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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Awesome, Brandon. This will be an excellent album. Good luck with the project, everyone. I'm totally going to listen to it.
  2. Thanks a LOT for letting me know. I'll fix that crash TODAY and update the link. I believe others will indeed have that problem because I know what you are talking about. Like I said. I'll fix it right away. Without being able to look at the level right this minute, I believe pushing it all the way to the left will mean that above the boulder is air, right? If it is, then yeah, that wouldn't work. You're not allowed to throw the boulder off the edge. Thanks for the feedback! I think what still needs to happen with the music is after all songs are finished they need to be mastered along with all of the sound effects so that they all kind of gel.
  3. Demo is out. Play it and tell me what you think. http://zoltanmetal.com/gamedev/
  4. I suppose so. I'm happy about how it's coming out, though. In the future, I would like to make games with an original artist. And an actual programmer.
  5. Yes! I just officially announced the demo. I'm getting all excited over here. It comes out January 30th and can be downloaded at http://zoltanmetal.com/gamedev/ I think I just entered OMG-Mode.
  6. Whew. I've been hard at work on The Hegg. It's coming together quite nicely. Since I last posted I've done the following. -Tweaked every puzzle -Added checkpoints to reduce replayed portions upon death -Added no less than 300 textboxes of hints and/or flavor text -Redesigned the final room to accomodate the sweet endgame I've got in mind. -Begun adding in story scenes between the chapters. -Recruited awesome OCRemixers for music. I think I'll be able to release a demo VERY soon. Yay! It's gonna be SWEET!
  7. That's right. I forgot that you said you got into a car accident. I just remembered. Hopefully, they don't fire you.

  8. Wait. I don't understand. Did you get hurt at work? What do they need to figure out and what consequences could there be?

  9. Just platinumized ICO for the 2nd time. That is one beautiful game so it makes the speed run trophy kind of unpleasant because I'm so in love with Yorda that I prefer to never run at full speed when I'm holding her hand so that I don't jerk her arm around too hard. Yeah. I'm an otaku.
  10. "Sorry 'bout that. Bye." Hahaha.

    Dude are you OK? Did you get injured in the accident? I hope you don't lose your job for it. That's got to be a bad day right there. Stuff's gonna get better yo. You'll see.

  11. Haven't played 13-2 yet but 13 is kind of hell to platinum and its really all because of ONE trophy. The make every weapon trophy alone will add like 60 hours to your game. Hahaha. I can't believe I went for that one. Here's another one that kicked my ass. Metal Gear Solid 2 HD. Some of those VR missions are infuriatingly tight with their time limits and there are SO MANY repetitive levels in it. That's another one that belongs in the Never Again thread for me.
  12. That's quite impressive man. Do you feel totally obliged to get all those achievements or do you actually enjoy playing that way?
  13. Hahaha. Relax man. He was talking to me about the album and yeah, I told him he could give you a push as well. Don't worry about it. I had forgotten how you feel about him when I said that. I totally do want you to wait until you're better and in top form before you finish up. So definitely keep resting for now.

  14. Dude, of course. I'm sorry for not initially mentioning them. I changed the title to involve XBox games. Now, tell me about your achievements, Brushfire.
  15. Isn't getting the Rorona platinum tiring for you? It was kind of ruining my good time.
  16. I just deleted the account I had with the platinums for Demons Souls, Assassin's Creed 2, Resonance of Fate, and FF13. I agree with Thalzon. Going for the platinums is usually not that enjoyable and I respect all of you for being able to put that nonsense aside and just enjoy yourselves. I was loving Resonance of Fate and even loving its trophies until the very end when the last trophy that remains involves fighting a minimum of 500 arena battles. That game did so much right in the trophy area with that one crazy exception. A couple I just gave up on we're White Knight Chronicles 2 and Metal Gear Peacewalker.
  17. It's just for fun. How many platinum trophies do you have? Which were the most nightmarish to get? Which platinum trophies are you currently trying to obtain? Talk about it here! I'll start with the last really hard one I did which was Armored Core V. Online trophies SUCK but I got it!
  18. Hey, ThinCrust. I haven't counted but maybe about 7 or so on my current account and 7 or 8 more on my old account which I no longer use. That sounds like a completely different thread topic to me. I'm going to go make it right now. In the meantime, here's another for this thread. Getting the pure chunk of bladestone in Demon's Souls. It NEVER freaking drops.
  19. Oh these are fun! Since I'm the type that obsesses over getting the platinum trophy in every PS3 game I play, I have a LOT of these moments. Here is one. Catherine: Babel Mode level 4. NEVER AGAIN!
  20. I've accepted all 5 of you. Congratulations and thanks a lot. You guys have just made this game a lot cooler. I can't wait to hear all of the finished tracks. Afterwards, I will send them all to a masterer and it will be an excellent soundtrack. I sent you all PMs. Let me know what you need, and I'll help. Thanks!
  21. WOW! OK I better stop this thread right here. Thanks a lot for the quick response everyone. I've got you two in this thread and three more in PMs. There is room for all 5 of you but let me listen to what everyone has posted first. I'll reply again very shortly. Thanks. Time limit: 3 weeks enough?
  22. http://zoltanmetal.com/gamedev/ That link will tell you what you need to know about what kind of game I'm making. I'm looking for 3 songs from other composers of rock, metal, or orchestral genres. What kind of game is this? It's an adventure game that consists of 32 puzzles. So music that would be enjoyable to listen to while pondering puzzles or moving blocks and such is what I am looking for. Some puzzles are more action oriented than thought oriented though. What kind of music do you want? Well even though it is more about thinking puzzles, I'd like the overall soundtrack to be a combination of orchestral and metal or rock. Individual songs can be metal/rock, orchestral, or a combination of the two. Like I said, it's 32 puzzles. They're divided up into 6 themed sections. I'd like a song for the boxes section, the fire section, and the dogs section. If you need more details, just ask. Whats in it for me? Although I am going to be selling this game (super cheap), this is not a paying job. Sorry. However there is still a lot to gain from a project like this. Biggest of all would be the credential of having you song on a video game soundtrack. That's a big thing to have if you're like me and are on the path to going pro but haven't gotten there yet. Stick that one on your résumé! Also, a free copy of the finished game, full ownership of the track stays with you so you can do whatever you want with it in the future, your name in the ending credits, my eternal gratitude, and last but not least, people totally rocking out to your song while my puzzles kick their asses! If you are interested, please send me an example of your sound either on this forum or privately. It's going to be a great game and your music will help make it even better. Thanks in advance.
  23. Oh, lame. Hope you feel better soon man.

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