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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Yeah. Plasma was the hardest word for me too. If you have to go plaza, I won't be too bummed. ^_^

  2. This happens to me ALL THE TIME actually. The newest song for it to happen with me is Chance for a Sudden Reversal from Tales of Vesperia. I just imagine that I'm on stage playing the rhythm guitar part with Sakuraba doing his thing on his 12 keyboards. That made me cry yo.
  3. Ah, OK. So every track is taken and the ones that say claimed are claimed but just haven't been worked on yet, right? NOOOOO! Sorry, I'm not the best judge of audio quality. Every time I say something sounds great, 10 more people say it sounds like crap. Hahaha.
  4. Wasn't the official FF6 project originally 4 discs and then after getting tons of money they mentioned something like a 5th bonus disc?
  5. The Oracle is no longer freed up! I can't believe I was able to get one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack!
  6. I was looking at the track list. Am I correct in thinking that there are no unclaimed tracks available? Sorry. I don't really understand when you say "clear through the first deadline". I hope there's an opening. I've only just now noticed this project. I hope I'm not too late.
  7. Alright! Congratulations to OCR guys for settling the problem. I'm going to redonate for sure. I want that physical copy!
  8. How many tracks for this project are completely done? Mine's finished.
  9. Crap! When you put it like that, I can't help but agree. . . THEN AGAIN, why would Umaro be playing those bones in Narshe? BOOM! I GOT YOU!
  10. Me too. Huge appreciation to OCR. I've made some great online friends here and have gotten a lot of inspiration to keep moving forward musically. THANK YOU! It is a dream of mine to someday be able to hang out with OCR people in person at MAGfest or something.
  11. A friend of mine is under the impression that they may release Diablo 3 for PS3. I HOPE that's the case. Then I'll finally be able to play it, too!
  12. "Your work has not gone unnoticed." . . . "He still hasn't posted a mix since my debut." . . . Yeah, OK. It seriously flew over my head. But anyway, what do you think about the submission season idea?
  13. Nobody can hear your tone of voice in a forum post. Nobody except yourself. OK I've been thinking about it and I have a very real suggestion that I'd like to think at the very least could inspire a spin-off idea that works. Here goes. What if OCR had a "submission season". Basically just have a set period of time during the year in which OCR accepts submissions. I personally think that the site could reduce that period to a single month out of the year but if that sounds way too drastic then how about OCR accepts submissions from January through June. Then the remaining 6 months is just posting. Advantages of this system: +The flood of remixes won't seem to be endless +People would enthusiastically prepare that ONE remix they plan to submit that year. +People can participate in the many remix projects on the site while not working on stand-alone remixes. Disadvantages of this system: -The number of remixes submitted might diminish (I think it's a good thing) -Some people might feel inconvenienced (screw 'em ) -Rejectees may be frustrated because they have to wait a year to resubmit. Final Sales Pitch: I think it would be a great system. I think that OCR is popular enough now that if you only accepted remixes during the month of January, you'd receive enough to keep you busy throughout the year. If the queue ever runs out, then you can increase the submission time frame. What do you think of this strategy? Are there tons of fatal flaws?
  14. I like the way the Narshe one sounds. I just wish he hadn't changed the piano part into a wooden xylophone. I just take these remasters as "another take" on the theme. They're aren't really any bad ones in my opinion. Just different ones.
  15. Hey guys. What is the status of this remix project? I said I'd supply a WIP but I actually finished the whole thing already. The final version sits on my computer as we speak.
  16. It's for a FF6 remix of the opera overture. It's for the OTHER FF6 project. The style is heavy metal with no vocals and some orchestral instruments. It's all in wave files already and waiting for your masterful touch. YOU get practice mixing and mastering and your artist name goes on the remix right next to mine. I get a bad ass production job for my FF6 remix. It's win freaking win baby. Please reply or private message and I'll send you the files. Thank you very much.
  17. I've never played Mechwarrior but I have NO doubt at all that it totally rocks because it's a game where you pilot robots and in my experience there has never been a game that involved piloting robots that sucked. Armored Core, Xenogears, Zone of the Enders... love 'em all. If you guys know any robot games that aren't good, I'd like to know actually.
  18. Thanks for the update. Don't keep me waiting for too long. :)

  19. http://soundcloud.com/jahan-zoltan-honma/ Currently just 2 songs: One original and one metal remix of Time's Scar from Chrono Cross. Check it out.
  20. But IS it really that easy? I am definitely planning on trying this in the near future actually. It seems like you could apply for the license and get a reply like, "unable to obtain license" because they couldn't get a hold of the original company or that company said no. Is that not a possibility?
  21. All I need is a sound file of you playing something so I can make sure the sound quality will be good enough. You don't need to add any effects or compression and stuff to your bass parts because they will be mixed and mastered by a professional when all the parts are done. So let me listen to you play some BASS! Make sure you're certain that you can play something as fast as the intro to that song I posted. That's the hardest riff for bass so if you can play that, you'll be fine.
  22. Happy birthday, DJP! Your website ROCKS!
  23. EDIT: Bassist found. Thank you very much. It's the very first ZOLTAN album! It's melodic death metal with very unique medieval AND sci-fi lyrics. Drums and guitar are all done being recorded. It's my first album and it still needs bass recordings. You can either play the parts that I wrote or put your own bass to it. It can be real or samples. It's 55 minutes of music so it is kind of a large project so please don't offer to join if you don't think you can finish within a time limit that you yourself will decide. Here is a link to a rough draft of the most difficult song. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/81603940/roughFF02.mp3 Your duties: 1. To record or program 10 songs of death metal bass and send them to me as 24-bit monaural wave files. 2. To accept my visions and play/program according to my wishes should I make any. (I won't ask for anything crazy) 3. You will be recording along to unmastered guitars and drums. Compensaiont: 1. A thank you from me. 2. A physical copy of the album. 3. The credential and experience of being on the very first ZOLTAN album. Which will be released and supported physically and digitally all over the world. Sorry that this is monetarily unpaid. 4. Women or men (whichever you prefer) beyond your wildest dreams because you are on the very first ZOLTAN album. (I will not personally be delivering the men and women. They should come on their own.) 5. A very good chance of getting more ZOLTAN gigs in the future which WILL be paid! LET'S DO IT! ZOLTAN!
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