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Everything posted by Pi_R_Squared

  1. Nice... chalk another one up for Pi, baby, cause its the 9th and bases are loaded. General Discussion... so close...
  2. I think he meant SOUND EFFECTS, as in battle noises, clicks, buzzes, and the likes...
  3. I think... I think... I may have just invented the greatest form of bump ever. And, I didn't have anything either, although I had pringles, half a pear, and a grilled cheese sandwich when I got home.
  4. Thats... mine? Wow, right to my face, and you didn't even realize. I give up. I think I'll go crawl into a hole, no one even wants me... I think I feel worse than Arek. Arek, pretend to feel bad, thats the only way it'll work. Seriously, you don't need star power (although it helps). As long as you have good mixers, and an original theme... Snap! I've got you beat! HA Ha haa.... suckers. No, no, really. Thats what makes a difference. Since yours is "just another project" (no offense), you've got to get it hyped. Make it as good as you can. Obviously. But contact everyone. Listen to 200 mixes... seriously. Then pick the top 15 favorites in the style you want. Then contact those people.
  5. Crackers, huh? If that isnt some sorta crazy coincidence, I dont know what is (See previous post). I had eggs on a roll, with cheddar cheese, and pepper. Simple, but great. Melts in your mouth warmth, and a bottle of OJ. Tropicana, I think. Does it really matter? Yes! Yes, it does! But, yeah, the mix represents the character. Case in point, K. Rool is a croc. Unevolved for millennia (the tribal, primal beginning), but somehow manages to find a way to make good use of technology (maybe leading into techno or electronica?) Well, its up to you to decide... As long as you don't end up disappointing. But we shouldnt have to worry about that, should we? We'd better not. You know what happens to those who disappointed? They dont get to announce their lunch here! And so what if we've got a weird thread? I like it, and obviously you do to if you haven't stopped coming back. I say we celebrate what we've got, not act ashamed of it. We wanna talk about our lunch, well you'd better believe that thats what we're gonna do. In fact, I say we report our lunch every day, unless it's another crappy diner. In that case, keep it to yourself. I really don't want to hear it. LONG ASS ENTRY: BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHH!
  6. Thats what I like. Already ~10 pageviews. So, I wonder whos listening in? Obviously, me, you, maybe a few other artists. But, do we have any fans yet? ... and tell me how lunch is. What is it, a sandwich? Soup? Souls? Oh, and of course, there's the mix. IMO, it sounds a little sloppy, but in a good way, like the track itself is trying to pull itself together, out of a ooze-like state. Bits are dripping around, and congealing into a track. Its strange, but theres something primal about ti I like. K. Rool is a croc, after all, untouched by millions of years of evolution. Someone gets it! Tracks based on the character, not the original piece!
  7. Sweet shit, that would'a been awesome. Was it Starfox, or Starfox 64? Seriously, I think this mix has potential, but you guys skipped a major step. You didn't get enough well-known artists signed on. Unless you already contacted them, and then, well... good luck. Try again. Idea. Just contact EVERY judge to do a ReMix. No... that might get them mad. But, yeah. You really need more people signed on. Good luck with that. For pulling through this long, especially after so much criticism, you really need to show up the nay-sayers.
  8. Man, nothing ever turns out right... I tried to make it look like a pie, and I end up with a cracker. A cracker! Like a saltine you get with soup at a diner. I hate those diners. You go, thinking you are going to end up with a nice meal, but every time you pick something you don't normally eat, it ends up all funky tasting. But I want new things! Every time I end up at a diner, it's either an egg omelette, pancakes, or a cheeseburger! Why don't I just go for lunch, and never stop by for dinner? 'Cause of my idiotic family, that thinks going to a crappy little diner is going to be better then Outback, Olive Garden, or Ben's Kosher Deli. What could possibly be wrong with them, that they think a diner's hot dogs could be better then one from Ben's? Plus, diners never have cream soda, and their meals don't come with knishes! Aaargh! People are so stupid!
  9. That coin isn't a pie.
  10. Absolutely. You have to be the most slothful person I have ever met. I am personally disgusted, and your foulness is stinking up our thread. Leave, before your disease spreads to the rest of us. Just... just go. Like I said, too much sarcasm. Don't actually leave. But the Calvin and Hobbes sig is too much. I'm thinking of scanning through my old books, too find a good sequence like that, if you wouldn't mind. I loved their books, and you made me go back and read them, for the first time in three years. Good for you! EDIT: No, nevermind, I guess a sig is personal, and I wouldn't want to go around copying anyone else's. Mine took me two hours to think up... Ok, maybe it was like, 20 minutes, and it wasn't all at once, either, but I still wouldn't want anyone copying it. Everyone knows thats the symbol for Pi, right? BTW, andyjayne, that one thing on your site, I really liked. Interesting, 'cause its showing off a bunch of styles, but you make it work.
  11. Yeah, OK. All's good. I'm a little... suspicious of all the new additions in the past week, however. Is this some sort of prank? Seriously? Aww... whatever. Ill just go add you to the list. There you go!
  12. Well, yours is already in, so no problem. BUT WAIT!!!! I just realised, we have over 10,000 pageviews! Happy day to me!
  13. Of course we're still recruiting! Or, rather, no. You know, I think the remaining tracks are fine on their own. We can always just go and put MIDI's in the album... no one would mind, right? Yeah, yeah, I gotta lay off the sarcasm. Here's what Ill do: I set the WIP date for Nov. 19, on Sep. 25. That was 55 days (I think, was my math off?). So, today's the 11th. Ill give you 55 days, same as everybody else. Thats till Dec. 5 (again... I think). How bout I do that for everybody who joins from this point on? 55 days for a WIP, I think thats good enough, right? On a similar point... Cerrax and Dew. still haven't checked their inboxes... if someone else has a way to contact them, please do so. I sent them both emails... but, well, I dont know where that'll go.
  14. Totally sorry about that. But, good luck with the mix. OK, well then... any other news?
  15. Badass? It better be. Yeah!
  16. Yeah, but they can be better, too. Im not saying do it, but what happens if a great mixer comes along, and says sign me up for "x" when its already taken? Just... be ready. And noone has answered my problem, yet Comments? Did CATS even have a theme?
  17. You'd better. It got interesting towards the end, and now I want to hear more! The only problem is that, if thats the intro, it's too long. So, I guess your on. Don't disappoint! Kick Ass should be our tagline. If not badass, which I have used uncountable amounts of times. ReMixers, think of your favorite mix, in this genre. Everybody has one. Now, do better than that. Simple! Don't give "It's too hard" or "There's no way I could be that good!". Just... be better. If that artist is better than you, point him or her in our direction. Or, better yet. why not take a good opportunity to collaborate? Maybe you will end up making a great team.
  18. OOH! IDEA! Everyone remembers "Zero Wing"? In fact, OCR was the first place to rediscover it, I think. Did CATS have a theme? You know where I;m going with this...
  19. Well, the first 16 seconds are OK, too bad the download corrupted after that. It's not your fault, its mine. Ill have to re-download it some other time. BUT! I came up with an idea for sigs. On the left, all the bad guys in a group, chasing the good guys off the right. If they can fly, they fly. Bowser in the Koopa Clown Car, DeDeDe holding his mallet above his head, Mother Brain in a jar on wheels...? Mario leading the group, hat almost flying off, Samus in morph ball form, Sonic... also rolled up into a ball. But they all looked scared shitless, like "Oh man, we're really screwed now". Anyone think that could all be fit into a little sig?
  20. Sure. You have an audition piece? I ask that every time, no one seems to get it... HUGE ISSUE!! Some people signed up for this project (namely Dew., Cerrax, and Adhesive_Boy) got the PM's I sent out, but have not yet read them. I have all of their AIM's listed for myself, but only Adhesive_Boy is ever on, although he is always away. How do I get their attention? I only have AIM, but if anyone else has one of the other services, try to get their attention. I don't want to lose anybody just because they ran out of time.
  21. Well, there's always volume two. At any rate, it's better than putting 45 mixes onto one album...
  22. I just realized... I put a link to our thread in my signature, and have been visiting the general thread more than usual lately. In less than a week, our thread view count shot up from 8000 to 9000. I think I'm onto something...
  23. Oooooooooooooo. Close, man. Nice save. mlo, you're on. Pick a track, and go give it hell. Oh, you wanted to be on this project? I gotcha. No. No, no. Sure! Go ahead! Really, go pick something. No fooling this time.
  24. Man, thats what I like to see. mlo, you want it, you got it. Screw famous people (no offense to famous people). They get cars, they have huge houses, they get to go on commercial space flights... I think its about time the average joes gets their cut! My fellow humans, let us rise, rise and throw a rebellion against Hollywood and the likes! No more crappy buddy movies! No more sappy Romances! And how about making the news back into the news? It's not supposed to be a sitcom. I just want to know if its going to rain this weekend! And commercials should advertise the product they're selling! I take bake what I said before! All offense to famous people. They suck. ... mlo you don't need to be a famous mixer to get on. You just need to be good. So, where are these said "WIP"s? Do you have a track in mind?
  25. Well, I gave mixers two months. Ample time for a WIP. But if someone doesnt get it in by then, they're out. Its not really for getting things done early, it just lets them know that sooner or later they are going to have to get things done. If they're serious about the project, they will ind the time to get the WIP in. See? Oh, by the way, I officially decided (although I've already mentioned it plenty times) that we ARE GOING TO HAVE A VOLUME 2. That way, we cover what we missed (and the rest in vol. III!). Besides, It'll give us all something to do. This is a warning: KANJIKA, IF YOU ARE LISTENING, POST, GODDAMIT! ITS BEEN A MONTH!. If he doesn't show soon, I'm picking someone new to help. It's not that I need any assistance at the time being, but saying you are dedicated, and showing it are two different things. Oh, BTW, we now have 14/27 people signed up. Think its time to ask for a move? We may not have every track assigned like some projects cough*megaman*cough, but thats what "general" is for, right? The attention, to get new people to sign up! Would anyone have a problem if we end up with any tracks with two mixers? In the most optomistic light possible, every track would have 5 people on it. But that ain't happening. But, usually, having more than one mier on a track lets it develop into something deeper, because it gets two viewpoints, and two sets of mixing skills, right?
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