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Everything posted by Turnip

  1. I really like this remix, anyways the only thing I could mention is the part accompanying the chorus leading up to 2:25 sounded like it could be made louder. I dont know why I just felt it should be louder.
  2. The soloish part at 2:35 or 2:20 needs something added to make it differentiate from the parts before it, maybe more intensity or new instruments I dunno. Try adding something and see if you can see what I mean.
  3. doesnt it sound like it sort of lacks something? like some of the orchestrated parts lacked intensity or something, dunno maybe its supposed to be like that.
  4. Damn I guess no one likes the music, ah well I guess we'll never get a remix for these games. Maybe they are just to complicated or something?
  5. Needs something unique I think.
  6. No offence but I found it sort of boring.
  7. These games have some of the best video game music I can remember and not one person has finished a remix for them. Here is the RSN for wild guns: http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=wguns And sunset riders: http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ssrd My favourites are probably "Boss" and "Carson city" for Wild guns, and "Stage 1/2/3" for sunset riders. At least check those ones out. Anyways is it actually good music or is it just me remembering good times playing them? Its either they are no good or they are just rare games, I have no idea.
  8. Sorry to hear your mix got deleted, anyways since your just learning im sure your next will be a lot better. I think the reason this one lacks is you dont utilize turning points in the song very well and the tempo/volume doesnt change enough. It helps to look for places where the song climaxes or where instruments can change as opposed to just doing it all the way throughout the song. Its hard to explain but for a song like this just think of it as an orgasm; its got to flow and gradually get faster and faster to a climax, this is what the song lacks in my opinion.
  9. Tone down some of the midi sounds, and at 2:39 after that long of a intro its going to have to be intense and sound really good. Try to find something that can make the song unique as well, dont want to be to generic.
  10. part around :09 and :10 sound a bit weak for what I think your going for, and I dont like how the instruments are added at :14, well I think they could be better I mean. Sounds like a cool concept for the song if Im right about the type of song your trying to go for.
  11. I think the old sound is great. Might be nice to mix in some more old sounding type things along with the techno parts. Btw im using headphones, maybe some of the people who dont like it are listening to it through speakers?
  12. I dont see how your supposed to play it without registering
  13. Like they all said theres to much cowabunga and not enough other sounds in my opinion. Theres some sounds from other ninja turtles like turtles in time that might work, for instance when you die its like "aw killing stuff" or something. Musics pretty good I thought, though a bit midi'ish at some parts it fits well.
  14. Meh is it just me or does that thing at 2:05 go on for way to long with no changes? And of course ending could use some pazzam. Great song though.
  15. I like the song, its almost a sad song. Though it is a bit repetitive, for example the theme at :38 is a part I think could use a bit of a change throughout the song to change the flow a bit. Up to you though I like it as it is now.
  16. Took to long to get the the middle in my opinion, could just be my taste of music though I like the fast part better. 5:14 you might want to speed up a bit if you agree. I would try to add something unique to it as well, something that gives it its own style to set it apart. Good remix but needs some tweaking.
  17. To much emphasis on the background guitar in the beginning I would say, like at :53 its louder than the introduced sound. The part before :53 seems to be leading into something but since the background guitar just keeps going it never gains much intensity. And at 1:24 the guitar that is introduced might need something added, its not that fast paced either and doesnt seem to work well alone. Anyways thats a bit of a biased opinion but I figure you're going for something like at :24 which is faster and overpowers the bg guitar a lot more. The ending seems to slow down a lot for no reason as well which I think could be a lot better. Anyways these are just thoughts I had, its a good remix, nice job.
  18. Alright lets see if I can do it without looking at any one elses answers: 1- street fighter 2 intro, turtles in time intro, ?, starfox, rock n roll racing, megaman x air base, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?, 2:15 chrono trigger I think? 2- The simpsons Barts nightmare, ?, ?,?,?, gato from chrono trigger, ?, chrono trigger end of time, mario kart battle mode theme, turtles in time starbase level, and alleycat blues, super mario ghost house, ?, ?, 1:07 mario paint. Sorry but only the easy ones I got.. fun game.
  19. Definately should make it longer.
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