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Everything posted by djcubez

  1. wow....i use the playlist and seperate patterns...all of that. I suspect what you do it's up more of the memory..i find patterns much easier because i stated creating music with Acid 2.0...
  2. Probably not... i wouldn't think so i mean if you just used samples in the step sequencer maybe but if you made the samples or .wav beats your using yourself i wouldn't think so
  3. Holy shiznit, i was just playing with Beat slicer today and i think i finally got the hang of it. Beat slicer rocks man.
  4. Yeah, you know i could've swore they had one..
  5. Yeah www.computermusic.co.uk has a fruity scratcher tutorial if i remember correctly..
  6. Yeah it is. It's that beatslicer generator. It's only a demo but you can buy the full for like 30$ (or crack it, i have yet to find a crack for it).
  7. AE uses fruity loops? tight. I love his mixes. He must also know how to use the Zero-X beatslicer..... *O AEEEEEEEEE!!!*
  8. Dude in the midi settings on your computer make sure the port is enabled to the same port on your midi channels.
  9. Whenever I add a plugin I always try to save the song to make sure it's not a demo version of the plugin....and look at the top toolbar of the plugin.
  10. actually, neither do i. However i know a good board that can help. They have some Fl00ps pros there. www.samplecity.net/forum go there and check out the fruity loops discusssion. Ask a question.. Btw their's a sample posting forum there with free samples and my name there is djcubez.
  11. Hey isn't that weird... maybe we're here in different here's you know? actually i don't know but...
  12. Try the buzz effect adapter. It's an effect. Just load sometihng by clicking on the button on the top. pick one that sounds good and check out the presets. i believe their is a "wah-wah" in there.
  13. Hey dj, what you're talking about is automation. I can give you a really simple flp file that will teache you it or a very in depth complicated explanantion that i don't get. What do you want? The flp file right Goto: www.floops.co.uk click on tutorials and grab the automation tutorial, i think it's called automation tutorial for dummies. Anyway unzip it if it's zipped and open it with FL. *note* this has nothing to do with FL but it's pretty funny. You guys know about world war I right? well i was studying it today and i wrote down the "Ottoman" place like so: Automan, like a car dude. Pretty funny huh? at least it wasn't a test or quiz
  14. I just want to update this Floops post with some good basic tutorials online to save you the time of looking for them yourself (i did already did it). http://www.fruity.sk/eng/mmanual.php [MANUAL] http://www.fruity.sk/eng/2step.php [D&B] http://www.fruity.sk/eng/triphop.php [TRIP HOP] http://www.fruity.sk/eng/techno.php [TECHNO] http://spinwarp.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=9&page=1 [D&B] http://www.energyuk.net/floop_txt.html http://www.energyuk.net/flooprev_txt.html http://www.angelfire.com/realm/devico/fltutorial.html http://www.dnbc.co.uk/ukg2/fruity/one.html http://www.computermusic.co.uk/tutorial/floops/floopsmain.asp http://www.djbb.dk/floops/tutorials.htm http://www.studiowhiz.com/_tutorials/maps/53/index.php?id=53 http://www.internetdj.com/article.php?storyid=263 http://www.doepfer.de/controller/fruityloops3tutorial/fruityloops.htm http://www.angelfire.com/nh/fruityloops/tutorial1/tut1.htm *note* beware of the pop-ups on the angelfires sites (they're not so good tutorials anyway) *edit* broken link.
  15. The computerize voice comes with fruity loops now from what i know. On the browser their should be the directory "speech" their should be some already generated ones in there but if you want to make your own just drag and drop any old one into the step sequencer and an edit window should pop-up, just edit it there.
  16. well i taught myself how to use fruity so i think i'm pretty good for a self learner, teacher...thingy...whatever
  17. it only plays for the amount of blocks in for it. I mean it loops back to the arrow once theirs no more blocks to the right. That's what the MAIN AUTOMATION is for.
  18. i got some kool drum samples at www.bigassbeats.com though it requires a membership. Another site that's hosted by the same company as FL and has samples specfifically fo FL is www.samplefusion.com which are all royalty free samples. Of course the other day i took carbunk1es advice and just searched google, which yes, took awhile, but i found some great samples *edit* smile was the wrong way
  19. what do you mean it sucks? what about it? the instruments? just the quality overall? what?
  20. I have a question about FX or editing a .wav in fruity loops because in my mix, i want to make the beat sound all crackly like a vinyl record or somethin. I was wondering if theirs a good way to do it within fruity loops. And if no one else is doing this I am already compiling the post into a fruity loops FAQ that i'll send to djp along with my basics tutorial.
  21. djp that'd be awesome. Make remixing 101 a forum category maybe and then add sections for different programs or way of making music. Maybe a section for fruityloops, one for reason, one for other products and one for synthesizers or something along the lines of that.
  22. yeah whats the snigger for? snigger is a type of laugh or sumtin where you're usually laughing behind someones back at their stupidity. And what if some people don't knwo what fruity loops is? trust me people don't. I gave a speech in PUblic Speaking about fruity loops...everyone was confused becuz my powerpoint was messed up...
  23. yeah a good one...worthwhile to. I love it
  24. this is a great song Ghetto. I like the first part cuz it makes the squeak in my chair sound like it's suppossed to squeak (did that make sense?) well i just like the song a lot. The sound clips were great.
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