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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. "Square-Enix renamed Versus to FF15 in the middle of this process. Sony’s studios are helping SE with FF15 assets among other tasks." A person on The Final Fantasy Union Podcast is adamant that this is what is going to happen. We'll see, I suppose. I personally would like a clean-slate game for FFXV. Something totally unrelated to all the other games that have been made. That said, I don't think FFXIII was a bad game. They just focused too much on graphics is the only thing.
  2. Zircon, I chose the Purrloiner and have been keeping him equipped with a good sword and metamorphosed him once and on the entire continent where Hamelin is, he is killing every enemy almost all by himself. I am under the impression that there are no ultimate familiars or anything like that. Assuming this is true, I just decided that I'd go with the monsters that appeal to me visually. Upon looking in the Wizard's companion, I saw that Purrloiners can metamorphose into Pusses in Boots and was instantly sold! I also have a lot of robot characters and noticed that the tin man's attack and defense go up 3 where other familiars' go up 2. I can't wait to turn him into a brutal death machine!
  3. Yes. This is very nice indeed. I agree that the intro hi hat sounds kind of fake and relentless. At 1:55 as well. Did you add any changes to the velocities on the drums? If you haven't, that would help a lot. A great remix yo!
  4. I love it. Did you play those guitars? If so, you are quite good. I particularly like the way the metal fits well with the other genres in this remix. This was great. Good job.
  5. Does that mean that you didn't try hard on this one? This one sounds great to me, man. I don't know what you're talking about. The only thing I would change is the high harp hits that start at 0:50. Those sounded too loud to me. Excellent work overall. Don't give up.
  6. I submit game remixes and game-inspired originals to Lusipurr.com. I will update this post with the newest track each month. You can click on the title of the remix for the MP3 or click the "Produced..." link to listen to the entire podcast which, aside from my remix, often involves Nintendo bashing, EA bashing, and other types of fun and potentially offensive bashing. If you enjoy it, definitely comment on the forums. It's fun! UPDATE: I GOT MY OWN SECTION! I'm not just a part of the podcast anymore. Starting from episode 5, I'll have my own entry with my own comment section and everything! YES! My very first entry since getting my own section turned out to be a huge controversy about whether it was appropriate for the site. 01. http://lusipurr.com/2013/03/04/feature-tsm-episode-89-the-mammon-march/ 02. http://lusipurr.com/2013/04/01/feature-tsm-episode-93-goblin/ 03. http://lusipurr.com/2013/05/06/tsm-episode-98-is-it-a-stuffed-bear/ 04. http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/10/tsm-episode-103-xbone-assault/ 05. http://lusipurr.com/2013/06/23/music-blame-yourself-or-god/
  7. It was supposed to be impossible but I have somehow made it work! This is Zeal as a John Philip Sousa march. Anyway, my questions to you are mostly regarding mixing. Particularly compression. Do I need any and does anyone know any good guides for compression? Right now I don't really have any idea of how to use compression correctly. http://lusipurr.com/music/zoltan/201303-TheMammonMarch.mp3
  8. It's no pressure on me man. I'll help you out. If you want to make a Youtube trailer or something with a Zoltan song, I am all for that! Although to be honest, I probably can't pay you what you're really worth. I actually already have a number in mind of what I CAN pay you, but if I had the money, I'd pay you $100/song. At least as far as death metal is concerned, you are worth that much or more.

  9. For me, it's all about comedy. I just want to hear something that is related to video games that will make me laugh. I watched a video on YouTube just last night called something like, "This is how not to play MGS2." I think it was scripted but despite being all alone in my house, I was cracking up out loud. That was a good time.
  10. Yes. Although, I would love to buy those samples someday, right now I just need a four-second riff that gets repeated over and over for less than thirty seconds in a metal song. So yes, this is basically a favor and it is neither time consuming nor difficult so I believe the reward is worth it. Thanks Xavier. I would love to use your samples for this. Since you already have a free copy of the CD coming to you for doing a synth solo on the album, I will send you two for doing me this favor as well. Please give it to someone who likes death metal. I will email you with the files. Now if I could JUST find someone who can do some amens for me!
  11. Both positions have been filled by excellent members of this community. Thank you very much! I know that something like this should be in the recruitment thread but I wanted to find someone quick for a very small but important job. I am looking for someone with high quality koto samples to help me with something short and simple. I have written a metal song with a repeating koto riff in the ending and upon relistening, I am not satisfied with the quality. What would happen is you would contact me, I send you a midi for the koto, an MP3 so you can hear how it is supposed to sound, and a wav file of just the band part for you to synchronize the koto part with. Then you export the audio and send it to me and in return I credit you in the CD booklet and send you a free copy of the album when it comes out. I hope someone is available for this. It is a very small amount of work and you get a free CD! I am ALSO looking for someone who has choir samples that can sing actual words OR someone who can sing well in a baritone range several times and add a bunch of reverb to make it sound like a choir. That is a possibility as well. It would be the same process as with the koto samples above. It is only a 30-second part. Thanks in advance for all of the help everyone. It is much appreciated. This is going to be an EXCELLENT death metal album.
  12. Are you still looking for someone for this job? I am quite interested. I do not live near you though. I live in Japan. Hope that doesn't rule me out. Let me know. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the message, dude. It's gonna be sweet!

  14. OK. Hopefully, you will feel good tomorrow.

  15. Thanks a lot man. Lets definitely finish this up so we can start getting paid.

  16. Happy birthday, Dusk. I FINALLY got the CDs. PM me your address so I can send you a copy of the finished product.
  17. Both positions have been filled. Thank you! COVER ART: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/cover.tiff This is it! The first ZOLTAN album is coming very close to completion. I only need a couple of things to finish it off. The first being a guitar solo and the second being an amen chorus. If you're looking to become a musician, getting on a FULL LENGTH album that will slowly but surely grow in popularity after release is an excellent credential to put on your resume. Aside from the credential and lovely feeling of being on a bad-ass death metal album, the people chosen will also receive a free physical copy of the album and there names will appear in the CD booklet. If you are interested check out the details below. GUITAR SOLO UNMIXED SOUND FILE: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/Golem%20Guest%20Solos%20WAVE.wav -It must cover 0:31-1:00 of that sound file. -It can be any kind of style as long as it sounds good in a death metal setting. -Post or private message the solo WITH the background music to me and the first one that I like will be chosen. -Final product must be a mono 24-bit wave file (unless there is special panning) without the background track. -If I get several in a short period of time, I reserve the right to choose my favorite even if it was submitted later. AMEN CHORUS MIDI: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/Golem%20Amen%20Midi.mid UNMIXED SOUND FILE: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/FF02%20Amen.wav FULL BAND REFERENCE TRACK: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/Golem%20Horns%20Plus%20Band.mp3 LYRICAL TRACK: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/Golem%20Amen%20Lyrics.mp3 -It will cover the section from 0:03-0:28 of the unmixed sound file. -It must sound like a choir either with samples or real voices. -the bigger and more dramatic the sound the better. -They must sing the lyrics as I do in the lyrical track. -Must be synchronized to the unmixed sound file. -Must be submitted as a 24-bit wave file. -Post or private message me with a sample of what you can produce. -Use the MIDI to check the notes and NOT the lyrical track because my pitches are not accurate. LYRICS: Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Golem. Malfunction and fall and crash and burst into flame. Golem. Amen.
  18. The thing I am most excited about is that the PS4 is supposed to be easy to develop for. I hope this results in a vast game library like the PS2 had. Also, how come nobody is stoked about having CONSTANTLY RECORDED GAMEPLAY? That's going to be so fun! By the way, I heard that the tentative price is 40,000 yen or 400 dollars.
  19. @ThinCrust: That's impressive. For me, the Cieth stone missions are way less time consuming than the weapon making. It requires an extreme amount of items and money.
  20. Can you whip out that one line on the 10th song (climb onto the arm when it all of a sudden activates) and then go ahead and send me waves of all of them accept number 9? I am about ready to begin the mixing process.

  21. Yoshi! Be sure to finish up the vocals during your next day off. It's almost done!

  22. Working on Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus on PSN. It is quite difficult for me.
  23. Just out of curiosity, have you gotten some other paying gigs? I'm telling you man, you can totally charge people for what you do since the quality is so high.

  24. Cool. I hope you can whip out something awesome on your days off. Keep in mind that my project will actually get you paid in the end. :)

  25. Hey man. How are you feeling? Is your voice getting better? I totally need those revisions and I'm worried you're going to get totally bogged down by the FF3 remix project.

    Good luck with that, by the way. It will totally kick ass with you at the helm.

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