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Posts posted by Dunther

  1. I never beat either of the demo quests (though for the first quest, that was more lack of time than difficulty), but I had so much fun that I can't resist the final product.

    I didn't had the possibility of trying the demo :( seems that in Europe they forgotten it...

  2. Pre-ordered at GameStop. I don't think it will arrive here before 26 april but better than nothing :)

    (wow I've been promoted to Ryu Hayabusa :D )

    I'll be picking it up, but not starting it immediately. I still have Fragile Dreams to get through.

    And Cursed Mountain.

    ... And Brutal Legend, and Condemned 2, and Strange Journey, and I still need to pick up Red Steel 2, and I never truly finished Muramasa, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Spirit Tracks, Punch-Out, Endless Ocean 2....

    Man I'm in the same situation, but some friends of mine pre-ordered MHT too, so I've decided to do it, I'll be able to actually use WiiSpeak :D

  3. Now available for PC and iPhone too :D .

    I don't own a DSi, so I was very happy that a Steam version came out too, and I bought it instantly.


    It seems that this NES style prequel is better reviewed than the original Dark Void itself :D and that's because it's really funny.

    The game it's similiar to Metroid, but instead of a big map there are different maps for every level, and I am pretty sure there're 3 of them. And all power ups are not permanent (you can carry only 1 weapon).

    To go on you must search cards that opens doors that have other cards behind, until you can leave the level (not before beating the boss naturally). In every level there are 100 Tech Points (you can call them simply "Coins" :D ) and a secondary objective that needs exploration to be copleted (like finding 5 lost diaries).

    Steam archievements and leaderboards are also supported.

    Like Mega Man 9-10, it's all in 8bit, and soundtrack (by Bear McCreary) is good too (although not awesome as the VVVVVV's one in my opinion).

    Probabily isn't a big game, but for 4€ is worth the price :D

    Someone else tried it?

  4. I was listening to Robo's theme the other day, and I had a vision. A vision that was both horrible and awesome at the same time. See, it occurred to me that Robo's Theme shares a few chords with Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. And, the internet being what it is, I think someone needs to take that concept to the next level.

    Ahaha I think it'll be interesting, I can imagine what you mean...

  5. holy crap evolution 3?!!?! that means that it evolves 3 times, no doubt? what would that be like, a pokemon...lets say, luxray, the 3rd stage and 2nd time evolution of shinx, evolved AGAIN?! what would that be like? do you guys think that its going too far--you want to stay true to how its always been--or do u welcome the change?

    I really don't know, I want to know more about it.

    3 seems a perfect number for evolution, so an additional stage isn't much needed in my opinion. New types would be great instead...

  6. The Pokémon Center and Pokémart have been combined into a one-stop shop, so you can buy items and heal your party all under one roof, which is a welcome change. There is also a new form of monster evolution, called "Evolution 3", but details are sketchy and nobody's quite sure what it means yet.

    Source: http://www.destructoid.com/hot-new-pokemon-black-white-details--171001.phtml

    Edit: And

    In addition to the usual sort of visual upgrades, Pokemon Black/White will feature a battle system that, if initial impressions are worth anything, will be quite a bit more dynamically depicted than before, with the battle camera switching viewpoints depending on the action and the fighters even casting realistic shadows on the ground. (The Pokemon are still 2D sprites, though, so don't expect some kind of massive Pokemon Colosseum-style graphic upgrade.)

    Source: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3178814

  7. -Attack of the Koopa Bros. (Boss Battle)

    I really like this one, but I don't know how can you remix it without remixing this. I mean, it's a remix itself, if someone wanna do a Paper Mario remix should pick in consideration mainly the Paper Mario variation, sure...but anyway it doesn't matter :D

  8. Team Rocket was never particularly menacing, nor were they particularly scary to fight.

    Here's some tips, Ninty:

    Team Rocket needs to become less "minor inconvenience" and more "mafia-style crime syndicate". Enough of the under-leveled Rattatas. Give them actually menacing Pokemon; after all, they were supposed to have stolen these Pokemon from legit trainers. I want to see a Team Rocket grunt with a Kangaskahn 5 levels higher than me.

    On the same note, stop letting me walk in and out of their bases. Oops, I let Koffing explode all over my Dratini; better head to the Pkmn Center really quick. ... ...no. Make me fight 2 guys at once to get in, almost get wrecked, then get locked inside the base with only the healing items I happen to have on me at the time. Then, triple the number of grunts I have to fight, and I guarantee you I'll be a little more frightented by Team Rocket.

    As for their plan this time around, a good attempt. The scene with the Electrodes was interesting (I chose to capture, instead of kill; they WERE innocent, after all). What SHOULD have happened, though, was that Team Rocket should have succeeded. I should have then had to fight my way to the top of the tower using Pokemon that were being driven mad by the Radio Tower signal; maybe make a special in-battle element for just this section, like a confusion on overdrive... make me feel sorry for my poor, poor Pokemon. I mean, let me see these poor creatures being tortured from inside their heads to make me REALLY hate those Team Rocket bastards. Maybe even let Team Rocket's Pokemon be affected at times to show how little they care about even their own Pokemon.

    We're always told that Team Rocket is willing to do heinous things to their own Pokemon to acheive their goals; it's about time we saw that in action.

    Yeah I'm not saying that the game couldn't be greatly improved in both story and challenge :)

    Anyway, I always hoped to have a more Tamagotchi-style interaction with your Pokémons...something like Digimon World for PSX, if you know what I mean.

  9. Now would be the time to start replacing the same old recycled "go to gyms, meet team of the week, defeat them, fight E4" writing we've had since Red and Green. Even RSE, with it's better plot isn't that much better.

    I wouldn't like a different plot, I like the Pokémon canons, but they can be done really better and "mature".

    Anyway, I think that the first versions got a more interesting story in some points. Like the Team Rocket, before the anime's Jessie and James it remembered me a sort of mafia...

  10. Stadium? Hmmm...


    Wow, that's strange. Those ARE different growls from the game! I never realized that...

    Are those the actual GB sounds, just Hi-Res? Or are they altogether new?

    I think that are new ones, made by merging the gameboy growl style and corrections to make them more "realistic". I really enjoyed them, and they did the same thing for the Gen. II ones in Pokémon Stadium 2 (but I never managed to get it unfortunatly).

    Also I would like to note that if you transfer the Pokémon Yellow's Pikachu it uses voices from the show :P and that's interesting but I prefer to think at it as an exception :)

    However, that never happened again in the Stadium "sequels", like Colosseum and Battle Revolution...

  11. http://pokebeach.com/#first-game-screenshots-of-pokemon-black-and-pokemon-white-in-corocoro

    Well, I'm not going to say I'm not surprised they aren't a very radical departure from the other DS games but I'm not necessarily unhappy about that. I've always liked how they've chosen to gradually change the graphics. Though the batle scene looks barren still, but at least we get to see the entire pokemon. I really like the human sprites this time around, er, except for what looks like the male trainer... he looks like crap.

    Same here, but I hope they'll put more emphasis on game content rather than graphics then...

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