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Posts posted by Otakatt

  1. Well, it's better than another testicle reference, anyway...

    Ask Kyle about the first 'promotional image' I sent his way. :lol: That'll teach him not to be specific in what he asks for.

    But yeah! Preview sounds great, so big thumbs up to everyone on that. I wasn't interested in this project at all admittedly as I'm not familiar with the source tunes at all, but the preview changed my mind. Looking forward to seeing this finished!

  2. Well, at least the game was decent, which is more than can be said for PS3...


    In all seriousness I want to second this thread! I absolutely love love love the Motavia and Dungeon 1 themes (The PS1 ost in general, really). And wanted to make more additions of sources in newer incarnations for the curious.

    Phantasy Star Generation 1 (Phantasy Star PS2 remake)

    Motavia <3


    Dungeon 2

    Dungeon 3

    Tower (Dungeon 2 in original game)

    Tower 2

    Phantasy Star Generation 2 (Phantasy Star 2 PS2 remake)


  3. The Otaku - is he from any Sega RPGs? He looks familiar.

    Yeah! He was on a Sega CD game. :)

    After years of lurking this is the thread that got me to join officialy. yay for random video game characters and drawings!



    Although I dunno who that is either. She seems familiar...

  4. I was going to say Noel Vermillion, but the gloves are the wrong colour.

    Stop drawing characters that look so much like other characters, damn it.


    Also, since I guessed persona's character in IMs talking to him, I'll refrain from spoiling it here. :P And I did another, fwahahaha. Though I kinda messed up his hair so... ehn.


  5. It's not totally obscure: I'm sure many people have at least heard of it, but it isn't video game canon. Also, she isn't as memorable as, say, Feena. You drew her perfectly though.

    Guess you're right. I guess she's just particularly memorable to me because I've always really liked her theme. XD If no one guesses her soon I'll just out her.

    Anyways, here's another!


  6. I've had this midi forever and it drives me crazy that I don't actually know what it's from. It's marked as being something from Atelier Marie, but after getting all the various Atelier game music to compare it to? It doesn't match up with anything, so I'm doubting it's from an Atelier game at all. Heck, maybe it's not even from a video game?


    If someone *does* recognize it though, please please lemme know what it is? XD I'd appreciate it very much.

  7. I never make new years resolutions - it usually ends on a disappointing note. So I don't think I made any at all last year. Buuut.. it can't hurt to make one this year. Just one though, cuz I'm an overachiever like that.

    I'd like to do something 'professional' involving art. And by 'professional' I mean lucrative. I'd love to get a design printed at Threadless, so that's something I believe I'll work towards.

  8. I have been playing Phantasy Star 3 for like the past two months now:-P

    Going to finish it for the first time.


    I tried playing it before, but I was being cheap with the save states and trying to play through ever generation scenario at the same time. I ended up screwing up my system and erasing my data and.. yeah. I never went back to it after that. But I totally should. It's a reeeally dated game but otherwise pretty unique. The music was pretty nice too. Except the battle themes...

    Anyhoozle, I doodled another to be guessed. This one should be easy.


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