the time alloted, not a ton of stuff is happening that is noticeably changing. I can tell some BG pads and stuff are being shifted around, but the main parts sound like copy-pastes. There is a good variation overall, and the percussion writing is some of your best yet, so this one definitely has promise. No, please resubmit
  5. holy shit - pedicure PLUS I can be a lawful neutral cleric? FUUUCKK YEAAHH
  6. Cool arrangement, nice builds, and good sax playing- this really has some nice details that really shine. Great performance, all kinds of cool features, and etc. etc. It's good, features the source in a really classy way, and I want to vote yes on it, so I will. Yes
  7. Happy birthday, dude, I hope it's fun and good!
  8. No need to let this one drag out, after re-listening, the source use is seemingly more shaky than I remember, so in the spirit of humility, i'll admit I was wrong, and change my vote to a no. I still like the track though. No
  9. ReMixer name: Cosmonal Rreal name: Eric Fraga Email address: ericfraga@gmail.com Website: www.cosmiceffect.com.br Userid: 33016 Game: Sword Of Vermilion Song: Stats Comments: I did a version of this song at the time I was playing, 1992. Back then, I had a Yamaha PSR-510 with no sequencer, so I used the custom auto-accompaniment to make game music. Then, at 1995 I had access to a midi card and made a version, but using the same PSR keyboard. This year (2010), I wanted to upgrade my version with the gear I own now and this is my personal definitive version of Statts. Hope you guys enjoy it! source: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/vermstat.mid
  10. It's for the good of December reviews month!
  11. Iceferno Alec Brooke http://www.youtube.com/IceyOnly ID 15392 source: - Final Hours - Astral Observatory
  12. Pretty solid live performance. The drum recording was a bit dirty, but the fact that it was performed live and still pretty solid is a distinct plus. The Eq is a little heavy in the low mids, but things are still pretty audible, and there is a lot of power behind the recordings. The arrangement has a lot of nice transitions and change-ups that make this feel very personalized. The performances are all very good, and the harmonies and articulation are solid. Even though there are several sources, it never felt like a medley to me, and all was cohesive. I think the production could be cleaned up slightly, with a little bit of EQ on the drums and rhythm guitar to clean out some of the low-mid frequencies, but otherwise I was pretty pleased with this one. Yes
  13. Your ReMixer name: Joren de Bruin Your real name: Joren de Bruin Your email address: ayato_kamina1@hotmail.com Your website: - Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 16286 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger Name of individual song(s) arranged: Robo Gang Johnny ReMix Name: Pimpbot-5000 Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): - Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): - Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: This was originally supposed to be something of a smooth jazz arrangement, made from start to end in only a few hours, but IggyKoopa came up with the notion that it sounded like porn music, so I added the sleazy wah guitar and the ever-popular moaning woman SFX. Despite the somewhat comedic premise I believe the arrangement is strong enough to stand on it's own, and the moan SFX only really adds to it. Enjoy. source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuTPjWvcoYw
  14. halc (13226) Drew Wheeler Insixfour (29712) Bryan Herkless ProtoDome (25246) Blake Troise 'Shifting Islands' Sonic the Hedgehog Source: Marble Zone PROJECT MIX - The Sound of Speed halc's comments: I signed on good irl friend Bryan/Insixfour pretty early on in the game to take on Marble Zone. Incidentally, he was our only non-posted (or to-be-posted) remixer on the project. Bryan gets credit for 99% of the arrangement here- I jumped in at some point to add a little bit of chiptune flair and some production enhancements, and then enlisted the help of ProtoDome for some live sax. The end result turned out to be a pretty cohesive amalgamation of style and skill. Enjoy! Insixfour's comments: One word to say.. FINALLY! We started this mix well over a year ago when the project was just taking off, so it's about time! Great song from a great game, and I can't wait to work on our next collab! source:
  15. Some of the sequencing is pretty stiff, especially early on when things are more exposed, though it gets better once the toned percussion comes in. The bassoon range seems a little high for the instrument, and the brass melody is a bit rigid, but the flute stuff is really pretty nice. The good news is that the dynamics are pretty solid, and the flow and transitions are nice. The arrangement is pretty classy as well, and adds a few nuances to an already strong melody. The sequencing isn't perfect, but overall the feel of this is good enough for me, and the arrangement makes up for some of the flaws. The production is clean and the samples are pretty good. Yes
  16. Some really strong performances, and though there are a few production choices i'm not completely sold on, the strengths far outweigh the weaknesses. The synth and some of the orch elements are a little dry, like Cain mentioned, but not enough to push this below the bar. Rocking arrangement, very intelligent, and a lot of strong variation. I like it quite a bit, nice work. Yes
  17. XSTmusic Frederic Smallstep (Please do not publish it on the verdict page) No website at the moment userid #33898 Submission Information Megaman X (SNES) Chill Penguin Additional information: (already on the site) Link to the original soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6ISsXnti24 Comments about the mix: This remix is a part of a medley for the album Maverick Rising. It took me a couple of hours (many) to come up with it. Making this little tribute was a challenge somehow, but also very fun! Guitars were recorded with my Boss GT-10 plugged in my soundcard and the other instruments with Record (Propellerhead). I did not really have inspiration behind it, I just wanted to make a kick-ass rendition of a pretty good song and have it sound a little progressive metal with some little shred. I think it maybe sound, in the intro, a little bit ala Dream Theater with their song "The Glass Prison" in a bar, and ala Symphony X with their song "Fallen" with the way the drums progesses to a steady beat in the intro. On the other hand, it's far from being the same at all. I hope you enjoy this as much as I had making it. The name for the submission is: Chill Out, Tux!
  18. Artist: HoboKa Sources: 1) http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/T_MortalKombat_Pit.mid (the pit Mortal Kombat 1) 2) http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/mk2_armory_zb.mid (the Armory Mortal Kombat 2) Remix name: HoboKombaaat Description: Well, kinda hard to describe, other than it uses different forms of electronic styles and stuff. I aimed for that kinda edgy 90's feel and was definitely inspired by the MK movie theme song. Other then that, I'll let your ears discern the rest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GUobp0lo5s - Genesis pit (is a little different from the midi) - The armory
  19. Your ReMixer name: Flexstyle Your real name: Michael Birch Your website: flexstylemusic.com Your userid: 22246 Name of game(s) arranged: Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Name of individual song(s) arranged: Great Moblin's Keep Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-g5DAXrZZs Well, first off, this song here is part of the unofficial remix album "Essence of Lime," a remaking of the entire Oracle of Ages soundtrack, released in June 2010 over at essenceoflime.revasser.net. I got wind of its existence rather late, but managed to contribute a couple of tracks. This is a very dark and cold drum'n'bass track (a genre that OCR seems to be sadly lacking...hmm...), as this part of the game apparently takes place in a cave of some sort? I wouldn't know, sadly, as I've never played it. Strangely enough, that seems to be the case with almost every game track I remix...ah well, I digress. I tried to give the already-spooky track a serious jolt of adrenaline while making it every bit as creepy as possible. 'Nuff said. Hope y'all enjoy it! -Michael (Flexstyle) source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbKpW1mpkWM
  20. Hi, Long time listener, first time submitter. This song is a loose, mainly-piano interpretation of parts of the main level theme + the credits theme of Hebereke / Ufouria, a cute NES platformer made by Sunsoft. It starts off with the source material then kind of flows from there, with phrases from Hebereke's music mixed in and expanded upon throughout. There's a short phrase from the title screen at the very end as well. It's supposed to evoke kind of a floaty feeling of being above the clouds (hence the title), and simple as it may be, I think it accomplishes that nicely. Here's a source breakdown: Starts off with the main level theme (0:06 of NSF track 1) in a different key, then flows from there 1:01 - 1:32 (comes from 0:19-0:31 of the main level theme NSF track 1) 1:33 (flowing from main level theme again) 2:33 - 3:23 (0:29-0:55 of track 11 of NSF - "credits") 3:00 - 3:23 (0:40-0:53 of track 5 of NSF - "title screen") Zophar's Domain link to NSF source http://www.zophar.net/music/nsf/hebereke.html And the requisite information: Your ReMixer name: Drakken Your real name: Josh Freund Your email addres: jfreund1@gmail.com Your userid: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=26449 User ID: 26449 Name of game(s) arranged: released as Hebereke in Japan and Ufouria in Europe; finally released for the Virtual Console in America as Ufouria in 2010 Name of individual song(s) arranged: Main Level Theme/Credits/Title Screen System: NES Composer: Nobuyuki Hara, Shinichi Seya, Naoki Kodaka (per VGMDB) Fwiw, the "official" titles from the VGMDB page are "Hebereke" for the title screen, "Hebe Adventure" for the main level theme, and "Glorious Hebe" for the credits Thanks for your consideration and for running such an awesome website!
  21. Contact Information: Zubareus Artem Zubarev Zubareus@mail.ru www.myspace.com/zubareus 40768 Submission Information: Name of game - Robocop 3 Name of individual song - Robocop 3 intro Composer: Jeroen Tel, Nintendo source:
  22. Name of submisson: Bane of Zelos My info: Remixer name: Year 200X Real Name: Tim Lydon (registered OCR member). Other members' names: Jake Bryan, Rance Tatroe, Ian Whiters, Tony Oliver Email address: timlydon@gmail.com Band Website: http://www.year200xband.com User Id = 40724 Submission info: Game remixed: Life Force (nes) Individual songs arranged: Level 1 BGM, Level 3 BGM, Boss theme, Level 6 BGM (medley) Composer info is on ocremix Link to OST: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=94853362E435D619 Comments: This is a full band remix of several levels from the game...drums, guitar, and bass are all live instruments. DA Note: Order of songs in the medley are Level 1, Level 6, Boss, Level 3
  23. Original submission: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30452 ReMixer name: Guifrog Real Name: Guilherme Arcoverde Country: Brazil ---- Game arranged: Kingdom Hearts 2 Song arranged: Rowdy Rumble (source link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGOrSBZu7Dk) Ribbit! I decided to get off my chair and buy samples/VSTi's. Done. Now for resub time! This one's the former "Espacio Cañi" that got rejected, and I decided to change names because the new mix doesn't intend to focus Pascual Marquina's "España Cañi". Everything was re-written, from scratch, and there's no source other than the original KH2 track. Breakdown: 0:00-0:14 => Intro. Original writing. 0:15-0:20 => Marimba plays source beginning with just a bit of variation. 0:21-0:45 => Main melody from source. 0:46-1:08 => Chorus. Marimba goes for source harmony, and melody from the rest is original. 1:09-1:44 => Melodía principal de la fuente. 1:45-1:55 => Marimba toca la harmonía de la fuente. And don't worry, this part and the previous describe the same thing from 3rd and 4th ones, pero en español para que sea diferente. 1:56-2:08 => Yep, marimba vanishes. But chord progression's still based on the source. 2:09-2:26 => There's superhero marimba again! It plays the main harmony, again... 2:27-3:01 => Source has a lil' variation on the melody, and I decided to put it here. 3:02-3:31 => " " " " " on the pitch, " " " " " " " (y'know? Change quotes to previous part description words). I don't know why, but the way I've done this mix makes me feel like I'm on a disco party in a pirate ship. Yeah, they could be spanish gypsy pirates, why not?! Yohohohoho!!! Enjoy XD
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