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Everything posted by xinster

  1. totally not finished i bet, but at least they unfucked undercity
  2. I'm on one of the oldest servers, bleeding hollow. Sure, i get my kicks on bg once in a while, even without my epic mount, but the power disparity between someone whos been 60 for 3 months and someone whos been 60 for 7 months is just humongous. there was a video of a guy frostbolt critting for 5k...obviously under very limited circumstances, but he's likely critting regularly for 3k, the trinkets are nerfed, but not THAT nerfed. The pursuit of advancement is what makes this game so successful, unfortunately the power disparity that results is enormous. Meh, there's plenty of ways to have fun with this game anyway.
  3. fuck battlegrounds and the stupid honor system. All bg did was breed honor whores and make open world pvp extinct.
  4. golden axe 1
  5. the only thing i dont like is the violin solo. it kinda gets a little offbeat. bvut the main theme anmd background is graet
  6. Nobody uses Cosmos anymore. It's outdated. Blizzard added just about everything Cosmos had quite awhile ago, and since then Cosmos pretty much stopped updating. The main UI people use now, from what I've seen, is Titan Bar. Personally, I don't like it a whole lot, but I've heard a lot of really good things about it. You can find it here. fuck that, get ctmod. if u dont get a good interface youll have a much less chance of getting addicted, cause youll be getting your ass kicked by guys like me who, although have shitty gear, have borderline hacker interfaces.
  7. priests rape all orifices now.
  8. how the FUCK are they going to kill eye of c'thun?
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