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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. That song was freaking amazing! Thank you for posting it.
  2. One thing that I was really looking forward to after playing Star Ocean 2 was the castle music in Star Ocean 3. SO2's Cross Castle had realistic sounding choral sounds that BLEW MY MIND! I thought SO3 could never beat it but I feel like it did. It's a string quartet with other accompaniment and I THINK it's a live recording. In the ending it shows the names of a ton of musicians, so perhaps the whole soundtrack is real instruments. Check it out.
  3. Yes, it would. Next question! I kind of feel like we found a concrete answer to the question that everyone agrees on; and that answer is, "It's OK if they get the license for it."
  4. Yeah, there are tons of people who can't stand Motoi's style. I remember reading a review of Star Ocean 3 by a pro critic like IGN or one of those and the person said that the music was really bad. I was kind of shocked, though.
  5. This looks genius. I support this and will be watching.
  6. Just announcing that I have changed my remixer name to match the name of my band and other things. I've been mostly away from OCR for years but really want to rebuild a relationship with the site so I'm back. YEAH!
  7. Dear Liontamer, I would like to request a handle change from "CHIPP Damage" to "The Legendary Zoltan". I promise that it will be a permanent change. I have a website and everything using this name and would like to be the same on OCR. If "The Legendary Zoltan" is too long, my 2nd choice is, "Legendary Zoltan", and if that is still yet too long, my final choice is "The Zoltan". Thank you very much. I appreciate your services greatly.
  8. I have to respectfully disagree with you on several points.1. Although I agree that a lawyer is the best way, I thought that we had already established that it is illegal and that we'd have to stop, IF someone felt the need to take action against it. 2. I reopened this topic and the reason I did is because I only just learned about artists such as Mega Ran and wanted to hear what people thought about that. 3. OCR is in no way a low profile site and considering how many other extremely popular Final Fantasy projects there have been, I would have to assume that Square knows all about us. 4. I wanted to know people's opinions and ideas about it. I don't see why we need to put this debate to bed, especially when it's all been healthy and interesting.
  9. Do you think it's a good thing for either established artists or new artists? Do you think it's immoral plagiarism? I just want to hear your opinion on the matter. My opinion: I always imagine that if I were Nobuo Uematsu and tons of people were making FF remix albums and making tons of money off of them, I wouldn't feel like less people are buying FF Soundtracks. Of course, they'd have to credit me. So, currently I'm leaning on "It's OK." But I want to hear more opinions and reasons.
  10. Thanks for complimenting my mix, Kuolema. Yeah, I forgot that Radiata Stories wasn't Sakuraba. That was a fun soundtrack. I wasn't planning on getting Dark Souls until I heard that Sakuraba composed it but there's only music during boss battles and you can't concentrate on it or you'll die. Hahaha.
  11. I haven't play Golden Sun but I hear that the soundtrack is awesome. Motoi Soundtracks in the order I heard them. Star Ocean 2 Valkyrie Profile Baten Kaitos Star Ocean 3 Valkyrie Profile 2 Radiata Stories Eternal Sonata Star Ocean 4 Resonance of Fate
  12. Oh YES! I decided a long time ago that my favorite game soundtrack of all time is Star Ocean 3's. Star Ocean 2 blew my mind because I was young and impressionable but I felt that Star Ocean 3 just improved on it in a lot of ways. Awesome Star Ocean 3 moments: Fighting a big-ass dragon to this: Walking on beautiful plains to this: Freaking out and yelling, "THE VENDEENI!?" to this: HELL YEAH!
  13. I put in 50 bucks and I'm stoked to support OCR. This is my first kickstarter donation as well. I can't wait to get that physical copy. I hope they go ALL OUT on the artwork and packaging, especially now that they have more money than their goal.
  14. Wait wait wait. So that means that what Mega Ran does is also legal? You really can't own music? When I'm writing music, I sometimes find myself wanting to "reference" one small part of a song and just that gives me an accelerated heart beat. EDIT: NO FREAKING WAY! While I was typing this, I was listening to the Mega Ran FFVII album and he does a big spoken word part in one song where he tells the story of how Capcom liked his Mega Man remixes enough to give him a license to use the content. AMAZING!
  15. I'll never forget the time my pet dragon got hit by a drunk driver and was killed. Dragon Avenger killed those drunk guys who did it. I was so happy that I gave her a world map.
  16. Oh man! You guys still remember me? Thanks. I LOVE Castlevania cake!
  17. I'll tell you a few harsh things about Japanese games. 1. You know the Metal Gear HD collection? The Japanese version doesn't have Peacewalker. 2. You know the ICO and Shadow of the Colossus HD collection? It's not a collection in Japan. They're sold separately and full price. 3. You know Dragon Quest 8? The Japanese version has no voice acting and the music is all keyboards instead of the sweet orchestras we got in America. 4. You know all those Final Fantasy games? With the exception of 12, Japanese fans all have basically the same favorites as American fans. Fun stuff
  18. Freaking amazing Shnabubula music as usual. How the hell does he do it!?
  19. This is for some research that I'm doing. You're input is greatly appreciated. This question is open to everyone but most importantly, I'd like to hear from guitar players. If you feel like you are a beginner at song-writing right at this moment, then you're reply is pure gold to me and I want to hear it. So what part of writing a song was hardest for you at first? Was it coming up with good original riffs? Or maybe you had a bunch of awesome riffs and couldn't figure out how to string them together. Was it chord progressions? Was it writing lyrics? Was it writing drum parts? I want to know! This is a question about composing so please refrain from talking about EQ, mixing, or mastering issues. Thank you.
  20. FREAKING AWESOME. So far listened to just the first three. These songs TOTALLY call out to me. Orchestral strings make anything rock. That is what this album proves. The Artwork is great yo! I love the album title, too.
  21. My question to you guys is, do you think it's ok to do this? Is it OK for Dragonforce to play the entire Double Dragon theme during one of their solos? I personally think that they should all be accepted. That's how music used to be a long time ago before we all became copyright crazy. I wanted to use a little loop from the Chrono Cross opening in a the opening of an otherwise completely original metal song, but then just because I was worried about what people (and the law) would think, I changed it. And then I find out that Dragonforce played Double Dragon? Damn it! Do you think this is ok?
  22. The clarity of your guitars is awesome. Nice fast jazz song for the Pid trailer. I'm glad to see somebody out there likes Windwaker and Outset Island besides myself.
  23. The phasey thing is just because I recorded the same riff 4 separate times and didn't play it perfectly every time. Thank you for your feedback. Come to think of it, why don'5 I just post the single version of it. (facepalm) Just a sec.
  24. http://www.mediafire.com/?6ryb4k65oxtw1ob This is untouched by effects but it's actually four guitars. Two panned left and two panned right. All playing the same riff. Without worrying about how I didn't really play the riff in perfect synchronization, I'd just like to know what you think of this general sound as a heavy metal distortion. Thanks in advance for your advice. EDIT: OK. No more layers. Just a single guitar. Should have done that from the beginning.
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