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Posts posted by Otakatt

  1. I installed this and then MIDI files wouldn't play. I immediately thought "what the f***" and looked at the plugins, and discovered one of them called AdPlug which for some reason decided to associate itself with .mid files. Again, what the f***. It's disabled now.... I feel calmness returning..

    EDIT: Another one. AdPlug for some reason associates itself with .msc, which means if you do something normal like starting windows defragmenter, winamp pops up. I know this isn't really ChipAmp's fault but what a stupid plugin.

    I'm glad I checked in this thread. I haven't been able to play midi files since getting ChipAmp either. Now I know why! And I have changed it and fixed it and can now play them again. Hooray. Thanks for the info!

  2. When I heard this on the teaser a while back, this was actually one of the tracks that stood out to me. I was all "Ooo" and couldn't wait to hear the rest. I'm very happy that the track in its entirety didn't disappoint me *at all*. It's beautiful, and I love the atmosphere of it. It really captures the betrayal theme imo, and this really works for Kain to me.

  3. I'll be honest - this was one of my favorites from the album. It's amazing to me that so many people worked on this with the singing and managed to make it sound good and merge well with the music rather than detract from it. And I enjoyed the translated lyrics. Many times I think lyrics (even if sung well) on songs on this site come out corny or cheesy. But I felt these were poignant but still simple. Very Fabul. Very Yang.

  4. I'm really hoping I can make this! I've really been looking forward to this project (I'm sure my friends are tired of hearing me gush about it). And FF4 Trivia? XD I'm curious to know if I still remember much about it... I used to obsess hardcore over this game. It was my favorite of the series until I played FF12.

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