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Posts posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Well, you have a pretty cluttered soundscape at the end of the preview. I'd work on balancing that part out a little more emphasizing what you want. Can't tell about any panning issues since I'm listening on a recovering laptop, but check to make sure that the pan values aren't the reason for the cluttered sound.

    You need a bit more interpretation of the main melody (which I'm sure is coming), but this is a solid start.

  2. You did win the Paper Mario round.

    What if you collab'd with the world? What program(s) do you use?

    We need to figure out a way to attract more people. Everyone, brainstorm. I need some lemonade and a lawn chair.

    EDIT: What if we put topics on vgmix or something?

    I use Garageband mostly, with the assistance of Anvil Studios occasionally.

    It's not a popular setup, but it's completely free.

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