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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. So at first this sounding insanely liberal, but after a bunch of listens, I am starting to hear the connections to the source. What really threw me off were the very ear-catching original parts, so nice work composing those. The variations of the theme were interesting and well done. The production was a bit of a mixed bag, however. Some of the samples sounded pretty fakey, specifically the strings, and overall, the room sound was pretty far back. The balance was pretty good, but really, it sounded like I was at a recital, and had really bad seats. I'd reduce the reverb on the master channel considerably to the nuances are a little easier to hear. The arrangement takes some time to wrap your head around but is very good, but the production needs to be tightened up, in both the sequencing and the production. I'd love to hear this again. No, please resubmit
  2. very very definite production issues here. The mixing itself is fine, but you are pushing it so hard to get volume that the RMS is insane. If poor Jimmy heard this, he might actually die. The playing is excellent, and the programming is great, but between an overly liberal take, and a completely smashed sound, I need to hear this revised before signing off. The foundation is definitely there, it just needs some polish. No, please resubmit
  3. Pretty nice warm sound here; i'd have liked a little more high end, but for a recording it's pretty solid. Based on that, this is a piece that lives or dies based on the performance and arrangement, and thankfully the performance is very solid, with a minor exception where the focus wavered a bit slightly past the halfway point. Something about the timing for a few measures seemed off, and didn't match the rest of the piece. One somewhat questionable arrangement choice was the inclusion of the Hall of the Mountain king. It's a pretty obvious tie in, but adding a classical piece into a song isn't really frequently done. Thankfully, the composition is public domain, so the legalities of it being hosted on OCR, should it pass the panel are not in question. I think since it's just a brief section, it's more of a cute arrangement wink rather than something holding up the whole proceeding, which makes me feel like it's more ok. Overall, the performance is really nice, and there is enough interpretation beyond tying in the Mountain King to keep me interested. It's close for me, but there is a lot of good stuff going on here. Yes
  4. The soundscape of the intro vs. the main song seems kindof off. Feels like the intro, regardless of how cool, was stapled onto the song. Production was decent, though the compressor is working pretty damn hard; you should tone that down a bit. The sound was still decently clear, but the RMS was way high. Minor adjustment really. The arrangement itself is cute, and is probably just different enough to clear the bar. I wish it had been more than just a genre shift, but it works well enough. Fix that compression and i'm ok with this. yes (Conditional)
  5. Pretty logical connection between the two sources, they have a very similar feel between them, the piano that starts out the ReMix is a touch mechanical, but it works well enough, and once the soundscape is filled out, it's pretty pleasant. The transition to the second theme is rough though; the tempo shift starts out smooth, but then it gets rushed, and what could have been a pretty seamless transition gets jolted. The synth lead for the first part of Dire Dire Docks has an annoyingly slow attack, which ruins an otherwise solid feeling. The main issue with this, however is the arrangement, or lack thereof. There is some instrument changes, but otherwise they are very lightly embellished covers. I like the sound, and think they are decently produced, but it needs more expansion. This is definitely there soundwise, just spruce up the arrangement and resub it please! No, Please Resubmit
  6. No response any of my emails, for the time being, i'm going to say that this is incredible but the drums kill it. Check your email, guys! No, please resubmit
  7. it sounds like the piano didn't render correctly or something, as it frequently cuts out. If it's intentional, then I don't know what to say besides I don't agree with the choice. Once drums and backing stuff comes in, it's very nice. I do think the melody of the source could be a little more prominent, but the balance was good. Overall pretty nice, but i'm gonna say No, Resubmit unless that cutout in the opening piano is changed.
  8. Contact info: Remixer name is Jabond23. Real name is Joe Nichols. Email address is jabond213@gmail.com Website is UserID is 25151 I remixed the N1 Grand Prix battle theme from Mega Man Battle Network 3 for the gameboy advace. I really enjoy the theme by itself and i've noticed that there aren't too many Battle Network remixes on OCR right now. Its got a great battle sound to it and i figured it would make a good hard rock remix. I spent a lot of time trying to get the production/mixing down and i'm hoping that it sounds good. Thank you for taking a listen to it for me, Joe (NintenJoe 64) source:
  9. I gotta agree with Deia here; I am really loving what I am hearing, but the connection to the source is not dominant for very much of the piece. There are some sections that definitely feel right and are recognizable, but for a lot of it, it sounds more like an "inspired by chrono cross" song. Sorry guys, it's really good, but I gotta give it the No
  10. Definitely agreeing that the bass is where it's at here. I love the little scratches and overall atmosphere here, it has an ominous and mysterious vibe, and well-selected synths. The piano is great, and the transitions and flow are solid. Overall this is excellent, nice work man. Yes
  11. Besides a little realism issues with the guitar (though it was still pretty decent overall), I was really feeling this track. It has a great vibe and some very detailed percussion. The piano and synth worked really well, there was nice panning, and the track flowed really nicely. Just a cool jam to chill to, and the pads give it a spacious feel. The arrangement was decently expanded upon, and was connected logically, with good texture and transitions. Overall really cool stuff. I dig. Yes
  12. This is a really nice upbeat arrangement with a good synth foundation. I really like the flow and overall feel of the mix, and though the electronic instruments are stronger sounding than the organic sampled ones, the blend was pretty effective, and as per Guifrog's usual standard, the arrangement is great. Some of the sequencing is a bit mechanical, but overall I think this is over the bar. Yes
  13. haha that is awesome. stupid Gamon had it coming.
  14. Haha I love this so much. The 80's arcade/mall ambience, a great source that really fits the style well, and a solid performances all around. The mix wasn't amazing, and i think the guitars could have come up slightly, but the rest was awesome, with solid vocals and great harmonies. The lyrics were fun and great for singing along. I was totally expecting a shredding solo and then it went into the breakdown, nice changeup! Then dual leads into the solo. Super great. It sounds like the volume could be brought up slightly, and the fadeout is sloppy, but those are minor issues, and when you rock this hard, something needs to die in the name of rock and roll. If I was an 80's chick, i'd totally throw my panties onstage to this. Hell Yes \m/
  15. The synths started out a little generic, but worked well enough, but damn if the percussion isn't making any sense. The untz are fine, but why is there a massively compressed snare or reverse cymbal build every 2 measures? You need to use that stuff like ketchup. A little on the burger is good, but when there is more ketchup than burger, it becomes a problem. Beyond that, the arrangement is pretty much the exact same as the original with new synths. Sorry man, this needs a lot more work before it's passable. The ending cuts off abruptly as well. No
  16. Really interesting idea to take Ken's theme on a jazzy journey, as seriously, it just demands to rock so much, it takes a true master to resist the call. Style-wise, this is just what the theme needed, as the source is so familiar with so many people, that hearing it in this context is really fresh and cool. The guitar tones were great, and the drums and bass were serviceable, and kept the track grounded. They weren't especially exciting on their own, but had small nuances that kept them interesting enough as role players. I do wish that a few more liberties were taken beyond just a style conversion, because a solo added would have been the icing on the cupcake, and would have made this decision a lot easier. As is, I need to agonize about it for awhile, because beyond the genre shift and a few minor melodic ornaments, it's pretty close to the original. Being swung definitely gives it a point in it's favor, but I think that having a little bit more of your own personality thrown in would be a much stronger track. I'm alright voting yes on this, but next track, don't be afraid to add some more spice. (borderline) Yes
  17. Pretty much an expanded take rather than a reinterpretation, this was pretty effectively handled. Some really nice ornamental expansion, and a beautiful soundscape makes this a really solid piece. Great intertwined melodies, and plenty of space throughout, a good flow, and just about the perfect length. It really does channel the playful spirit of a village fair. I do think it is slightly conservative, but there is plenty of structural expansion, and a lot of additional parts, so it clears the bar there. Production is great and clean as well, so nothing from stopping me from giving this a Yes.
  18. A pretty cool arrangement idea, but it seemed like the soundscape was too thin in a lot of places. The strings were ensemble strings, and pretty well sequenced, but it just seemed like throughout the sound was never full. It was sections playing unison lines without much else going on besides the cool bass and percussion. Sometimes there was some counter melody work, but overall, it felt empty. I really like the ideas presented, but I think the arrangement needs to be fleshed out further. The production was fine, but it's hard to tell how it'd work when the soundscape is filled with more. I think it'd be fine. No, please resubmit
  19. Nice live feel to this one, the only thing that struck me as off was the performance of the electric guitar; the rest was solid and had a strong singer/songwriter vibe to it. The lyrics walked the line between cute and cliche, but overall worked well enough, and the vocal performances were good. I think more of the organ throughout would have filled the soundscape out more, but I like how the themes progressed through the seasons. This is a definite throwback to an era before tracks got to be hyper-produced, but everything is well-miced, and there is a good room sound. The arrangement is a bit basic, but has a down-on-the-farm feel that I dig, and suits the source very well. Yes
  20. overall this felt pretty good to me, but it's waaay too short. There was interpretation and expansion, but only once through the main melody isn't near enough. Production was pretty good, and the sounds chosen were classy. THe mood set was very effective, but there just needs to be more. Expand the arrangement and get some additional material in here and resubmit it, please. It's really good. No, please resubmit
  21. Pretty rocking rendition, with some solid interpretation. The guitar performance was excellent, with some nice rhythm and lead playing, and the tone was good as well. I think i think a more subtle vibrato on the held notes would have been better, but it's more of a stylistic choice, as it definitely worked well enough. Some great runs, and some tasteful but still shredding solos thrown in for variety, and some inspired riffs added to the main structure, and the embellished B section near the halfway point was really nice. Great programmed drums, and though the drum tone wasn't perfect (i'd prefer a little more beef), it was punchy and solid, with good fills and varied patterns. Overall a really nice rock version of an excellent theme. Very Yes
  22. This one is borderline because it's such a recognizable source, and seriously, i've been back and forth on this vote so many times, it pretty much changes every time i've listened to the track, and i've listened 8 times now. There's good production, and some sections of inspired interpretation, but as a whole, based on the length, I felt it was pretty similar to the original. I think if the length was shaved down a little, this would be so passable. I loved the new chord progression in the middle of the track and all the variation, as well as all the different sections keeping it fresh sounding. I think the source's biggest strength is this track's weakness, and that is the constant arp. Either way, this is super close, but It has just barely enough for me to tap it over to a Yes
  23. Since cataclysm is busting up the entire world, my main guild decided to break up too. SO i'll be transferring one of my main dudes over to Illidan. I have my tanking paladin already at 80; what else is needed? Current 80's I can transfer would be Priest (main), Druid, Mage, or Rogue. Tauren priest would be kinda cool.
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