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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Song name: The Leidenfrost Effect Contact Information: Your ReMixer name – Level 99, Hemophiliac Your real name - Stevo Bortz, Chris Roman Your email address – level99remixteam@gmail.com Your website – derpa derp Your userid – 13318, 4862 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged – Mega Man X3 Name of individual song(s) arranged – Blizzard Buffalo (http://ocremix.org/chip/6289 should be in there) Composer: Kinuyo Yamashita (Game already in OCR database) YARR THIS BE A NOTE: Part of Maverick Rising project, do not post until after project is released if track is accepted. Comments on the song: Submitting this on behalf of myself and Hemophiliac. This was originally going to be my only contribution to the MR project, and I found myself banging my head against a wall for how to make it different enough from the source besides just changing it to acoustic guitar. The song, with Chris's help on arrangement and strings, ended up becoming this mellow acoustic-driven track. Hard to describe but the style should be familiar with anyone who's listened to mellow rock. The orchestration adds a lot of support to the lead guitar parts, and thanks to long Skype sessions in fundamental music theory, Chris helped me write some alternative melodies that fit in the same vein as the source. This track was a huge challenge for me after finding the style because I am naturally musically opposed to the kinds of notes the strings initially played. They grew on me as I began to understand more how the chords and notes interplayed. A great learning experience and massive thanks to Chris for helping contribute to the track. Song is titled after the scientific phenomenon of the same name. The song juxtaposes the cold feelings of the lead and hand chimes with the warmth of the strings, the acoustic guitar, and the bass. Source usage: 0:09-0:50 Regular source 0:50-1:30 Modified source lead, still same progression 1:30-2:00 Original section 2:00-2:29 Original section with modified source lead parts as solo 2:30-3:10 Return to Regular source Total length: 203 seconds Total source (roughly): 130 seconds Percent source: 64% ~Stevo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL3m1izjzHY
  2. Remix Title: Shadow Puppetry for the Blind Contact Information ReMixer name: evory Real name: Jeremy Ng Email: jeremyngyd@hotmail.com User ID: 31417 Submission Information Game arranged: Final Fantasy XIII Song arranged: Blinded by Light (Battle Theme) Game information: Masashi Hamauzu; PS3 / Xbox360 Source: Additional information: (cue, verbal diarrhoea) The first that caught your eye should have been the title "Shadow Puppetry for the Blind". Actually nothing should have caught your eye because (1) you should be listening to the mix rather than doing anything else, and (2) you're supposed to have been blinded by light (but since this is an inferior remix, it'll hardly serve that purpose). Anyway, even if the title didn't catch your eye (and I doubt it did), mentioning this serves as an excuse for me to explain the the title. The title is essentially a rip-off from an old short story I wrote involving light, darkness, a magical grand piano, and as many biblical allusions as Google could find me in a bid to make the story complex to the point of convolutedness. While I stole the title because it sounded nice, it actually makes sense because, as with shadow puppetry for the blind, the remix (1) lacks any solid sense of clarity and direction, and (2) is utterly pointless. The source should be pretty clear throughout, it starts with a slightly mutated version if the bassline, moves into a slightly more mutated version of the source, and finally into a disfigured, degenerate and defenestrated hack of an excuse for the source. Oh and Those Who Fight is thrown in somewhere because it fit the rhythm almost perfectly, and saved me the trouble of thinking of my own buildup. This aside, I feel pleased and clever to no end for sneaking in a quote from a chinese orchestral piece (飞天, translated as Flying Asparas. If you read that as 'asparagus' you're not alone, and if you have no idea what an asparas is, you're not alone either.). Granted, it's only one bar, and granted, it's buried somewhere in the melange of muddy melodies, and granted, it's entirely pointless except for the reason of self-gratification. Which makes it perfectly congruous with this remix. Yay.
  3. I don't think this will pass at all because it's too much of a medley, but it is damn amazing, so I think people should have a chance to hear it. - OA Hi I'd like to submit the attached song if possible. It's a Sonic The Hedgehog medley. Title of track: Sonic Tribute (Part 2) Author: Andy Gillion Many Thanks, Andy In the event this song is rejected, please keep the link up: http://www.oceansend.com/5502/ocr/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_%27Sonic_Tribute%27.mp3
  4. Game: Final Fantasy 8 Songs: Find Your Way, The Landing, The Oath, The Extreme ReMixer name: Lastair User ID: 892 Featuring snappleman on lead guitars, and norg on rhythm guitars/bass (Chapman Stick). Comment: Arrangement-wise my main goal was to use some of my favorite material from the game, not simply with the source songs following each other in a medley-ish sequence but by weaving them together more naturally into a song that could stand on its own. sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka2Ek-g8Sxk
  5. Really nice feel to this one; I love the serene melody and calm and relaxed feeling. Very beautiful stuff, guys.
  6. 421 reviews so far! 79 more reviews and things start to get serious! I don't think you can handle it!
  7. Really classy stuff, it's definitely more of an expansion than a reinterpretation, but there is a lot of backing material that really is a fun upgrade. It takes the sortof quirky original and makes it into a key-based prog epic. Strong production, great arrangement, very nice vision, solid performances. Yes
  8. This has been tightened up pretty well, it still feels slightly on the liberal side, but it definitely has a dominant source. Not much else to say, excellent production, great flow, and now with MORE MEGA MAN! Great work dude. Yes
  9. Nice improvement on having the soundscape fit together better, and trimming down the arrangement a little helped as well. It's still a bit on the long side, but there is enough going on that is interesting and melodic to keep my attention. The glitches were cool, all the transitions were fixed up, and though the sounds are still a bit on vanilla side, the revisions kicked this up over the bar for me. Yes
  10. Not sure if that track name is gonna fly, it's pretty generic. Let's listen though. It took me awhile to wrap my head around what was going on here, but once I did, I could really appreciate you adjusting the source in the way you did. Production-wise, the bass seemed like it could have been a bit deeper, but i was generally feeling the rest of it. You've added a lot of cool hooks into the song that really give it a powerful swagger. Overall pretty good, i dig. Yes
  11. Nice arrangement, very classy, and the breakdown was very appreciated. Solid production, a good room sound, and everything was clicking for me as far as balance. Percussion, bass, and the leads were all very well done, with good sequencing. The sax was a little flat on a few notes, but not enough to bring down the track at all, and the playing was otherwise very good, with nice tone and good articulation. Not much else to say, this is really nice. Yes
  12. Pretty good stuff overall, the only real production crit i have is that I wish the rhythm guitars had a touch more high end bite, but otherwise it sounds pretty solid. Cool touches on having the guitars take the role of the choir in the source. There was a good flow, and some nice additional stuff, while maintaining the feel of the source. One of your stronger tracks, I think this is pretty solid stuff. Yes
  13. Overall a pretty cool and atmospheric mix that retains a lot of catchy synth melodies. The choir was a little mechanical, and the attack is a little slow too. I know you spent a lot of time on the snare, but it still doesn't feel exactly right, but works ok enough. A little more high end and crack would have been perfect. The synth is also a bit piercing and could have used a little bit of vibrato. Otherwise, the track is really good, and I dig the arrangement, but it needs just a touch more polish on the production end of things. Yes (conditional)
  14. The piano and choir on this was really nice, and gave me a strong feeling of a lot of the kingdom hearts music. The choir sample wasn't awesome, but worked, but I do think this is lacking a little in the high end, and the pan flute at the beginning sounded awfully mechanical. Great arrangement, creative and classy. This should be an easy fix, but i'll give it a conditional for now. I am really looking forward to hearing this touched up. Yes (conditional opn pan flute and some eq work on the low mids of the piano)
  15. Definitely an impressive and bombastic take on the theme but I can't help but think of how similar it sounds to the source. I think taking the theme and expanding upon it would be a good idea- the sequencing is generally strong, and there is a good sense of placement. Some elements were a little too far forward, but overall things were pretty close. The main issue is the minimum amount of expansion of the main melodies; I think there is a good shift of expanding the genre that has some countermelodies added, but there needs to be more personalization as well. i recommend hitting up the WIP threads for some tips; you definitely have some skills, the track itself just needs to match the goals of OCR a little closer to get on the site. No, please resubmit
  16. Great arrangement, but the production needs a little bit of adjustment. The drums were well programmed, with some nice patterns and a natural feel, but the snare sounded a little bit off, and could stand to be thickened up a bit. It sounds a little cheapy as is. The intro sequencing was slightly stiff but worked well enough I think,, fixing it would help it a little overall though. The guitars need a bit of eq trimming as well, though the transition with the rhythm guitars getting filtered in was SICK- totally loved that and really worked well. There was a ton of mud in the section, and for some reason, the cymbals on the left hand side near the end wear SEARING- definitely want to tweak the EQ and tone those down.. ouuuch. Overall a very strong arrangement and it's almost here, just needs some tweaks. No, please resubmit
  17. Really nice chip sound here, it's clean and a little heavily compressed, but overall has a nice sound, and a lot of strong rhythmic interest, and a really nice melody. These is plenty going on throughout, and the sections are well-linked, but varied. You even make some cool sounding stuff with some pretty weak samples, which is pretty cool. Production could be a little better overall, with the reduction of the compression, but I think the arrangement is strong enough that this will pass pretty easily. Yes
  18. Pretty nice arrangement, though it's a little bit relentless for the source material, I think a breakdown section where it hit halftime and toned it down a bit would have been nice, but it's still good. Production-wise, It's a little packed, but there's some good panning and details that make it work, it was most noticeable for the guitar solo, i think pulling back a little more on the upper-high EQ while that was going on would let it cut through a bit more, but it was still audible. Overall not your strongest track ever, but above the bar. Nice work. Yes
  19. I really think this has a ton of promise, great arrangement, a really nice voice, but yeah, some intonation issues, specifically when there are a overdubs- The solo voice parts are generally very good with just a few notes that aren't exactly on, but it's strong in those parts. I think taking a look at a few of the sections that are a little less polished and rerecording would really help. The instruments all sounded pretty good, and the production is very intimate and cozy, so no issues there, just needs a minor tune up. I really really enjoy this, and think you are very talented, but it needs just a little bit of work. No, please resubmit
  20. The arrangement of this is pretty solid, but the sounds aren't quite meshing in the way they need to. Deia already mentioned that some stuff sounds too dry, and that is a definite issue, and not just for the percussion for me. I think you'll need to take a look at the room sound for every instrument and make sure it is a cohesive sound overall. The vocals were cool but way too far forward, and the only thing that really sounded treated was the strings. I recommend hitting up the WIP thread for this track, it's definitely close, but needs a little bit more polish to hit the front page. No, please resubmit
  21. I am really enjoying the atmosphere added to this and the percussion, though the arrangement is very conservative as a whole. There are a few sections that sound original, and that fit well, but the melody itself could be played with a bit more, especially in the second half, which sounds a bit copy-pasted. Production could use a bit more bass instrument, as that section felt a bit empty, and the length seemed long, maybe because of the repetitive nature. Overall a very good start, but needs a bit more work. No, please resubmit
  22. Remixer Name: Avin Real Name: Galvin Patrick Email: gmvinster@live.com, gmvinster@gmail.com Website: http://www.facebook.com/gmvinster Userid: 30775 Name of game arranged: Silent Hill Name of individual song arranged: Silent Hill Composer: Akira Yamaoka Comment; Making this beat as if it’s a dance anthem for a dance crew. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImfFAkV16Qc
  23. 342 reviews so far! work work everyone, keep it up!
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