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Everything posted by djcubez

  1. Great song. It's on my fav playlist. I never even played the game. Luscious (sp?) pads and beautiful synths. Great mix.
  2. yeah, the quality is a drag but it still is a pretty good remix. It got changed around a bit and definetly put into a new "style" which is what this site is about (as far as I know) so good work.
  3. O ok, kool then. Maybe I should make that into a tutorial or sumtin
  4. Okay, Seattle. Goto start>programs>Fruity loops>advanced>reset settings so you can reset anything that screwed it up or anything. Then open up a midi by doing file>open and select a midi. Play back the Pattern. (sorry i'm treating you like a complete idiot but this is for everyone SOCs) Don't hear anything? Hit F10. In remote control input you should see your sound cards default MIDI control. Leave it. Mine says "SB LIVE! MIDI UART". don't do anything to master synth, leave it at "none". Remote control should be "generic controller" and "auto-accept" should be on. Then, on the output port mapping, select one of the items you have there and the port option should appear. Select Port 0 because that is the default port MIDI's play through. Now goto options and enable both "midi remote control" and "midi output". Now when you play it back you should hear the MIDI. What you can do if that doesn't work is in the output port menu, select different items to see which one works. What they are basically are different Midi banks with different MIDI sounds for the slected instruments. Hope this helps SOCs.
  5. do you have soundblaster? no right? well, go to that sound icon in the system tray if you have it. double click and make sure MIDI isn't on mute or at low volume. I had this problem, thought i couldn't play MIDI's for ever and then I found out when i hooked up my guitar
  6. ahhh great great song. Just like djp said. nice over a cup 'o cocoa.
  7. For the tempo change use automation. If you don't know how read on. Create a new pattern with solely nothing in it. Name it whatever you want in the playlist. I prefer Auto. Then make it play for the first block of the playlist. Don't put anything in it. Now, for automation, select that pattern, and hit the record button. Then hit play. Now anything you do in the song at the specific time you do it will happen automatically. So basically the pattern is the automation tool, you record with it when it is selected, and put the play pattern in. if you record within another pattern it redoes the automation thing when ever that pattern plays. For the C_kick problem. Just use it, I do. Or, look for .wav files of kicks. I find them easier to use then soundfonts. I have a bunch. Just ask.
  8. Yo Nelson, I thinkn the pads and soundfonts place helped everyone, and *bling bling* gangsta remixer!
  9. sweet Guitar man. Godly beats. You're my hero
  10. Goto settings in the toolbar and click Enable MIDI output. Also check your MIDI settings and make sure you assigned the MIDI mapper or your sound cards MIDI to port 0.
  11. I found it on KaZzA easily. Search for Fruity Soundfont (NOT PLAYER) and you should get it. It's about 680 Kb or sumtin.
  12. That's probably not a fruity loops problem...or is it? I don't think anyone else has had this problem. Maybe you should try moving the file and opening from it's new location. O and try and make sure it's telling you that the .mid file doesn't exist, not some other part of fruity loops.
  13. Easy, load them into the soundfont player (which you have to buy...or crack) or drag them into your step sequencer.
  14. This theme is worked really well in this mix and if you ever played this game for hours i'd reccomend. Good work!
  15. i love Scooters (heh) work a lot, like djp says, peeples comes out with a great new beat. I absolutely love this style of music (DnB'sh) and am glad he has the WickedORchestra mix too, go scott!
  16. Are you trying to make notes smaller? you just chop them up in the piano roll with edit->chop
  17. Hey this is one of fav djp mixes. The beat with the kind of rip/scratch noises are pretty tight and the piano fits in well. Good transitions, i liked this one a lot. /rate ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- EXCELLENT
  18. You can just drag the soundfount player over the .wav file...or maybe copy it first if you still want the .wav
  19. Yeah it's kind of unclear. What i hear is that you want to use the soundfont player to play and edit .wav's in.
  20. No not really... The best sound i've gotten is by using a wasp and throwing a blood overdrve and paramtric EQ on it. It still doesn't sound the best though.
  21. it's not a generator. It's an effect you add to a sound like reverb or delay.
  22. Yeah, i just don't use it. If i do, i just use automation.. i record the scratcher in a certain pattern doing a certain scratch. The thing tht doesn't make sense to me is the fact that the scratcher is an effect and not a generator...i can see it as both..
  23. Hey UBB i found the tutorial on Computermusic.co.uk about the fruity scratcher, go: http://www.computermusic.co.uk/tutorial/softtut3/1.asp here.
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