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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is pretty fun, and has a cool swagger and a good integration of themes and a pretty solid soundscape. Things aren't gelled 100%, but it's damn close, and has a good attention to detail with strong transitions, interesting breakdowns, and some cool effects. There was definitely more Solar Man theme present, as far as I could tell, but both were well incorporated. Overall I feel this is a pretty solid mix. Yes
  2. Overall this is cool, and feels pretty established, but has a few spots where the details feel a little loose. Overall, though, it's pretty cool, wish a pretty solid soundscape, though some weird stuff, like the arp pad dropping out before the end of the phrase, and the main offender; the ending, which suddenly brings back the guitar and feels very abrupt and tacked on. Besides those few detail issues, I enjoyed this, though the arrangement is very similar to the source. There are a few sections where the melody is dropped out for a chord breakdown, but it doesn't seem to go for an entire cycle, and the melody jumps back in. A little polish and some expansion and this'd be cool. No, please resubmit
  3. This is really awesome stuff. Solid production, great ornamentation, and a very fully realized sound. The source really lends itself well to this electro style, and besides the parts where it gets a little too far from the source for an extended period of time, this is near flawless, IMO. Absolutely love it. Yes
  4. This kindof has a halc meets willrock feel to it, with some lofi stuff, some hifi, and some pretty cool and interesting drum patterns. Melodically it starts out pretty similar to the source, but it branches out in a unique direction and features a semi-solo, a breakdown, and a few bridge sections. The lead sounds I would have preferred to be slightly higher-grade sounding, but the track feels pretty charming, and i love the multiple layers of percussion, even if at times it feels a little looped. Transitions are solid, the arrangement was fun, and though there could stand to be a touch more polish, and a better ending, I think this brought it pretty well. Yes
  5. This is very fun and pleasant, but beyond the new instrumentation, it follows the riginal incredibly closely. I can tell a lot of care was put in to give it a distinct feel, and the percussion feels especially authentic, but melodically and harmonically, it sounds exactly the same. I really enjoy this, but I don't think it is quite interpretive enough for the site. I think adding to or expanding on the material more would give it a better chance. No, please resubmit
  6. Your ReMixer name : SuperTrey09 Your real name: Trey Dieterich Your email address: SuperTrey09@yahoo.com Your website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000184377873 Your userid (number, not name): 45330 http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=45330 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Super Paper Mario Name of arrangement: Now I Am Become Bleck Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Evil Count Bleck, Closing Battle, and Champion of Destruction Additional information about game Composers: Naoko Mitome, Chika Sekigawa System: Nintendo Wii Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: Programs used in the making of this include: Steven Slate Drums, Fruity Loops Studio 10, Halion Symphonic Orchestra, many different samples, soundfonts and patches in FL, and live guitars recorded direct into Pro Tools 8 LE where everything else was mixed. Some audio leveling in final stages were done in Audacity as Pro Tools doesn't bounce mp3s (If there's a plugin to buy then it's a waste of money I don't have lol). I recently started playing Super Paper Mario again after finding it in a pile of games I was going to sell and came to find out I hadn't made it very far whenever I had previously played it. So I decided to complete it. As I progressed through the game, I found Count Bleck to be a very interesting character with some pretty cool yet eerie tunes. As I made it toward the end of the game and battled against Bleck, I realized that the battle theme was kinda lame in my expectations. It was a good theme but I started to wonder what Bleck's battle would seem like if he had a kickass metal theme playing in the background. Since Bleck is a destroyer of worlds a metal theme suits him well. Therefore the title based on an old saying is "Now I Am Become Bleck."
  7. ReMixer Name: Anachromy Real Name: Peter Cahill email address: pcahill@meetcrg.com website: http://anachromy.deviantart.com User ID: 45483 (I just created an account today) Games arranged: Legend of Zelda + Ocarina of Time Name of Arrangement: Power of Three Name of Original songs arranged: Overworld, Sarias Song. Comments: Basically, this is my first attempt at submitting to OC ReMix, I've been one of those people to listen to the amazing work that this community produces for a long time... And finally built up the nerve to submit a project of my own. I feel the piece speaks for itself, so I won't go into too much detail trying to describe it. Regardless of this songs approval or not, I plan on being active within the community from this point. Thanks for your time, and consideration.
  8. Remixer name: Rexy (real name: Bev Wooff) OCRemix user ID: 7528 Remix info:- Remix title: "All for Wumpa" Game covered: Crash Bandicoot Song(s) covered: The Great Hall (main track), Main Theme (several minor appearances), Dr. Neo Cortex (single cameo) (Please be careful with this link as it's on a delicate file sharing host; if the download turns out to be faulty, let me know and I'll send another copy your way.) Additional info about the game:- Game publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Composer(s): Mutato Muzika Original system: Sony PlayStation Year of release: 1996 Source links: (Great Hall) (Main Theme) (Dr. Cortex)--- "It's 2010, and we still don't have any Samurai Showdown or Crash Bandicoot or Donkey Kong 64 mixes, or anything from the PSP, or Neo-Geo Pocket, or Atari Lynx or Jaguar. Doesn't anyone out there want the grand honor of being first, in any of those arenas? That's just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm sure each of us has our own personal list of "Why the hell hasn't anyone mixed this?!" games or songs. I love the classics, I can respect every mixer's wanting to touch on them... but... inasmuch as anyone listens to me & cares what I have to say, I'd love to see all of you branch out, start covering some undiscovered country, and shine a spotlight on corners of VGM that are less tread, or completely unexplored." (djpretzel in his blurb for ABG's "Third Eye") --- Those words above have been ringing in my mind for the past few months. I guess it can be fair to say that it was one of those things that got me motivated to try and get past the panel again, even though I keep convincing myself that I'm going to be consistently bubbling under. So yes, the Crash Bandicoot series. The original platformers were amongst my all-time favorites, the second one in particular clocking up more hours in my youth than any other game, and the sheer attachment I felt for it was something that I felt to be something so dear to me. So you can probably tell my initial disappointment from when I discovered OCRemix back in its "purple days" that there was nothing there from that series, and in some shape or form over the years I've been trying to do what I can to give the series some awareness within the community. I've witnessed some contributions through VGMix, Remix:ThaSauce, the Dwelling of Duels, Larry's old radio show VG Frequency... even OverLooked ReMiX! But in spite of this, nearly 8 years since I joined, no one else has done anything to rectify the issue over here. It pains me a lot since it's going back to my OWN youth, and even now I still have cold feet in regards to sending stuff towards the site these days. But in spite of this, I plucked up the courage lately to go back and give it another go. Story of my life over I picked "The Great Hall" from the original Crash title because of all source tunes provided by Mutato Muzika during the PS1 era, it to me managed to fit more of the nature of a piano arrangement to me. Its usage in the game was in 2 places - the final "lobby" level before the final battle with game antagonist Dr. Neo Cortex, and during the end credits. The feel I went with it was to make the game's conclusion feel so much more graceful, and to some extent a little bittersweet. Once the final battle was over, Castle Cortex was left in flames and you have managed to rescue Tawna, the game's damsel-in-distress. As you both ride into the sunset in triumph, you can't help but think what happened to the cronies you fought along the way, fearing that one of these days you may have to go through that same struggle all over again. But pushing it to the back of your mind, life goes on and you still need to be thankful for your own success. Since I'm probably the only known Crash nut on the entire site (!!), I'll provide a source breakdown: 0:00-0:10 - Main theme 0:21-0:32 - Dr. Cortex 0:43-1:59 - Great Hall 2:08-2:11 - Main theme 2:19 -2:23 - Great Hall 2:51-3:00 - Main theme 3:04-3:10 - Main theme 3:26-3:57 - Great Hall 4:08-4:12 - Great Hall Total source time: 2:34 (roughly a 5:4 ratio between source and original content) Big thanks also go to the people in the WIP forums for helping out with the production advice, Stevo in particular ^^ Again, this is my youth we're talking about here and I'd desire to finally see some light spread upon it. In November it would've been 15 years since the release of the original game, so surely the time would be now? Either way, thanks for your consideration, and I'm keen to see what you all think Peace out, -Rexy-
  9. XLacusX Lee-Roy leeroy.faure@yahoo.fr XLacusX Street Fighter Alpha 3 Ryu's Theme The Road to Rave Remixed with Reason4, I really wanted to remix this theme because the music is so amazing and I wanted to make it my 1st Remix
  10. Remixer Name: TheDelRe Name: Andrew Del Re and Jake McCoy Email: Andrewdelre1993@gmail.com Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDelRe?feature=mhee Forum Name: TheDelRe
  11. Eep that snare! It is too strong! I like the overall soundscape, and your solo is silly. I think the arrangement is really nice, and the source has good material, but that snare sucks in context. Still good enough to pass, IMO. Yes
  12. The source had some good stuff in it, but was killed by some bland sounds and a lack of energy. Miraculously, that is what you provided here, taking the great bassline and elements from the originals and made it REALLY EXCITING. There is a good deal of source used, but also a lot of expanded original material, but not so much that the source feels marginalized. Overall, kickass stuff. I really enjoyed it. Yes
  13. The combination of themes is pretty good, but overall the soundsape is thin and a lot of the backing patterns in the percussion are bland and lacking power. The arrangement starts out cool and mysterious, but even when the drums are coming in, and it should be exciting, the samples and production keep it from really going over the top. This could benefit from some time in the workshop. I recommend enhancing the sounds and trying to make it more exciting in the intense parts. The intro worked well, and has a mysterious feeling, but from there it wasn't enough. No
  14. Sorry I missed it. I knew TO would come through. NO OVERRIDE
  15. i know, i love it :-)

  16. My ReMixer name: FaytxStay [ Official Name ] My userid: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=26156 ~Submission Information~ Name of game arranged: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Name of arrangement: Black Onslaught Name of individual song arranged: Mario Vs. The Shadow Queen (True Form - Part 2) Additional information: Composer: Yuka Tsujiyoko System: Nintendo Gamecube Year: October 11, 2004 Link to the original soundtrack: http://rpgmusics.com/paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: Honestly, Paper Mario is the only game that I haven't seen remixed on OCR. I figured with this being my first submission, I'd try a game no one has before. For choosing the song, I found it to be the most creepiest thing I'd ever heard of in a Mario game, so I figured I'd push it even further. With my noob skills as the time, ( Still needs work now, ) I couldn't capture the song how I wanted it, leading me to refine the song 16 times over the years. With little experience in guitar and less equipment at my disposal, I didn't have much hope to finish this. But with people at OCRemix pushing me forward, I got around to making this the most powerful combination I could create. Kontakt, Shreddage, EZdrummer, Pro-52 and Guitar Rig 4 helped me beyond my dreams. Melodromatics aside, I'm wishing for the best and I still have much to learn, but I'd be happy to be apart of the epic talent that is OverClocked Remix. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro-LJ8vHTn8
  17. I definitely am feeling the additions/revisions here. I liked it before, I like it more now. Yes
  18. name: Brandon E. Strader remixer: Brandon Strader forum: 3123 email: oinkness@gmail.com website: www.bstrader.net game: Mega Man 9 / Mega Man 5 composer: Ippo Yamda (MM9) / Mari Yamaguchi (MM5) source: Splash Woman / Wave Man ( / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtEcfF1STWY)remixname: Lady in the Water link: genre: Orchestral An orchestration somewhat in the vein of "Mirage", this is my third orchestration so far that I've submitted... I've maintained most of the orchestral elements from "Mirage", including the koto and shamisen. I wanted to add some more ethnic instruments but I ran out of RAM and my computer was crashing, so what can you do. There's some production tweaks but I felt Mirage was pretty strong, so I didn't go overboard. I made this for Round 1 of the Grandiose Robotic Master Remixing Competition run by DarkeSword. I wanted to get involved with a Shariq Production™® and I thought this would be a cool way to enter that Darke World. I made an orchestration I am very happy with, combining Splash Woman and Wave Man themes -- sometimes simultaneously. When I was writing the harmony for the Wave Man melodies during the chorus, I knew I was on to something special. (1:21 heard on the Oboe / Pizzicato violin). And the Splash Woman melody is going at the same time, which I thought was really awesome. Some stuff just works together nicely, you find out while you're in the process of fiddling around with doodads. I did a lot of doodad fiddling with various gizmos. Wanted to make sure I actually represented Wave Man properly even though I wasn't particularly interested in using that theme. I'm all about the Splash Woman, folks. Anyway, it's used for the intro, and also at 1:58 which represents 1:34 in the source youtube. As you can tell I really didn't go that deep into its source, really just a couple stand-out melodies were used. As for Splash Woman, I think it translated to orchestra extremely well. It's another charging piece at times, but I think it reaches a level of major-key epicity that the darker previous orchestrations didn't. I probably won't do many more orchestrations soon. It'll start to seem like a gimmick and people won't be interested in hearing more of them. I like to try different stuff, genres, and fiddle with the gizmos of various genres -- it keeps me interested in music. I hope it keeps ya'll interested too.
  19. Contact Info: Rabid Pickle Dane Woodward dwoodward@vcn.com www.soundcloud.com/woodwardmixing/doom UserID: 45324 Submission Info: Doom 2 Rabid Pickle Remix The Demon's Dead Original track http://www.theparticle.com/files/library/audio/doom/dmap10.mid (not an official Bobby Prince website or anything) I have loved this song since I first heard it. I remember this song would play during the install of Doom 2. That was back in the mid 90's. Years later when I was a drummer in a metal band, I would have the guitar players learn this song and we'd turn it into a minute or so metal jam and perform it at concerts. I always thought this was such an awesome, mean, evil, heavy sounding song and I'm very proud to really bring that to life with this remix.
  20. remixer name: jmr remix title: Late Snows of Winter game: Hero's Quest: So You Want To Be A Hero (re-released as Quest For Glory: So You Want To Be A Hero) composer: Mark Seibert song: The Magic Meadow 1989 version: 1994 re-release version: Track 17 on the Sierra Soundtrack Collection: http://vgmdb.net/album/2241 *this is a re-sub* original decision is here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31381 First off, thanks for the really helpful criticism on the first submission. I've adjusted the mixing, made a few minor tweaks to the arrangement, re-recorded the rhythm acoustic guitar, and (most importantly) fixed those pesky dissonant notes. Hopefully it's enough to bring this above the bar. All the best, -Jeff
  21. Hello, My mixer name is Youber, I’m french. Real name : Jean Naamee email : i_youber@hotmail.fr Website : none From Ristar (Sega Genesis) Arrangement : Planet Scorch Song : Planet Scorch Act 2 Informations : I did this, I play guitar and bass, I only take drum parts from software Drumsite, reproducing drum parts from MIDI files. Even if I do not compose the drum parts, I do rectify it a bit, to do what I want. It took me 2 days to do it, it is the first time I do something in stereo ! I enjoy it very much, this is not my only one. If you accept this, i shall send you other ones. I try to keep the melodies from the original, because that’s the way I love remixes, and only express them in a rock mood that makes it burst much more. So my aim is really to understand the feeling of the song, and make it express itself even more. I don’t know how to say it well in english, so please understand I’m very respectful to your website, and would be really honored to be a part of it. Thank you you can hear the original :
  22. Very sparse take on the themes, but it is overall really nice. I could definitely imagine this as a courage-wisdom-power trio played live. The arrangement itself was very nice, with some good counter melodies and ornamentation added to the source themes. I do think some of the transitions were a bit on the weak side, with some simply just going to the next theme. Production was clean (as it should be with just 3 guitars), but I think it could have been normalized a bit, with the volume coming up slightly. Overall very pleasant, and while not blowing me away, it's a good and serene track that I think should be on the site. Yes
  23. Hello my friends! It's been such a long time since I've done this, but I'd like to submit another track to you fine people at OCR. housethegrate Alexander Liss http://housethegrate.net 8791 Legend of Zelda 2 (NES) "Heroes Fall" Title Screen, Town, Overworld This arrangement is barebones and nothing fancy. It is one steel-string guitar, one nylon, and one electric - a representation of the simple strength of three. The guitars intertwine and each takes the lead melody at different points. The inspiration was memories of growing up with my two brothers. Thanks for listening, house
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