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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. you guys seem to misunderstand, we wouldn't all be doing it at once, it'd be whenever you went to use the urinal, you'd push the pucks around then, not some epic free-for-all. It was more turn-based strategy than first person pisser.
  2. my buddies and I used to play urinal trough hockey at a bar we went to frequently in college. We'd split up into 2 teams, and try to piss the urinal pucks across the trough to the other team's side over the course of a night of drinking, sketchbooks, and karaoke. Whoever had the least pucks on their side of the trough by the end of the night won. It got pretty strategic as we improved our technique. Losing team had to buy the last round, and chicken wings (which were half price after 10pm!). Man, those were good times. XD
  3. sick sweeps, great snippet to show of the song, very cool work!
  4. The intro is excellent, the piano and added strings and pads are really nice, but things go downhill once the organ comes in, sadly. I think the drums in that section need more punch, and the organ is a bit loud and dry sounding. I think adding a larger room reverb to it would fix both issues, actually. Arrangement was exciting and sophisticated, no complaints there. Nice dynamic curve, and some very intelligent choices. It just needs some production fixes, and if you have any questions about drums, or would like some assistance on samples, Nathan, hit me up, and I can assist you. I definitely want to see this one on the front page. No, please resubmit
  5. besides the super dry bass, I was feeling this. The source itself is very subtle, so it took several listens to really hear how much you really altered the source, because at first it sounded near identical to me. Very classy work, it's like a watercolor, with all the delicate changes. I wish the dynamic palate was a bit broader, however, as the song would be more exciting that way. The percussion is interesting patternwise, but I almost found myself (ok, no almost; i did find myself) wishing for something beefier in some of the sections, even if used sparingly, like an orchestral bass drum. Something like that would help the bigger sections differentiate, and would give a more solid foundation for those sections. The bass really does sound overly GM to me, and brings down an otherwise solid soundscape. Adjust that and i'm ok passing this, though making the percussion slightly more exciting wouldn't hurt either. No, please resubmit
  6. I'm not sure they are orgasmic as much as they are "I just lost the round in street fighter", except for a few, which are pretty hot. Anyways, nice arrangement for sure, and a good sound scape, it's kind of jazzy, but in space. Great sequencing rounds it out, and yeah, strangely enough, the ladies are pretty tastefully integrated. Nice panning and macro-stutters. Something like that I can really get behind. Yes
  7. I agree with Deia that the lead tone is just a touch too far back; everything just feels more prominent because of placement, and though there is a bit of interpretation, I wish it expanded even more, or maybe deviated with an original bridge section to make it a little more unique. Nice modulation near the end, which was a classy way to close out the track, by the way. The performances were great, understated, but with some serious chops under the surface. The harmonized guitar leads were incredibly tight, really got my attention there! Besides the guitar sounding too far back, and maybe a touch too dirty, the production sounded really nice. Almost where it needs to be for passing. As for arrangement, I think a little more content would help this out, and I strongly encourage adding a bridge or something. Overall it's on the short end of things, but I think if you moved the guitar up it'd be there. Regardless of how this does, I am definitely interested in hearing more from you, Mr. Bonebrake. No (please resubmit)
  8. Great sounds, nice flow, and good source use. The ping gets a little piercing in some spots due to the shifting volume levels, but otherwise I was really feeling this track. Great transitions, good variation, nice inclusion of semi-ethnic sounds, and excellent bass. Only reason this was paneled was the use of a folk song, but that sortof thing happens with Tetris all the time, and this arrangement is more than enough to silence all doubters. Great stuff, dude. Yes
  9. I got almost 2 feet at my house over the weekend. http://www.oceansend.com/5502/snow/my-precious-bbq-grill.jpg
  10. 300 is doable - i'll see you guys soon then
  11. I need to count up stuff, but i think we are past 300 now - might have to be posting some scandalous pics soon.
  12. yeah, that is so unbelievably gross i can't even fathom it. Hopefully lots of people transfer off with that free move offered.
  13. Yeah, server load on Illidan is ridonkulous. 1400-1800 queue? I'll level my priest to 85 on my current server and then transfer I think.
  14. I like the arrangement ideas here, but I do have to say that the synth sounds are really bland and cheap sounding. I think that's the main issue holding this back, though the arrangement feels meandering as well, and could definitely be trimmed quite a bit and be more effective overall. I think this has a good start, but needs a lot more polish. I recommend bringing it to the WIP forum and getting some additional support. The arrangement is well thought out but needs some trimming, and the samples and synths need an upgrade. No, please resubmit
  15. original judgement: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32021 * Your ReMixer name: Draconiator * Your real name: Justin Landry * Your email address: musicphreak48@yahoo.com * Your website: http://www.youtube.com/draconiator * Your userid: 20634 Submission Information * The remix: * Name of game(s) arranged: Donkey Kong Country 3 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Rocket Run * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : Sometimes, when people get NO'd, they get all discouraged and start hating on the judges for rejecting their work. Not me. I hate you for an entirely different reason. You see, when I got NO'd, I became so full of inspiration, that I might have literally exploded (Trying to make me explode, eh? ). So I was MORE than pleased to start working on it again. After most of the day today, and after working on a personal song for the family party on Christmas Eve about an elf that doesn't want to shovel reindeer crap, here is Rocket Rave, the ReSub (had a very saw-y lead, with a corncob...that's enough of that.) I also used dblue Glitch...sparingly though, because I heard you people don't like it that much. But yeah. Here is Rocket Rave, Take 2. Countdown courtesy Just64Helpin/JH/JH sounds/whatevernamehesknownasnow (I don't really hate you by the way. I just wanted to be funny.)
  16. This starts out with a sufficiently winter atmosphere, and I was digging the soundscape, and a good flow and progression to the track. Nice builds, Vocals get pretty scoopy in some spots, but overall work pretty well, the vocoded harmonies were nice, though there were a few semi sour notes in the end part. Overall very keepable, but i think the vocals at the end should be revisited to fix that sour note. (contacted him about it, so he's on it) Yes
  17. * ReMixer name: Sonic Dilerium * Real name: Marc Tardif * Email address: lepape_tardif@hotmail.com * Website: www.sonicdilerium.com * Userid: 28679 Submission Information: * Final Fantasy VII * 02 - Opening Theme - Bombing Mission * This song was made as part of a song remixing contest between my sister and I to test and improve both of our remixing skills and love for Final Fantasy soundtracks.
  18. Remixer: WillRock Name Of Remix: Bare Knuckle Blitz Games Remixed: Streets of Rage 1 and 2 Comments: Heroes Vs Villians. OCR vs Bad Dudes. WillRock Vs Zyko. oh shit. As you have probably gathered, in a head to head I'm screwed, but personally I prefer my sources to his so hahahaha. The idea here was to be big. Big sounds, big production, big beatz, big solos blahblahblah etc. Now, in the name of Axel Stone, go and beat up somebody you hate and make sure you play this music while doing it. ....just kidding Sources Remixed: Go Straight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVYx0OgWdbE, Fighting In The Street http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa-YTlgPtKY
  19. Remixer name: delbuster Game arranged: Borderlands Composer: Jesper Kyd Background: So, here's my first remix I decided to send in because I really like Borderlands and there is a new DLC. The source tune is one of the first standout tracks the game has, IMO. Since the game kinda starts off slow (in the city of Fyrestone) the music is something that you're gonna be with a lot at the beginning. The source tune is actually the "slow action" music, so you don't hear it when you fight but rather as you're running around looking for stuff. I was also inspired by djpretzel mentioning Borderlands in the posts for Great Job! (i love that so much, and i even did a piano cover on it, lol) and Fallout of Eli, as I too spent many hours combing the Borderlands for better loot and stuff. P.S. Phasewalking is TOO GOOD Song arranged: "Welcome to Fyrestone" - Link:
  20. ReMixer name: ProtoDome Real name: Blake Troise Userid: 25246 Name of game arranged: Super Mario Galaxy Name of song arranged: The Comet Observatory Original Composer: Kondo? Was it? Quite an old track, found it the other day, finished it off. Observatory themes are always awesome. Just to clarify, all the SFX are from Mario/Smash Bros games. Warning, this is pretty sexy. Heh, "finished it off". PS. All the source is used somewhere in there, just listen out for it. Original Sound Track:
  21. ReMixed song title: Pokey Plays the Pipes ReMixer name: Impulse_Aural Real Name: Nathan McWilliams Email Address: nmcwilli@gmail.com Website: http://www.purevolume.com/nathanmcwilliams Forum UserID: Looked all over, couldnt find it (Forum ID: Impulse_Aural) Name of Game: Earthbound Name of Song: Pokey Means Business Chiptune: http://ocremix.org/song/810 Comments: I have, for a while, had a great reverence for the sound design in Earthbound. Something about that sound track has a mind-bending quality. It is fantastic how the composer's use of sound affects your perception of what is going on, and that it makes this game a truly scary game. After spending a few (unsettling) weeks listening to the sound track (and getting freaked out) I settled on about 12 tracks that I liked that I thought would be remix-able. Because the game's sound design so often relied on effects and pretty modern arrangements, I was often left without a really great musical line to work with. One day I was listening to Pokey Means Business and it occurred to me that the lead line could sound really cool as a huge pipe organ arrangement. Without any real thought about how complicated the piece was or how much work would need to go into this, I started re-creating the original song in a DAW. Now, nearly half a year later, although I could have picked an easier song to remix, I am happy I chose this one. I have done many original compositions before, but never an arrangement. I certainly learned a lot working on this piece, and with the great community behind OCR, I feel like I have cut my teeth on this one. I made a lot of mistakes on this one, but I am ready to leave this behind for other remixes that lie ahead. Acceptance or no, I am happy with the result. One comment on a technical aspect of this song. Because of the more pure sounds that I chose to use, I opted for a less compressed sound than your average submission. I was faced with a trade off: clip/distort instruments that sound bad distorted or settle for a quieter overall level. I noted your desire in OCR standards to keep a "normal level compared to the average recording" when I was mixing, but at a point it started sounding quite poor. I hope you will judge this music compared to your average classical sounding music rather than your average metal song. I think if you do that, you will find that I have gone to great lengths to keep the energy and overall loudness of this track very high. I figured blatant permanent damage to the quality of the recording was overall a poorer choice than something that can be fixed with the simple tweak of a volume knob. Thanks, Nathan
  22. Bruce Bonebrake Hello and thanks in advance for your consideration! My name is Bruce Bonebrake and I'm submitting a remix I made of the song K.K. Cruisin' from Animal Crossing on the GameCube. I don't really have a ReMixer name (as this is my first remix) though CoinBlockCaper would be good if I can just choose one. If there are more advanced politics in establishing a ReMixer name, would you please instruct me how to do so? I would love to do more work with remixing. I've called it Midnight Cruise. It's about the same tempo and format as the original, but done with guitars and a set of drums. I recorded all of the parts myself. Hopefully the mixing and volume levels are good, I had the fortune of having an OCRemix artist critique my work and after a few edits I think it's pretty solid. If there is anything I need to change, please let me know. This is my best piece of work and I just want it to be enjoyed! Thanks again! -Bruce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsPRCQ4XnPM
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