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Everything posted by Z
You know. I don't get it. Why do you have the tracklist and all the important information about your project on the 2nd page,instead of re-editting and putting all the important info onto your first page... Like everyone ellse.
PS4 orchestral project discussion (on hold for awhile)
Z replied to Claado Shou's topic in ReMix Requests
Glad to see you've chosen phantasy star. It'll be nice to hear some music thats not as commonly remixed as other soundtracks. Oh yeah, a movie script for the characters sounds cool too.Sounds like it'll be another great quallity project.Fo sho. -
PS4 orchestral project discussion (on hold for awhile)
Z replied to Claado Shou's topic in ReMix Requests
I agree. There are way too many chrono chross remixes as is( and chrono trigger is practically a hybrid of that same music)Its time for some new music.Please do ps4 -
PS4 orchestral project discussion (on hold for awhile)
Z replied to Claado Shou's topic in ReMix Requests
Like many people who have responded,I too am more familiar with the music of chrono cross than ps4 and think that a project inspired by this would be more succesfull even though I've actually played neather game. However,because the chrono series has gotten soo much attention already and remixers seem to be too inclined to remix games of the same series all too often(I mean seriously how many kirby remix projects can you make?...How about 4. DOOM 2 anyone? Betcha there'll be another street fighter remix soon.) I think it would be more interresting to break away from this trend. For that reason I say do Phantasy Star and introduce us to the music potential of something new and exiting if not a little challenging. Also were as people could already imagine a chrono movie,they could not imagine a ps4 movie.This would be a great opportunity,in that case,to imagine something almost completelly new.So yaeh,I vote for phantasy star. Also why does it have to be phantasy star 4 only? Why not a combination of Phantasy Star games? -
Well you gotta hand it to those project leaders who suddenlly snap.At least they can be quite amusing when they do. But look at it this way,if your project is succesful,you can eaventually do a cressendo to chaos 2 which would include other boss arrangements that you missed like, say streets of rage All projects experience a slow-mo state at some point, but I'm fairly confident yours will pick back up in time just keep-on truckin bro. Anywho goodluck.
just wanted to support your project kyle.Never played this game before,but sounds enterresting and one that could be a big hit once released.
just wishing you luck on your project rpggamer.Looks like it is already taking off.Out of curiosity though,will any of the songs be orchestrated?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Also,kanjikas little pster or link..howevwer you call it,looks pretty nifty.Is it sort of a prequell to the actuall s&k project site desighn? And, as I am A curios newbee to this oc site,who's looking forward to what songs.For example,my all time favorite song is lava reef, but I also look forward to the launch base theme( which I feel sounds a lot like mikel jacksons stranger in moscow song) the ending credits theme,and sandopolis. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
my computer keeps acting funny so I hope it didint send my replys multiple times again like before.If it did thats the reson why.Oh and keep up the good work guys were all excited about this project of yours,and hope it comes out soon(within the year with any luck) -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
You guys mentioned that you sometimes do some of your instruments live.Does this mean you all have access to a studio of some sort. Oh Hadyn. I know you're keeping the contents of your site for s&k under wraps, but if the project takes another year or so would you ever release anything like an s&k coming soon site?I think chrono symphonic did even before its music was released.Also is it safe to say whether or not the site for s&k is done other than the actuall music? -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Don't say that Kanjika.Besides I'm here speeking to some of the best remixers around.Like you,Xennon,Rexy,Red Tailed Fox,and even Hayden. I almost don't even care about the album now!...Almost. By the way.Rexy and Hayden. You guys became managers over the project like snapple and kfc right.Does this mean you guys also had the pleasure of hereing all the tracks as well just like they do...I gotta know. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
I didint know it would do that. I'm soo sorry. ooooh my gosh. anyway I wont send replys here again. I promise. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Thanks Hayden, rexy, xennon and red tailed for your kind replys. I am new here,but you guys were really nice.I'll look forword to your album( If hayden sais it'll be good it must be).And again thanks.Bye -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Generally speaking, mixers chose to mix stuff because they have their own idea of what to do with it - because they want to be creative in their own way. If you really want to request something specific, or anything in general, really, I think the requests forum would be a better place for you. As far as this specific project goes, it's a little late to really change anything with the tracklist, which was chosen for good reasons (it's all in this forum somewhere), so yeah. I know you're just trying to give advice, but the mixers and project directors are all reasonably competent and all the choices we make are generally for the best. Rest assured, the finished thing will be awesome. ~Hadyn Ok, Hayden and Hi to you as well.I appreciate you guys kind replys to my questions.I'm new here to the oc and this enternet chat stuff but you guys have made it easy for me to talk to you. Thanks. Well, if mr.Hayden sais the s&k album will be awsome,I'll take his word for it.Bye Rexy,bye hayden bye Xennon,bye red tailed(and I hope you do considder that lava reef orchestra thing I would look forward to it).And again thanks. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Ok Hayden,and hi to you as well. I appreciate you guys kind replys to my questions. I'm new here and don't quite know how this oc stuff works or this enternet chat stuff for that matter. I will look forward to you guys soundtrack.If Hayden sais it will be awsome I'll take his word for it.Bye Rexy,bye Xennon,and red tailed(I hope you do really consider that lava reef orchestra thing I'd look forward to it).And again thanks for your kind replys -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Ok Hayden,and hi to you as well. I appreciate you guys kind replys to my questions. I'm new here and don't quite know how this oc stuff works or this enternet chat stuff for that matter. I will look forward to you guys soundtrack.If Hayden sais it will be awsome I'll take his word for it.Bye Rexy,bye Xennon,and red tailed(I hope you do really consider that lava reef orchestra thing I'd look forward to it).And again thanks for your kind replys -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Ok Hayden,and hi to you as well. I appreciate you guys kind replys to my questions. I'm new here and don't quite know how this oc stuff works or this enternet chat stuff for that matter. I will look forward to you guys soundtrack.If Hayden sais it will be awsome I'll take his word for it.Bye Rexy,bye Xennon,and red tailed(I hope you do really consider that lava reef orchestra thing I'd look forward to it).And again thanks for your kind replys -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
I wanted sax on the album period. We've got piano and guitars all over the place; why not some other instruments to share the fun on one of the best soundtracks of video game music? Well, as of right now, they have a Lava Reef bonus track with me on sax. But the playing is very out of tune (it got the reject at the judges' panel), so I had to re-work it for a submission that sadly does not have me playing sax (if you read the judges' comments, they didn't like the mixture of synthenic instruments and real ones). But Snapple still has the one with me playing sax, and he's never responded to my PMs about whether or not he wants the new one. So he still has that one. However, my re-sub to the judges is in the next batch of mixes, so hopefully it'll pass there. And hopefully someday I'll re-do the mix so that most of the instruments are actually live And I'm sure RTF would love a collab doing jazz orchestra...I'll have to chat with him on that one... Have you tryed mirrorring the styles of well knonw artists such as Herb Albert,Gerald Albright,Peter White,Brian Culbertson, Grover Washington etc. Mirror the best musicions,and work with the best remixers,and you eventually become one of the best. And one more suggestion, aim for making a long radio-style arrangement not just a remix. I just don't like good songs that just cut off at around 3 min. thats all. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
OK. So I get the idea that I'm too late for posting ideas for the project, but is it still ok to post ideas for future remixes and ask question about some of your project work? If it is I'd like to ask you something. Why was there not a remix of the s&k gamble special stage area? I think it would have sounded great as a sort of parade-ish arrangement.Perhaps some cheering in the background a tuba solo to start things off followed into some trumpets,a sax solo into a drum solo, voices cheering, that sort of thing. But it looks as though the song wont be in the album at all.Was there a reson? -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
wow you guys reply fast. Hi rexy. You did the angel island remix right..er arrangement right? Will the angel island arrangement and the lava reef arrangement be piano solos. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
By the way, as for the 1st paragraph of my message, i was referring to the sonic and knuckles act1 boss theme. It does'nt have to be a short song if you apply the right variations and a lead instrumant or three to it. Anyway, I havent heard your take on the song, but if this site is for the fans to make suggestions to the album a lead instrument such as guitars, sax, and some orchestrated voices into a fast then calm then fast melody would be my advice to the song. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Z replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Hellow sonic 3 remixers/arrangers.I've read through a lot of your pages of music and stuf, and it got me thinking of what I as a fan of sonic music would want to hear. So I'me hoping you wont mind me giving you a few thouts on how to approach a few songs. Firstly, while remixing the flying battery theme did you closely listen to the s&k version of the song? If you did you would notice that every single note of music played in this song is also replayed in the background.The replayed notes are faster than the the song thats easilly displayed up frnot,but its part is delayed to the point that it never catches upto the foregoung music. This is what distingueshes flying battery's music from all other sonic songs.PERIOD. And I think it would be awsome if it was a product of project chaos. Nextly, with regards to the s&k remix, you could extend the ling of the song by adding different core instrumanst to each replayed aspect of the song i.e make a guitar the laed up first, then when replaying the same notes extend the play of the song adding a sax i.e xennon odysy, adding an orchestral -children voices in the backgrond for flare. I really like children voices in songs in an orchestrated style and I've not heard this done in a remix yet. Next,I think the sonic 3 1st boss song should be done in a rap/R&B style and if you pay attention to the notes, Knuckles theme is in there.The problem is that the song has no course to it(which is what I call the best part of a song that is replayed) However it should be done in a radio style or theatrical fashion so as not to include names of the characters i.e knuckles or sonic but should be done in a way that brings people unfamiliar to the series to sing its lyrics.It should be a song of courage,fear,love,and hate.For effect I think the rap aspect of the song should be done by a male artist and the course should be done by a female and in a sort of street fashion. I had a course in mind for the female vocalist, but no idea for the words to the rapper. It may sound wierd on paper but you might be able to use it. Here it is: I knooow that you can see iiiit. The darrrkness thaaaat has -come. But when the darkness comes then the time to run is done.....We knooow.. that you- can feellit,the fear insiiide is strong. but if you try- and- run than the darrkness coooomes aloong.Weee know thatchu- can- make iiit!-Just be strong. The strong will survive the wiiicked you-can-do-no-wroong.(followed by the male rapper who says) come-on huh!And the rapping segment would continue.You might also add some sirens into the rapping give it a sort of streets of rage movie feel. I also imagined sort of a blues sax play in the course background and, again some children voices to really bring out the mellody of the song. I invisiond three variations of the course, the final variation would include the rapper as well as the sax and children orchestra,and the final words after the lady singer would be come-on huh! and a shotgun or something would sound to end the song. Sure the course may deviate from the original and this may be a very long message but I heard some of the music clips in this album and I think it has radio quality to some of the tunes. Lastly, as for lava reef.I see it has a done marking on it but maybe it's not too late for xennon odysee(I think he wonted a sax in the lava reef melody)I love sax in music and i think it gives songs a bit more reallism. Maybe you should hook up with kanjika and red tailed fox to make an arrangement that has a jazz orchetra feel that could hopefully last 4 minutes or so- I like 4 minute songs because they enable the listener to get the full effect of the music enstead of having it end just when you start to feel it.Maybe start the melody of lava reef with a jazz guitar then a sax a soft melody of orchestra imbetween and a third-final course including both instruments into a piano and/or sax solo ending. Also you may consider starting the song slow at its beggining with only a few instruments and develope the lava reef opening smoothly-as in a smooth jazz- orchestra i.e bryan culbertson and kanjika style. Any way-and i know this is a lot to write for a project that maybe nearly complete,but as a fan of music,sonic smooth jazz and orchestras I felt the need to offer some advice and see what you musicions think