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Fickett Towleny

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Everything posted by Fickett Towleny

  1. God help us! It's David Arnold gone wild! Yes, feinately a James Bond feel, but hey, I like it! Haven't heard the original but still good!
  2. Awesome! Now I can run all over the house for the next week and annoy mum and pops! He he he! Joking aside, great job! It stuck!
  3. And here goes the updated version! (wait, darn, that last sentence was redundant just like the 1st version of this WIP) http://media10.filewind.com/g.php?filepath=1459 I could recite a funny Robin Williams joke about redundancy but, well, it probably wouldn't be taken so well up here. 1.) Yes the strings are supposed to sound like they do. 2.) The piano is meant to sound off tune as well. I used the Honkytonk voice for a reason! 3.) More in your face? 4.) 1 minute 13 seconds shorter (for they sake of everyone's s sanity) 5.) Intro is about 1 minute fifteen secs shorter. Yet again, for everybody's sanity. 6.) Not as repetitive. Main part only repeated twice with a big gap in between. Yea for brain savers! 7.) Drum break is much shorter. 8.) More guitar x7 billion (well, I might be over exagerating). EDIT: It's also 10bpm faster.
  4. Thanks! I'm actually pretty glad with the responses so far. I was expecting "WTF were you thinking!" I put the new version in a seperate thread. He he he, more guitar, less repetitive, begining's shorter, and a full minute and thirteen seconds shorter! (Maybe this time more people will download it, I think a made more than one person go insane with repetition or at least put them to sleep). Last try=bland This one= More IN YOUR FACE BI**H!....(hopefully) EDIT: Yes the strings are supposed to sound cheesy.
  5. It is a remix of the main menu theme on the DS version. Thought the DS version was a tad cheesy for a guy who's all 'bout blown crap up so I selected it for my first remix.
  6. Point taken, as said before, I listned to it last night, and the smae things struck me. Repetitive, long intro, and overly minimalistic. I'm still open for comments of course. I think what I have here is a decent "Jump Pad", a recording I can work off of. By no means is this a finished project my friends!
  7. I've taken a look at it over night and decided it's a tad too minimalist for my tastes. more guitar, more complex rhythems, and maybe even a keyboard voice or two for benifit.
  8. I like it alot, keep working on it!
  9. Darn, This ones going to give Pete n' Red's Jolly Roger mix a serious run for its money. I like it alot.
  10. Stay Puft! I like it. Nice and floaty/happy!
  11. Now if I can stop laughing maybe I can write a decent post. This is original, clever, and damn funny if I say so myself. Now if only I Tunes would take notice. It's also all to true. Who knows? If I listen to this song enough maybe I will decide to end my self-imposed bachelorhood. He he he, not a lady to my name since I've been born and I'm 15.
  12. He he he, yes, very cheesy and dark. I like it though, cool beats+cheesyness always attracts me for some reason. Nice though, hehe, I'll have to make a cheese song one day.
  13. God *amn! I love E.S. Posthumus! This remix seems a bit like Nineveh to me. It's good, but it lacks some power in my opinion. Go crazy with the volume and strings, give it some punch, crecendos, decrecendos, the whole deal. Also, add a tad more percussion in general. Some timpani/conga/shaker never hurt. Just my personal opinion, but other than those, I like it alot. Good job!
  14. Anyone? Anyone? Buler? Buler? Don't be shy, speak thy mind! (NOTE: Actually all you have to do is click the link. A page will open and at the bottom you'll see a input box with some slightly obscured numbers in a box next to it, enter the numbers, and then watch the green icon that says "Please Wait___Seconds". When the text in that bar changes to "Download File Now" click it and a dialouge box should pop up allowing you to download and open or download and save the file. Open it in I Tunes or Windows Media Player and then give your thoughts! EDIT: Sorry for the complex instructions. In addition, if anyone knows who did the original Goldeneye RA theme for DS, let me know
  15. Sound off! The king of Hip-hop approaches! Let the trumpets roar! How else do I put it. I like it .
  16. Nice job! I like the piano background (as I've been playing one for eight years)and the rhythm is flowing and adds to the happy and just generally relaxed feel of the song. I may listen to too much Prodigy for my own good, but I still enjoy nice pieces like this. Right now, I'm staring at a grey Colorado sky, and listening to this pieces puts a smile on my face even though the sky is dreary. No. I'm not BSing you. The theme is very enjoyable, and the background and rhythms, as stated before, helps complement it.
  17. Dang Beatdrop... I thought that when you let us at the full length Phase 1 it couldn't get in better... So much for that theory! Very nice ryhthm, definately "trip-hop", yet it has something that most other trip-hop song doesn't. A purpose. I've marched around on I Tunes and save for Rob Dougan, Trip-Hop songs I've listened to have almost always struck me as, well, bland. This one has an energizing feel to it, it's not just ambience. I can see where Massive Attack comes in, so objective achieved! Merry Christmas and a happy non-denominational holiday! Good job!
  18. Hello,guess who's back. Well, one year and countless technical problems later I have it.... The Remix. Here it is http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/45111/Goldeneye-RA-Remix--1st-mix-.mp3.html Tell me what you think. To be honest, the reason it took so long is because I am my own worst enemy, I'm very picky when I write something, and possibly even worse so when I practice (I play faster louder more agitated when I make a mistake). I like the remix. It's industrial, so naturally, I believe it fits the RA's attitude, big, brash, and loud. Cut and past the link into the browser bar and it (should) work. EDIT: Found an easier download link... http://media4.filewind.com/g.php?filepath=1272 Click and download, enjoy!
  19. AH! I have the little Mic jack thingy. It's the same kind of port as the headphones, but it has a red ring around it and a Microphone symbol next to it. More good news! There is a Radio Shack right in Conifer just 5 or so minutes from our house!
  20. Alright, three more questions... A.) Where can I get those cables in Colorado? B.) How much are they? C.) What port would they be on my Sony VIAO Laptop (It has a yellow circle thingy not a blue one?)
  21. How would I go about doing this. I'm sorry, terrribly technilogically inept
  22. I'm using the yamaha SQ01 software that comes with the package.
  23. Okay, here it goes. I had finished recording the Goldeneye RA remix. I quickly hit the mixdown button, and then after it had "done it's thing" I prepaired to listen to it. I was shocked. No sound. At all. I read the manuals through and through for the Yamaha S90's mixing/recording software manual (the recording software that comes with the package), and learned, much to my despair, that I had not actually recorded it when I "recorded" it, but rather just set a group of parameters, info, ect. that my Yamaha S90 could play from. So the question is. How do I get it to actually record the notes/sound I play from my S90? Help!
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